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Everything posted by boyst

  1. I gotta get back to work but on the part of going to the hotel: they sign waivers of all sorts the girls call "rapey waivers." That basically make anything they do their fault to begin with and allow the host to remove them at any time with force if desired. They'll have phones and all things taken, too. Um. Again. You don't need an attorney. They work on different practices at this rate. They will do a no down payment type and get around 30% to 70% of the winnings if you win and some will even say no cost if you lose. So, she could literally spend no money and have him arrested on charges and sue civilly without any expense Lrn2law
  2. You'd think they could and maybe should but they don't have to and there were other factors that came in to this: likely the woman not wanting to press charges, for example. Still, the prosecutor could have issued a summons/affidavit for arrsst without the police support ...why? It's not ugly. You're just not making any lick of sense. The woman doesn't need an attorney to press criminal charges.
  3. Splitting a lot of hairs with the first part and I agree with what you say. Seocnd part we are on the same page. I just see it unpossible for the NFL to administer such a system with the current state of the NFL. These guys are preyed upon by anyone and everyone looking to better their life. The image of the NFL is piss poor for good reason. It's mismanagement and until they can figure out a way to establish a basis to punish these situations they will be lost.
  4. Why would she need to sue for damages? To what? If she needs to sue for damages but not criminal allegations?!? ??? And in her status she could get a pro Bono attorney cheap because the likely windfall and his likelihood to settle out of court is easily 6 figures.
  5. That's cute but there is no factual basis for this that couldn't be swayed ridiculously. First 3 paragraphs: I've seen similar. I've seen someone terminated for driving incorrectly on the way to work. Saw another fired on the clock for using the women's restroom when the men's was full and no Hazzard of having a woman present. Strange things can and do happen. 3rd paragraph Spot on. And he will get a suspension if all holds up like it should and be able to rejoin his pursuit of happiness at a later date. 4th The individual is always smart. It is the group that is dumb. Too much groupthink in these situations has led to bad torte establishment. If one is wrongfully accused and formerly found not guilty than the individual who suffered the injustice generally doesn't take recourse against the employer but could. The smartest seek it out against the alleged victim/wrongful accusor for damages. This happens much more often than pursuing legal action against a former employer. In today's legal system it's cheaper and easier for the prosecutor to overcharge and seek a plea deal than seek out an actual trial or test of the Justice system. Many folks take plea deals to save themselves many things, unfortunately. Thanksfully we have folks like Janus and Masterpiece who stick to their beliefs and create a better world for us all. Legally you do not need representation to file a charge. Why is that difficult to establish? I've copied 3 more attorneys. 2 left sided. 2 right sided. ?. But all equally skillful in the art of legal stuffs. save for eball, he's a UNC fan and has bad judgement as such. @eball @Koko78 @Coach Tuesday
  6. Why is that woman wearing denim on denim?
  7. So present to me empirical facts that support that's what happened and happens in every case as you implied. And present to me facts that one cannot legally contest wrongful termination for wrongful termination. 0-4 Um... Again, whatever world you live in is not like the US structure, bruh. If you press charges you do not hire an attorney. The state pays for the prosecution of the individual. If this woman pressed charges against Hunt she would have the state represent her in court and Hunt would be able to either represent himself or hire an attorney. Further, if she did and because this is a celebrity she would have someone like Michael Avenatti or Gloria Allred willing to provide representation pro Bono for exposure. But, no, to file charges you do not need an attorney. You do not need anything other than a police report which you sign off on after providing tour statement. At that point the district attorney and prosecutor, etc does it all for free.
  8. Legally it can and will be contested if the individual is smart. Wrongful termination happens all the time. But, saying in bold makes things more fact and if we say it enough it's true? Amirite? Truth is, you're wrong. Saying absolutely nothing is not accurate Your second point is #feelings. #feelings aren't fact. Try harder. Do better. 0-2. :insert price is right loss tone: What daffy duck world do you live in that the victim pays the court costs?
  9. Everyone acting like this is the onset of wwwiii
  10. He has a right and he's using it. He is suing the league. Won't go anywhere, though, and totally different but he ahs a right. Typical response for you. Lazy, contemptuous, and lacking any type of merit to make a response worthwhile. Try harder. Do better. But to amuse you, as I have a laser pointer and you're the kitty: Because it's not your right to accept them nor is it your right to not accept them. You do not live in that jurisdiction, do not elect those officials, do not oversee their laws and regulations...and even if you did, all you can do is vote for the #change you want. You're perfectly fine to protest, to make signs, write your representatives, all of that. But, your argument that they did not do their job is nothing that can be argued. It's ridiculously silly to assert and you're smarter than that. Why do you think they didn't do their job? (Rhetorical, please, I don't see you able to successfully reply to that). I'll pose the reply; it's easy. "The police didn't do what I wanted them to do because "muh feelings."" This would assume that the same argument police make to treat people unfairly in so many ways continues to show they'll go above and beyond to reverse course and let this guy walk because a woman was acting outrageous and he is a star. Then the police followed up to prosecutors to have them say, "well, it's Kareem Hunt and it's just some bimbo." That's the best you could have. It's silly. Yep, that's a lot of cases. But, look at the NFL. Look at what's collectively bargained. And further, what proof and burden of proof is used? In those cases where you work at Walmart or your institution the police are involved when not at work in cases and they'll generally wait until there is at least a charge before termination. There hasn't been a charge for Hunt because charges were declined by the "victims," so your point isn't that strong. He's not blackballed if each team reached their individual assessment of his worth. Literally, if we need a QB how much do we pay $$ and how much do we lose with exposure? Michael Vick did far worse than anyone in the league and still was able to come back. He did his time, served his punishment and contributed in a positive way to the team when given a chance for a basic af $$$. Yes, and if Hunt has that much of an issue with the NFL he can take his talents elsewhere. But, there is a lot of gripes and concerns I have against the NFL. Most of them being they're major hypocrites and in bed with the government that allow them loopholes and dishonesty. But, hunt chose his talents to the NFL and there is little else for him to capitalize on in a method that'd make him as much money. The incoherence is due to being interrupted every 2 minutes with work. ??‍♂️. We are on the same page but I think we need to establish a better society where convictions of guilt matter more than persecutions and allegations. We need to entrust those who are professionally trained to do these things. The NFL most certainly has experts willing to do these tasks but also must protect their interests and weigh the discipline and merits of cause vs. the degradation of quality in their product.
  11. The view I have is arbitrary on this. The NFL's image is smoke and mirrors and hypocritical. The fake image they have is not strong and I think often times they try to present an image that just ain't them. Their legal rights under the CBA should be challenged, IMO, because I hate collective bargaining and unions thinking they're downright unamerican. I'm not doing this. Promise. I just want the NFL challenged and the NFLPA to do so so CBA and such rights are blown away similar to what happened with Janus. See above. I want the NFLPA destroyed and the NFL to fall in line with honesty. They're just dirty. Again, as noted above: I think the individual needs to challenge the CBA and NFLPA first before the NFL to change such things. I, too, am under the same situation as a salaried employee where my out of work presence can jeopardize my employment. A DUI, for instance, could have me terminated. I'm thankfully in a right to work state, too. But, for wrongful termination I could sue rightfully on a wrongful termination if I would be found innocent of the charges presented. hunt deserves a for this opportunity, as do all people
  12. Depends on the stiff. Some dead folks have a hard time decomposing thoughts that need to be analyzed. Others compost thoughts quite well.
  13. Which they should be allowed to do if someone is streaming gigabytes and gigabytes of information hogging bandwidth. It's a smart model to pay by consumption vs. some data point fiat which everyone is capped at using. Why should I pay $100/month to use 30gig just to browse the internet which balances out the bandwidth hogging of those torrenting and streaming, etc.? If you consume that much data you should be willing to compensate.
  14. To me the details isn't as big as the headline. While it's imperative for the NFL to monitor and address their players that they are doing anything without charges and conviction by law enforcement is a big deal to me. Why is the NFL must be the acting body in a legal issue? Like Tsai said the NFL is not the FBI and the FBI aren't even police or a body that presses charges. The NFL can investigate this until they're blue in the face but without a chance to answer for this up front and confront his allegations directly to the accusations made by individuals than I see nothing good coming from this but the continued deterioration of the fabric of our society where mob rule, persecution, and public image mean more than the freedoms afforded to us by the Constitution. If the NFL suspends Hunt or anyone else in these similar I will 100% support Hunt for the reasons above and hope he takes legal action against the NFL for being idiots and *****.
  15. Whitaker must release for transparency reasons alone. It'll likely show the bias in the report. And it won't be able to be held over the Republicans heads once it's done.
  16. Opinions vary and I'm not concerned with the viewpoint of anyone else in this world on the beliefs that I possess. Your emotional connection to #feelings is exposed once again as it has always been prone to do going back to the Tennis video of almost 10 years ago to Brock the Standford swimmer; you jump at an emotional response without using any intellectual capacity to think critically. So, while I may be thought of by you as an imbecile you fully display without prejudice that you lack the ability to think intellectually and compose logical thought. Specifically: the consequences of Willie Nillie persecution style retaliation style retribution and punishment upon those who have not had a chance to be vetted, questioned and held up to investigation in their events/actions. In this case you lack the ability hold respect for the law enforcement whom are tasked with the responsibilities of investigation - and I am fairly certain I can understand why you jump to this conclusion based on knowledge of you. You believe the police let the guy skate because he is a star, it's not worth their time, etc. It's not worth their time and how do I know that? They said it. I can accept that answer. Why can't you?
  17. The history of that song when Taco redid it to the very beginning is kind of cool
  18. Racist
  19. So, the official group that is legally responsible and the only body able to investigate the activity determined to do nothing. Yep. You made the point for me
  20. Why did none of this go through police investigation? Until it does he is innocent. Edit. I want to make it clear. I don't care what the video or anything truly does show until the police are allowed to do their job. If this happened in June than it's inexcusable that charges haven't been pressed and I side on the opinion that it's a hit job to mess with the dude who clearly isn't a high watt individual. Just a joke and shitshow. The NFL should not do anything.
  21. ***** takser. Golf playing little B word.
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