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Everything posted by MARCELL DAREUS POWER

  1. except that i didnt. i said bush was only responsible for roughly 2.5 and obama 1... i said counterfeit money is not real, which is what the fed does. along with the fractional reserve system... wow... here is the question- 1- was it reasonable, regardless of his responsibility in spending, to leave with that much debt? 2- what was the context of the spending? also, the president is not solely responsible. especially for debt accumulated under a different president. but he or she is responsible for eventually lowering the debt, at least in the future or even present. this is why i said context. i personally would find it hard to blame obama for not reducing debt yet in a depression. no consumer spending, plus no corporate spending, plus no govt spending equals a disaster. and like i said, bowles simpson not passing is the fault of both parties. ... even if bush is not responsible for all 10 trill, its still immoral to leave with that much debt considering the context. you can argue away at obama with bowles simpson. hes partly to blame. but you cant stop spending dramatically in a depression. and just like bush cant stop structural debt from clinton, obama cant stop structural debt from bush. YOU NEED THIS THING CALLED CONGRESS....
  2. i stand corrected. but the fact remains, bush left with 10 tril, obama in his first term is left with roughly 5 tril... ( what they are actually responsible for spending wise, obama is 1 tril, i think the bush/cheney wars, tax cuts, and drug program all added half that amount, ie out of the additional 5 tril during the 8 years of the bush administration, i think its reasonable to say he created 2.5.) never reducing debt is another problem. its open for debate... leaving with a 10 tillion dollar debt, regardless of whether you are responsible seems problematic. there is also a question of if the spending or not solving the debt during that specific time was wise and justified? some might say the extra 1 trillion from obama and not cutting spending right now is justified but solving debt long term is. im open to that. i personally think bowles simpson was a good start. both parties failed in getting something done...
  3. This is an enlightened post. mainstream media is basically the same thing as soap operas ...
  4. we literally dont have real media anymore. and im not talking about opinion news. these people distort reality... from fox to nbc. its a joke. its kabuki theater! god i miss russert!
  5. i never said that. i said bush left with 10 trillion... just like bush is not entirely responsible for the 10 trillion, neither is obama for his 5 trillion. in reality, obama has only spent 1 trill according to the article. it's specifically laid out. what you can argue is who spent more, and was the spending justified? given the context where consumer spending, private sector lending was in a free fall, i see no other choice than for the govt to spend temporarily to calm the storm when obama took office... one can argue how much, but lending and spending cannot just stop in a depression... we all know where this stands. dems have offered 3-1 in spending cuts to tax hikes. repubs have said 10-1 is not acceptable. it is what it is. all i can say is obama is nowhere near this big spender people make him out to be. the facts do not reflect that.
  6. http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/adding-to-the-deficit-bush-vs-obama/2012/01/31/gIQAQ0kFgQ_graphic.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFAqdBChP9A when bush left, he doubled the debt. he left with 10 trillion in debt. obama according to this article has only added 1 trillion.... and that was when the private sector was not providing credit. so somebody had to spend to calm the storm... :wallbash: cant deal with reality? its actually a fact. unreal... the delusion people are under...
  7. the restraints should be individual rights against the state. ie negative rights. this is why we have a constitutional democracy... i agree with what you said though... no. the people voted.
  8. out of the 15 tril, 10 is from bush. out of the other 5 under obama, half was from the recession... out of the 2.5, the bush tax cuts, medicare, medicaid, ss, and other structural deficits all written into law before obama. in reality, you can only say obama is responsible for 2.5 at most. which is still bad. you create a huge debt, then you blame the other party and go after ss and medicare.
  9. we need to get rid of the 60 rule in the senate. senate should also be every 4 years, not six...
  10. this dline has the potential to be the next big thing! like 85 bears dline...
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AkxmS6lJC0
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AkxmS6lJC0'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AkxmS6lJC0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AkxmS6lJC0
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-Bao4VUQmI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHZb_qAx9WE
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