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Everything posted by boyst

  1. Your an idiot. ?? No, seriously, curious to hear your take on them. They're a throwback to a 60's sound that is quite remarkable one way or another that is worth a listen. I only gave them a shot at Rebellion when some high school kids my friend and I were chatting with talked them up.
  2. LOL. Loved it. thanks
  3. Have you heard Greta Van Fleet?
  4. If you're ever down to come you know you got a place to stay. Last year was perhaps the best lineup ever. Several bands I thought would be dull were amazing. Shinedown and Muse were incredible live. Billy idol was not a disappointment. QOTSA was perhaps the best I'm going to see Pop Evil and Between the Buried and me next month. My girlfriend was good friends with them a while and our mutual friend played for them until he went to Med School. Helped on the album that blew up but left before getting that taste. They maybe too hard rock for some
  5. He needs reps and there is no one else to surpass him on our roster. In a year or two paired with Milano we will have a my-tee-fine D
  6. Debating it's worth. Camping is the ideal option. Let's see prices. If it's as expensive bas rebellion than maybe not. It's running 24/7 this year supposedly and not confined to just an 12am shut down. I got ***** lit last year and evidently slept for an hour ?? then taught an entire EMS crew how to align spines.
  7. Is that the one that has stereo speakers? I know you're in to music, so curious if that's a factor
  8. Wait for Galaxy s10 if you can. Get it online from Samsung. They'll offer something sweet this time as the note9 and so have blown. The last good one, like most phones it goes every other year. They'll have a foldable s10 out too, later in the year. But you'll get an option for free *****. They had a 36" flat screen with early pre order for the side at one point But go for the unlocked s10+ and it's the same as the note anyway, save for the pen and slightly different interfacing.
  9. They are. Democrats are a pile of ***** puked up by a dog that ate the ***** to begin with because it believed in ***** slike AOC, Clinton, Sanders, and the idiots as such. Bottom line: Democrats should be hunted down in the streets and made to be held accountable for their decisions.
  10. Putin is clearly the choice. He has done more in this country and world than any of them. And done a spectacular job at it.
  11. NC is a foothold for this argument because it's been a solid blue state for so long that now it's been lost and the attempts to regain balance by redistricting have caused an uproar at the reality we are now red. Save for Mecklenburg, Wake, a few other ***** counties and the tiny blip that is the city of Asheville.
  12. Sorry EII this is not a very good topic and that you have the intellects of Shady trying to shift your argument to shift the narrative to that which was the aim of the Vox article is proof positive. Low IQ folks can't help but to create the strawmen theory that folks like Shady are attempting to do from the strawman theory proposed by the author of the article. Hence, it should not be reasonably argued. Edit. I read the article because I had to *****. What a racist piece of ***** article. The main jist: black people commit more crimes and can't vote once felons so we need to let black felons vote so they vote Democrat because they're more likely to vote Democrat. Holy ?, Batman. That's a great argument. The rest was talking about restrictions to authoritarian governments (governors) which is hilarious because on a federal level it is the desire to do that to Trump and reinstore state rights which is something that was attempted a hundred years ago and resisted by the Democrats. That Trump has reversed the entire course of Democratic ideologies shows the baseless platform liberals stand on and the Bastian of hypocrisy that they have showing that liberalism is a form of retardation and should be treated as such. It's quite disgusting that #orangemanbad is the alchemist of change in to a party which once set the social tones of revolution.
  13. Agree fully and their investment off shore is what will keep them alive. It will be an interesting economic study in a few decades that the UK survived by investing in foreign powers over their own, specifically that which they had to divest in to as part of brexit. In the end I think the divested countries that continue to beat down the EU path suffer at the hands of the UK, specifically countries like Germany but that maybe just personal disdain for them
  14. I Russia, in Russia we don't own gun, gun own us. US of A need more gun, NR of A. Ivan Draggo bring you gun, he sacred hero. Fun with guns US of A. We bring you gun.
  15. Proof that global economies are a downfall to the individual is simply shown that the individual is not respected nor given a voice.
  16. Do what you want. I'm an *****. I don't add much worth to much until I feel like schooling someone on football stuff.
  17. I will check around. I think it was his first year here but it was interesting because he was and always seemed to be a non factor.
  18. Nah. Like for real for real french
  19. simply read more than post and get an idea for the feel of this place. if you think everyone here is a gop shill or some mindless drone to partisan politics you havent' realized the idiots that come to this place.
  20. We don't have the personnel to blitz. It's kind of obvious. I can break it down but i see no need.
  21. I'm french. You're welcome.
  22. Wait. ***** is censored now?
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