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Everything posted by MARCELL DAREUS POWER

  1. can i simply provide the link? i will comply, but if its cited and a public website, whats the problem?
  2. but stevie is not a number 1, because hes not randy moss and doesnt run a 4.3
  3. here james, papa noam explains it better than me...
  4. giving permission is not a productive act, its hierarchy... when letting someone borrow your capital, the reason it is productive is because of labor creating " use value" ( this is where profits come from)... its the same concept if the person on his own, took his own raw materials and added use value, ( surely he wouldnt pay the land or sky god or raw materials) otherwise the raw materials or capital just sits there. that person would keep the value from his labor. raw materials sold would be worth raw materials.... this is why anarchists oppose private capital, because it creates systems of interest, rent, exploitation and stratification in the system. this does not mean labor is not subject to market value, some people would make more than others, through co-ops in competition. community banks elected democratically would give free credit through taxes. ( obviously banking reps would be subject to market discipline and regs on what would be a quality investment)... removing interest would remove massive debt from the economy... providing capital and then gaining interest is simply making someone else do your work( ie an extension and them claiming a piece of that work without doing anything) you deserve the reward of selling raw materials, not other labor... this surplus value creates the new capital and capital accumulation and class struggle... Economics at heart has little or nothing to do with human nature or philosophy. If that's what you're basing a system of monetary circulation around, you're doing it wrong. dude, that was 1 section out of about 50 topics on economics. it was a few pages out of about 100... i also cited the page, which is public and didnt claim it was my own. literally the complete opposite of plagarism lol seriously man, if you dont have an argument and want to shut people down, then obviously u dont want to engage in the exchange of ideas...
  5. than offer public works for full employment... that way there is no more free handout...
  6. " thats a chicken call" " oh hes an idiot the guy" lmao
  7. if you watch the first ne game, he bull rushed waters twice, and i mean he destroyed him... its technique with him
  8. long, it takes 5-10 minutes to read.... it goes into 5 different arguments. economics is not something you can trim down, its very complicated and involves a long disscussion on human nature and philosophy...
  9. see race to the bottom in economics, capital flight, nafta, white flight, etc...
  10. come on man, this is why ppp blows... u literally just attacked me because i used the word cogent? really man ?
  11. im predicting a big year for him!
  12. which isnt socialism...lol its the equivalent of saying capitalism works until consumers run out of money.... well no ****? whether production is collectively owned or not, if people dont but their ****, they wont get a paycheck lol
  13. no, im saying intervention from social agreement will happen no matter what, its what action is taken, not simply action...
  14. and this is why we cant have a real conversation about economics... yes, melissa was being emotional and quite frankly flipping out, but the moment someone offers a few pages on an alternate view explaining why something is flaud, people make vapid comments... ugh actually make an intellecutal argument... there are 5 that this website is making that i find cogent
  15. man, love the clifton geathers pick up... 6-7 320
  16. No, im saying its impossible to have any economic social agreement without a govt in place. in a democratic one, those agreements and beliefs of a certain ideology can change. the courts created capitalism , not the market in game theory the prioners dilemma reveals this... the idea of contracts that are not accountable
  17. its not a word game, corporations in a capitalist system need govt intervention and protection of private property to exist... they defend the expoitation of surplus value and the now legalized bribery which creates more crony capitalism
  18. It's worth being aware of the fringe elements to keep them in check, but it's silly to pretend they're the mainstream or even close. wasnt talking about " the white man" rather feminism... so u didnt respond... saying the tenets of feminism are equal to the redneck who says this bs is well, oh nm... Now you're denying the war on women? You're unbelievable. It's real, I know. My wife and daughter have fortified the den and bathroom and I can't even get behind enemy lines. i grew up down south... slidell, la, mobile, al, ft pierce, fl, hampton rds Va... also many other places with plenty of personal experience. generally speaking, the place if full of racist/ misogynist !@#$s...
  19. so paul ryan didnt tell one lie in that speech?
  20. do you support lobbying? unlimited funds from corp? or anyone for that matter? is this not bribery, " money as speech" the state would intervene regardless, to protect the nature of lobbying or to remove it. govt is not the problem simpliciter, its the specific ideas put into power or action, are they justified? free enterprise in a corporate framework came about through courts, ie intervention.... this is why i dont understand when people think free markets are not connected to govt intervention to a large degree. its how that specific idea of private property came about, ( ignoring surplus value)
  21. with their spouses/significant others. As far as the church thing goes, I wouldn't know. I don't go? really? u ever been down south? because its been federally mandated to not discriminate...lol
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