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Everything posted by MARCELL DAREUS POWER

  1. A report described in The Washington Post on May 4, 2005, prepared at the request of Tillman's family by Brigadier General Gary M. Jones revealed that in the days immediately following Tillman's death, Army investigators were aware that Tillman had been killed by friendly fire, shot three times in the head.[12] Jones reported that senior Army commanders, including General John Abizaid, knew of this fact within days of the shooting but nevertheless approved the awarding of the Silver Star, Purple Heart, and a posthumous promotion to the rank of Corporal.[13] Lieutenant General Stanley McChrystal approved the Silver Star citation on April 28, 2004, which gave a detailed account of Tillman's death including the phrase "in the line of devastating enemy fire," but the next day he sent a P4 confidential memo warning senior government members that Tillman might actually have been killed by friendly fire.[14] Top commanders within the US Central Command, including former Commander of the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) General John Abizaid, should have been notified by the P4 memo,[15] which described Tillman's "highly possible" fratricide, four days before Tillman's nationally televised memorial service during which he was lauded as a war hero for dying while engaging the enemy.[16][17] Jones reported that members of Tillman's unit burned his body armor and uniform in an apparent attempt to hide the fact that he was killed by friendly fire.[18] His notebook, in which – according to author Jon Krakauer – Tillman had recorded some of his thoughts on Afghanistan, was also burned; "a blatant violation of protocol".[19] Several soldiers were subsequently punished for their actions by being removed from the United States Army Rangers. Jones believed that Tillman should retain his medals and promotion, since, according to Jones, he intended to engage the enemy and behaved heroically.[18] Tillman's family was not informed of the finding that he was killed by friendly fire until weeks after his memorial service, although at least some senior Army officers knew of that fact prior to the service.[18] According to Krakauer in his book Where Men Win Glory, the extensive cover-up that followed his death included the military's order to Tillman's comrades to lie to his family at the funeral.[19] Tillman's parents have sharply criticized the Army's handling of the incident; Tillman's father charges that the Army "purposely interfered in the investigation" because of the effect it could have on their recruiting efforts, while Tillman's mother charges that "this lie was to cover their image."[20] After it happened, all the people in positions of authority went out of their way to script this. They purposely interfered with the investigation; they covered it up. I think they thought they could control it, and they realized that their recruiting efforts were going to go to hell in a handbasket if the truth about his death got out. They blew up their poster boy.[20] He also blamed high-ranking Army officers for presenting "outright lies" to the family and to the public.[21] On March 4, 2006, the US Defense Department Inspector General directed the Army to open a criminal investigation of Tillman's death. The Army's Criminal Investigative Division will determine if Tillman's death was the result of negligent homicide.[22] On March 26, 2007, the Pentagon released their report on the events surrounding Tillman's death and coverup. The report reads in part: ...we emphasize that all investigators established the basic facts of CPL Tillman's death – that it was caused by friendly fire, that the occupants of one vehicle in CPL Tillman's platoon were responsible, and that circumstances on the ground caused those occupants to misidentify friendly forces as hostile. None of the investigations suggested that CPL Tillman's death was anything other than accidental. Our review, as well as the investigation recently completed by Army CID, obtained no evidence contrary to those key findings.[23] On April 24, 2007, Iraq veteran Jessica Lynch, who had been captured by the Iraqis after a fire fight, gave testimony before the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform that the Pentagon had erroneously portrayed her as a "Rambo from the hills of West Virginia," when in fact, she never fired a shot after her truck was ambushed.[24] Tillman's brother Kevin Tillman testified at the same hearing that: "The deception surrounding this [Tillman] case was an insult to the family: but more importantly, its primary purpose was to deceive a whole nation. We say these things with disappointment and sadness for our country. Once again, we have been used as props in a Pentagon public relations exercise."[25] After Kevin's testimony Pete Geren, acting secretary of the Army stated to reporters, "We as an Army failed in our duty to the Tillman family, the duty we owe to all the families of our fallen soldiers: Give them the truth, the best we know it, as fast as we can."[25] Tillman's diary was never returned to his family, and its whereabouts are not publicly known.[26] One investigation of the autopsy report and photographs by two forensic pathologists in November 2006, concluded that Tillman was most likely killed as a result of fire from a M249 light machine gun. The M249 uses the same ammunition as the M16 rifle and M4 carbine but is capable of greater accuracy during higher rates of fire. This would allow a competent user to place three bullets within a several-inch target from forty or fifty yards away more easily, even from a moving vehicle.[3] On July 26, 2007, Chris Matthews reported on Hardball that Tillman's death may have been a case of deliberate murder by Tillman's fellow soldiers – specifically that the bullet holes were tight and neat, suggesting a shot at close range. Matthews based his speculation on a report from the doctors who examined Tillman's body. The following day the Associated Press reported that a doctor who examined Tillman's body after his death wrote, "The medical evidence did not match up with the scenario as described,"[27] also noting that the wound entrances appeared as though he had been shot with an M16 rifle from fewer than 10 yards (9 m) away. A possible motive was not identified. When officers and soldiers were asked during a criminal investigation, they said they were certain the shooting was accidental. According to one of his fellow soldiers, Tillman "was popular among his fellow soldiers and had no enemies."[27][28] wiki- In addition, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by the Associated Press, the Defense Department released 2,300 pages of documents which were reported to indicate:[27] There has never been evidence of enemy fire found on the scene, and no members of Tillman's group had been hit by enemy fire. The three-star general, who withheld details of Tillman's death from his parents for a number of months, told investigators approximately 70 times that he had a bad memory and couldn't recall details of his actions. Army attorneys sent each other congratulatory e-mails for keeping criminal investigators at bay as the Army conducted an internal friendly-fire investigation that resulted in administrative, or non-criminal, punishments. Army doctors told the investigators that Tillman's wounds suggested murder because "the medical evidence did not match-up with the scenario as described."[29] There were special forces snipers in the group immediately behind Tillman's platoon.[29] Despite his fame, Tillman did not want to be used for propaganda purposes. He spoke to friends about his opposition to President Bush and the Iraq war, and he had made an appointment with notable government critic Noam Chomsky after his return from the military. The destruction of evidence linked to Tillman's death, including his personal journal, led his mother to speculate that he was murdered.[30] General Wesley Clark agreed that it was "very possible".[31][32]
  2. 3rd should be banned, at least for a few weeks. who lies about a dead soldier to score pts in ppp.... sick

  3. 3rd should be banned, at least for a few weeks. who lies about a dead soldier to score pts in ppp.... sick

  4. by people paying for health care instead of free loading?
  5. its only a tax if you say you dont need healthcare insurance, when obviously you do. its a fact. personal responsibility, stop being a free loader...
  6. free markets and personal responsibility. stop the black free loaders! obama does it, now repubs are against it....
  7. seriously? sometimes i think you guys dont even understand your own ideas... why does the right on this board support a free loading system?
  8. why does the right on this board support a free loading system?
  9. why does the right wing support a free loading system?
  10. 2) Don't hurt yourself patting yourself on the back for all your soldiering. Might not be as limber as you think from all that desk work, Coastie. youre so !@#$ing stupid, you dont even know your own ideology... wow, just wow... the fact that you dont know what sks do in the coast guard is one thing, but 2, the fact that people here would lie about tillmans record to score political pts on ppp is appalling... seriously man, insult me all you want. just dont insult pat tillman or any soldier who dies for this country. sick !@#$... ooh, a typing error... like i said, stop insulting dead soldiers because you are to much of a kitty. again, get a life. what a loser...
  11. but i thought the new tax penalty cannot be enforced? no?
  12. seriously man, you seem angry? have you researched harris? why dont you address his argument instead of ad hominem attacks... is it really that hard?
  13. seriously man, if you pulled this **** in person, your face would be broked in about 10 pieces... you need serious help... get a life man...
  14. no he insulted a dead soldier by lying about his politics to score pts here... you lied about a dead soldier to score pts on this board... really man. not cool bro...
  15. its called lobbying by big business to make huge profits. :wallbash: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=For%20all%20intensive%20purposes
  16. seriously man, this justifies a borderline ban for a few weeks. who insults a dead soldier(pat)? really? this is beyond politics. the quote i used talked about iraq, not afghanistan. it also pointed out a possible murder.... who lies about a dead soldiers politics to score pts on ppp? i just reported you to admin. you should seriously be ashamed...
  17. i was an ast before i hurt my shoulder. your insecurity is beyond the pale. not only do you right wingers insult a dead soldier, you distort literal, actual facts. this post is pretty sick...
  18. wiki- In addition, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by the Associated Press, the Defense Department released 2,300 pages of documents which were reported to indicate:[27] There has never been evidence of enemy fire found on the scene, and no members of Tillman's group had been hit by enemy fire. The three-star general, who withheld details of Tillman's death from his parents for a number of months, told investigators approximately 70 times that he had a bad memory and couldn't recall details of his actions. Army attorneys sent each other congratulatory e-mails for keeping criminal investigators at bay as the Army conducted an internal friendly-fire investigation that resulted in administrative, or non-criminal, punishments. Army doctors told the investigators that Tillman's wounds suggested murder because "the medical evidence did not match-up with the scenario as described."[29] There were special forces snipers in the group immediately behind Tillman's platoon.[29] you right wingers on this board are so detached from reality, so beyond the pale, that you would lie about a fallen soldiers political views. as a former military member, i say, !@#$ YOU! You guys are really sick...
  19. do you even know what that phrase means... im not so sure you should answer that... intensive purposes.......................I'm still chuckling at that nonsense.
  20. yeah, one is worked for , the other is stolen... Yeah, it wasn't a compliment. I suspect you were being sarcastic anyway. But, dumb as you are, I'm not betting on it.
  21. Revenue fails to cover expenses. Under those conditions a company can carry the loss forward up to 7 years and reduce their tax liability in another period. In your example, the individual took a "paycut". A paycut is not equivalent to negative earnings. Nor is a paycut equivalent to a capital loss. This is where you derailed your own argument by switching from capital loss to an example which only fits net income. You cemented the switch by using the term carry forward. A paycut in a business setting would be a reduction in net income, which would not result in a carry forward. As long as earnings are positive, all other things equal, a business pays tax. Thus my response. I'm not hiding the nature of anything. You're tossing out terms intermittently while switching back and forth between capital gains/loss and earnings. The words you use so haphazardly have meanings. Until you understand what these words mean then you're not fit to discuss this topic. What you think you're saying and what you're actually saying are entirely different, which would explain why less half of what you type on the matter of economics and finance makes any sense to me whatsoever. In this instance I understood your example and responded. Its clear that you didn't fully understand your latest example and what you were actually communicating. if your revenue fails to cover expenses for that fy, ie, the investments net less than zero, meaning you lost money, this creates a system where capitalists dont have to pay taxes because of poor market decisions. in fact, labor usually pays by getting fired , even though they created the original capital gains to begin with. you should pay taxes because you made a poor market decision and fired workers. you cant have it both ways, ie own capital, make a bad decision and then pay no taxes, whereas labor, has capital stolen, gets fired, and still pays taxes in relation to that capital, either through a pay cut or getting fired and having to find a new job to pay taxes on.... in fact even if a business is still around, the capital owner can claim losses, pay no taxes, but his workers who actually created the past capital, still pay taxes.
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