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Everything posted by boyst

  1. Butthurt Californians being butthurt is cute.
  2. Any opportunity to contribute here or refute claims against ya?
  3. This ***** doesn't matter. Why do we care?
  4. IRMP is like IMP but more cowbell I really miss peterman
  5. Everyone talking about the illuminati, Soros, and cabal... The Duke Bros. have been the heel of the economy for decades ever since they reared the market on FCOJ.
  6. A few seasons ago everyone hated on him until someoen did a study to see our average ypp with him on the field vs off. It was significant
  7. They get more than the tip
  8. No. They'd beat someone to death. They have weapons and they're just pathetic. They would kill someone for attacking one of them in a crowd like we saw with fat pink girl.
  9. I am an *****. You're a piece of ***** for this.
  10. A thought crossed my mind a few weeks ago. The same puppet masters pulling the strings who empowered Obama could very easily use him once again to start an onslaught of mayhem similar to 1968 and it would have two effects: end all of the corruption investigations and instantly begin a new, higher level of unrest. For Democrats they'd be more fueled by someone shooting Obama than they would Trump. Without Trump they have no figure for their hate.
  11. They line between the bbarriers with sand to stop weeds etc. Read a bunch in Twitter that it was a prison
  12. A Kickstarter would find her legal defense
  13. Reports are that's at a federal prison
  14. I'd Sue Chipotle, because it's a ***** food. And I'd sue the post for being *****.
  15. This reply proves your ignorance. You really should consider taking longer breathes. You might think more clearly. If you truly believe that insight cannot be provided from Finland in to a situation just because California is in the America's and that equates to snow removal processes in Mississippi ...*****, you're just stupid and I won't waste my time.
  16. Wanna get on my nerves? When talking to me say "I think I feel/I think I'm feeling...". ***** it, if you're thinking you're not feeling. And if you're feeling your thoughts you're a retard.
  17. I'm.for.civil war if it thins the herd out. Except the good guys will get nuked.
  18. Even that is a tough story to follow because gosh, if that girl just ran with a different crowd ... Maybe she didn't know better or have a choice. A young girl like that, easily influenced; there isn't much that can be said. I can think of 10 other sadder things this week I've dealt with than a story like this scumbag. When I think about how precious life is and when I read about someone saying hown unfortunate it was that Hardy killed himself, or the bad luck of this girl (she picked the wrong crowd)... I think of a story like this: https://www.google.com/amp/s/myfox8.com/2013/07/16/girl-11-fatally-electrocuted-at-brookside-swim-club/amp/ The inner beast in us all is one that we do not like to unleash.
  19. Mismanagement and over population.
  20. Npc_gator->playGlobalThermoNuclearRoar
  21. But, but, that money gets spent to save people and protect people to our doctors and nurses. It's not like the money disappears. It let's the medical professionals make a living! What's funny is you post *****, you can make a functional sentence, and even more you can espouse on your links...BUUUUUUTTTTT....you have no clue how all this works
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