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Everything posted by MARCELL DAREUS POWER

  1. probably jasper man... plus if levitre can play ot in an emergency, you might not need sanders or young. i would still put sanders on the ps... plus asper can go to the ps too levitre/rinehart/urbik are all fas
  2. im very sorry. please stay strong
  3. With the horrendous play of young and sanders today, they might keep jasper and put sanders on the ps...
  4. i wonder if chris white can beat out kirk? and just let tank start or nigel
  5. hes only 2nd team unitl wood gets back... but they should keep him on the practice squad. i think him, young, and sanders are going to fight for that final 4th spot on the backup oline
  6. tebow is there for the wildcat... the media has hyped this beyond what is actual reality. sanchez will not lose his job to that suck ass qb
  7. shes got the looks that kill....!!
  8. i even get social anxiety around friends...
  9. honestly man, they are both hot. im not a bad looking guy, many times girls come up to me. its when i get all nervous that they run...
  10. one is a 7.5, the other is a 9 the one 9 sent me a friend request and now messaged me twice. i messaged back and said this my number. she said she would call and she was supernervous about the test... blah blah... she would be cool to bang, but i like the girl i went out with on friday. w/e... i literally have no !@#$ing clue why this chick is hitting so hard... random as !@#$ this never happens, ever
  11. so, randomly.... 2 hot girls asked if i wanted to have drinks with them this weekend and study. i said w/e... just email me. they both did... so any new advice? one of the girls said she would pick the place, i didnt even respond to the email... so yeah, do i keep acting like i dont give a ****?
  12. its so weird. every girl i dont like, likes me... and every girl i like, never likes me... usually...
  13. exactly. i told her in the email, im a grown man and i can take a hint. i said its ok to be honest, you dont have to surgar coat things with me i basically said its ok to say youre not interested. happens all the time i then said from an inside joke that for her proposal she should say global warming is really a conspiracy to bring about leninism... ( one of her friends literally thought that) my horrible attempt at humor.
  14. she emailed back, said she cant date right now because shes defending her proposal for her phd and going to africa, etc... so im pretty sure shes not interested and just being nice oh well, time to move on...
  15. my friend actually said the opposite... but he also said dont hold your breath
  16. Yeah, so i sent her a message saying i was nervous on the 1st date because she was so hot and i understand if she doesnt want to talk, " i can take a hint". i said maybe if you give me a 2nd chance i wont be so self conscious. oh well, 3 strikes and youre out if she doesnt call or respond... sucks because i thought this might be a good fit
  17. Bro, she called me back to set up the date... lol i might call in a few weeks, one more time, but thats it. im trying to move on man. nobody likes rejection...
  18. well, it was only a about 4-5 messages in 6 months...
  19. but i already called sunday... wouldnt you call a guy back if you liked him?
  20. her family is super moderate. plus shes a christian... im pretty sure she would call back. lol
  21. w/e.. i want the grad student with the big rack... maybe if i tell her capital is not productive i will get laid!
  22. ok, well i knew this girl back in hs... fastforward 8 years and we started talking on facebook for the past 6 months. i liked her and asked her out. she agreed. we had a date at this bar, she ordered a root beer float, and we talked for about 3 hours. i called sunday and no call back... sent a message after the date friday and said had a good time, hit me up when you are done with research overseas... she will be gone for a couple weeks called sunday to see if she wanted to workout, no call back so far... so yeah, thats pretty much it. oh yeah, she was super shy in hs, and is not a super hot chick, but i think she is pretty. kind of a nerd/hipster/vegetarian gentle person... blah blah.. so yeah, i think its time to move on. it is what it is...
  23. w/e, its over so i am moving on. i asked my teaching assistant out. i had a class with her a year ago or so. nice rack... dont have her number, but i sent her a message on facebook. we are acquaintances this is actually a good idea. because i can learn from every mistake everyone here has made and then just go on a million dates without ever going on one. then i can bang even more! plus im working out! you guys should be pulling for me! buffalo bills fans are on the line!
  24. yeah, i went out with her friday and called sunday....

    why should i wait till wed?

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