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Everything posted by boyst

  1. Uhh. Uhhhh exsqueeze me? Why isn't it there a right for them? This is entirely their right. It's their business and they can do so. Masterpiece cake, brahhhh.
  2. That was me. History doesn't remember it. But I was the little blonde for a few years until David Spade grew his hair out to replace me. He was cheaper talent.
  3. Would you just have to mail them and us letters calling us idiots after such an EMP went off? By the way,. It's cute that 3rd is dumb and doesn't know what happens from a nuculur bomb in orbit
  4. In 1994 I spent time as a fashion coordinator on the set of Wings. I learned a lot. The casting couch is real. And fun. I earned my way to many leading films and 7 awards for leading actor.
  5. Guys. I'll admit it. I am God. I was sent here to fix the world one post at a time. Once I get TBD safe I'll go to GangGreen and finish up in the AFCE before solving the little problems like world hunger and wars and *****. Bow down. I am God.
  6. Yes. A year contract at a totes around $3.5mm is all I'd offer.
  7. Oooh. I want a pink hat! A free pink hat!
  8. From Stern or what's going on? Nah But as TransGreg says "it's amazing what hides in plain site." From Spacey to that other director who I forgot and never cared about because I'm not some ***** who watches fancy films all the way to South Park making fun of Tom Cruise and Stern exposing Moonves. These guys are slime and it's more accurate to say it's a reflection of society than anything. These guys are generally psychopaths. Psychopaths make terrific businesszey's because zey/zi/zhe/zhim are cut throat. Sociopaths are even better some times because they care nothing about anyone but can be detrimental to others because they are clueless when it comes to empathy for others and create wide swath's of victims. I'm betting the show was "The View." ? Or betting it was Everybody loves Raymond because the writing sucked and I can attribute that to you. Or CSI because you're a nerd and the ***** was as outlandish as your tinfoil stuff. ?
  9. Just going to pop in with Howard loved the dude and found humor in it.
  10. This dude is a season. Ticket holder thoug
  11. Petty of the bears is right but that's their right. Dumb moves bearsies
  12. I am not a redneck Soooo don't get called that. It's funny, down here I'm a Yankee while up north (including Ohio) I'm a redneck.
  13. Yes. His downfall was lackluster special teams, wasn't it? Or am I thinking of someone else??
  14. That was my attempt at humor. I'm just not funny. ???
  15. Sexist. God, so sexist! Ewww! I'm triggered. No, seriously. Don't ever touch anyone like that. That's much smarter. Never an excuse to put your hands on someone.
  16. I meant in the subject line. ? I have no idea who they are 99.7213% of us don't either. But, championship!!!
  17. Pretty much. And people arrive on buses already lit. They turnip on the way in and by game time they're immaturity and ***** cause a false bravado and assholeishness that no one enjoys.
  18. 30,125 is my recommendation.
  19. My first thought was why didn't PTR list their names. My second thought was it didn't matter.
  20. What a BS statement. What repercussions should a team get? You sign him when he can't play so we penalize you for $1mm. You gave the guy a chance and signed him and he didn't do it under your watch - he can't play and never played for you - we are taking your 5th. God the news is stupid these days. Bleacher report has always set that bar so high
  21. So let's blame the item completely legal over the individual choosing to do harm with it! I know this argument! Anyway, I've always found people get more pissy after binge drinking when they're left without anything to drink.
  22. There isn't any video of it so I'm skeptical. Why she stepped in to be Involved I am skeptical Why the guy didn't get his ass seriously beat is also why I'm skeptical And that she was probably barely pregnant and, disirregardless pregnant still, and being involved in an incident is why I'm skeptical. She's not a victim. She's an idiot. Thug!?! Racist! He is from Del Mar, brah. So tired of people castigating this nonsense and being such raysis in the guise of names like "thug."
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