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Everything posted by boyst

  1. I live in a free state and don't pay for any of that *****. Stars and bars forever, *****.
  2. A case study hearing on CF he is being asked what his opinion is on auditing Trump and if he would call for felony charges.
  3. This is already damning in the 2 minutes I've had it on
  4. Good thing you didn't think say "the direction many in the resistance think" because we know NPC's don't think. NPC@Kemp shows us
  5. He said middle East. Not Interstellar. If Mueller has that much power and Mercury in retrograde influenced our elections we are *****.
  6. He's too old for Schiff.
  7. Thanks for stopping by. Please, leave. This is just a wasted effort at giving a fool time for no other reason than wasting your time.
  8. I can't stand that *****. I was driving to Baltimore years ago and got stuck in a lane that did ya in by the plate without easy pass. No one was letting me merge. They sent me a bill for $7.60 or some ***** like that. I called over the course of 3 months and told them I'd never pay and that they can take me to collections if they dared but then I'd file suit against them for extortion by some law I made up of NC law and basically annoyedthe ***** out of them until they dropped it. It was a slow time at work so I spent maybe 10 hours all told on it while bored at the day job.
  9. $35 iirc. I was just up there and considered crossing it but $70 to go over and back didn't sound good unless I knew I could get a U-eey on the other side before the toll.
  10. The Olsen girl? I'll be her Daddy We never knew if he got gone. But that he has traveled the quantum realm is relevant. He likely creates the map to bring the others back and could be the key to defeating Thanos.
  11. That cheeseapeek bridge is expensive af
  12. He is the dude that never allowed a sack or pressure right? I can overlook he pretty much played a DIII school vs a B10 school because of that.
  13. Hans Zimmer is the winner.
  14. The autistics got their crayons out to respond to this post. Beautifully done, it's a work of art I'd be proud to hang on my fridge.
  15. If only Trump could spin this as a New Deal type of opportunity like the TVA to create jobs for underemployed and unemployed Americans.
  16. Dude, I'm probably the most offensive and biggest ***** here but could you please just layoff this major racist/intolerance/whatever kick? It's not becoming and you're losing your *****.
  17. And one of the most overrated people of all time. Remember in fight club how they mentioned if you could fight anyone in history? He'd be top 5.
  18. I really wish we could get the unfiltered news in to this country so that we could learn from the mistakes being made overseas. May is a shining example of a few decades of ***** dropped on the doorstep of the United Kingdomians. She is the result of what the people want after swimming backward for so long that there is no way for them to better themselves or get out of their conundrum. I hope this helps push a nationalist narrative across the world to reinforce the importance of the smallest forms of government.
  19. I don't think his ego let's a Bills fan bother him. But I do think that he would be pretty Petty and better when the bill said they're not going to just let him have carte blanche access to the team
  20. Or!!!! Maybe you just can't keep up? Come a little further.
  21. 1 Boyst is equal to 3.5 WhiteWalkerInPhilly's but still better than 3/5's. You seriously need your head aligned if you ever take me seriously dumbass.
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