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Everything posted by MikeInRoch

  1. At least that is what ESPN is reporting...
  2. I'm hoping that he's still NOT 100%. Imagine if he has yet another gear after what we've been seeing?
  3. I'm very disappointed with you guys. Our 4th Wide Receiver, of course, Moorman! He can do everything!
  4. Deep down, I'm sure Moore is happy that Bush won. It will give him something to rail against for the next four years, and keep him in the spotlight.
  5. Those Miami newspapers are BRUTAL to their team. Not that they don't deserve it.
  6. That ammendment has absolutely ZERO chance of being ratified. It is extremely hard to ammend the Constitution.
  7. I will say this, however... If you have shunned your responsibility to become an informed voter, then you should not be voting just for the sake of voting.
  8. Does this mean that maybe TD isn't as bad as some people make him out to be?
  9. Maybe this means that one or the other of them is going to play QB...
  10. "I've never heard of half of these guys and the ones I do know are way past their prime." "Most of these guys never had a prime." "This guy here is dead." "Cross him off then."
  11. On SportsCenter, the line they used was "The use of unnecessary force to apprehend Lonnie Johnson has been approved."
  12. If he does, I bet we have several people diving off the upper deck.
  13. According to yahoo sports: http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=miam...ov=st&type=lgns
  14. Maybe it means we aren't as bad as we thought...
  15. Of course. It has to be. Couldn't be just bad luck.
  16. Where did you hear that? I haven't seen that anywhere.
  17. Oops. I hate when I forget to log in.
  18. If he's that important to Drew - why not cut him and make him a coach?
  19. Here's a clue: Players that you draft are not only good for the year you draft them. If Willis pans out, he would be a stud RB for MANY YEARS to come. The fact that he was unable to play last season is completely irrelevant.
  20. Don't forget - good looks are just a light switch away.
  21. It really makes me wonder if Gilbride's coaching was all just his way of getting revenge for us beating his team in the comeback game...
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