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  1. I used to only to get to know some of the players in the draft. It was just for fun.
  2. Rip Former colleague was a teammate and the other safety of his at App. and remained friends after the motorcycle crash, addiction, and more. Said the guy was always dealing with demons. May he now find peace.
  3. I remember his press conference for coming to Buffalo. My mom's friend wrote his speech and had to work with him on how to go through it. She wrote a bunch for the Bills. She said he wasn't easy to work with and she had to really work with him on being genuine and caring/emphasis on words to show sincerity.
  4. They're not that bad, at all. It's actually a much slower movement than it looks. It's a modified gymnastics movement.
  5. Those are butterfly pullups and they're hard.
  6. the BMI is tricky for athletes, especially teenage athletes but the body isn't really meant to exceed 200# - the heart and structure doesn't know the difference between muscle and bone (very broad statement and in laymen terms). it has its place for health input. one of my favorites was Lance armstrong had a higher Resting HR than Bush.
  7. Swimming is ridiculous. And body shaming is awful. Their is being doughy and soft and there is simply being thick and big bones. Disirregardless, a lot of kids have an insanely high BMI that are not fit not active enough. I'm sorry he went through that. Gymnastics and swimming/diving body shaming are horrible. Oh, and I didn't have to fight to make weight or avoid foods etc. no one ever pressured me. Anything. It was on me. Only a few times did have a problem with weighing in that I had to go to extremes. Once I was allowed to skip a day of school by the teachers/staff to run in bags on the treadmill. But my diet would naturally change. My body is torn to shreds from 30 years of abuse. I'd not trade any of it despite being 43 with moderate to severe arthritis in both knees, arthritis in my hands, 2 ruptured discs, a few bulging thoracic discs, foot drop/weakness, and to be diagnosed via MRI hip issues. I still do everything I've always done. I'm dumb.
  8. Not my experience at all, whatsoever.
  9. I went 208-212 during football to 189 for wrestling to 180 for outdoor track. By the end of wrestling season id be sub 5% and couldn't put weight on. When I would stop running I'd lift and pack on 20 lbs. in 7-8 weeks. Maybe 15 of that lean mass.
  10. For 6 minutes you're on your own. For 6 minutes you can't rely on anyone else but yourself. For each 2 minute period you have to be able to balance every ounce of strength you have with every ounce of patience you have. You must learn to master both anticipation and chaos. You learn the value of 3 seconds or just one misstep. No sport teaches more than wrestling.
  11. Had me until bodybuilding. Thos cream puffs would pop with a needle ... Which is not literally true because so many of them do the needle. I get the discipline of bodybuilding but it's different than weightlifting, Olympics or power. In 6 months anyone who is in regular gym shape can get on a podium with diet and discipline following their routine. The body builders are also so generally unhealthy and the lowest of IQs of all gym rats. Even the bro lifters have more common sense. Body builders build until break their hand punching a wall drinking four loco and Red Bull listening to Disturbed while trying to figure out why women think they are friends with Dorothy. In power it is about performing the 5-6 standard power lifts: DL, BS, Bench, squat, lat pulldowns, shoulder to overhead (because let's be honest: few people actually do it right to call it shoulder press). That's powerliftings base. Few train hard enough at incline bench, fewer use a landmine, even fewer still are brave enough to front squat. Powerlifters lift until their back goes out because they never work their core. Oly lifters are meticulous weirdos who spend 2 hours a day to do 6 attempts at a ***** weight that they've improved 2kg on in last year. They have their lifters, their belts, their tripod, their online coach who watches their videos, member of some barbell club. Olympic lifters lift until they find yoga, men/women/family, pilates, and more. Oly is my favorite but worst lifting. I'm a bro lifter who should have went strongman but found CrossFit and hate it but also runs and more but too old to do anything literally a broken down body but trying to get into hyrox.
  12. The jerk? I was born a poor black child!
  13. Clean and jerk is an Olympic weight lift. Not a wrestling maneuver. 🤷🏼‍♂️
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