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  1. ...that so many people posting here know *SO* much more than TD does. Until you see this kid on the field, STFU.
  2. Unfortunately, his blame seems to be mis-directed. He should be mad at the players, not at the owners.
  3. You are "forced" to subsidize this because the government decided that you are. No one is *required* to have health care. If you do not have the skills/ambition required to get a job that would provide health care, why should the government have to bail you out?
  4. I saw the interview as well, and I'll be honest - that was about the only answer he gave that I really liked. He didn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed to me...
  5. I'm not arguing about what the law actually says - I'm arguing about what the law *should* be. The law should not obligate someone to take over responsibility for another.
  6. I am opposed to a vendor having a *legal* obligation to cut someone off, and being legally responsible for their actions if they do not. Purhaps that person has a ride home? In which case why should they not have the right to drink as much as they please?
  7. It is horrible that the law in New Jersey allowed this lawsuit. The attitude that anyone except an individual can be responsible for the actions of that individual is assinine. And just because you have voluntarily put yourself in a position to make bad decisions does not mean that anyone else is obligated to make a better decision for you. It's the great American way: A tragedy happened! Let's sue the guy with the biggest pockets!
  8. My favorite quote is from John Madden: "Nobody picks his hole like Emmit Smith."
  9. How does it take into account being the #1 receiver on a team (and therefore draing more double teams from the defense) vs. being the #2?
  10. If someone I loved was killed by a drunk driver, jail would be the safest place for them.
  11. You want to see what happens if they pull Bledsoe now? Exhibit A: New York Giants. How are they doing since they switched from Warner?
  12. And that it wouldn't be Miami.
  13. Your chances of winning are 28.5%. I won't say how to figure it out, so that no one's fun is spoiled.
  14. I might need therapy after having to root for Miami this week.
  15. The good news is that we only have to find *one* team that is that dumb...
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