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Everything posted by boyst

  1. He folded it wrong. Dumbass. You do it so the stars are left out. I wasn't a marine and I even ***** know that.
  2. But a dude also had his zebra killed.
  3. GMC over Ford. My dad got a GMC. It's nice.
  4. I'm not giving you the Ben Franklin treatment. You don't get a ridiculous picture/meme/reply. Sorry, Charlie, go Chuck some wood, mother chucker.
  5. Federal parks are the only thing that irk me. What part of the shut down scares you? It will not impact your life or most of American Life just the same as Trump being president affects next to no one. Trump is only one small figure with the greatest opportunity to make a difference and at what point will spending be adjusted? He's doing a horse trade with a horse face and a mule. Nancy and Chuck are too proud and too stupid to win this without losing more ground because most of America doesn't care about a shut down. Which is why your rotten egg analogy is poor. A rotten egg is still a rotten egg and has worth to someone somewhere so long as it is a bargaining chip. Trump holds every chip right now just like Obama did during the last shutdown and it looked poorly on the GOP in the last shut down. Where Trump will likely win out is when he continues to use his foolishness to talk the Twitter game and call them out while being too much in check to use EO's around whatever nonsense can't be governed successfully. Obama's fiat rule of law pronouned in EO is no more and Trump would be wise to not continue that fools [erasing] legacy.
  6. You suck and I hate you.
  7. Which is what's funny because all of them are speculating to something Schiff said regarding changing the rules and laws... As if the house had any power to do so alone...
  8. Everyone in the bills gal Twitter thread thing is saying that secret grand jury indictment ***** is about Trump. Just funny the leaps everyone makes getting that great big ol dyno to jump to the next ledge.
  9. Kill off black panther pllleeeeeaase
  10. I edited it in the interim. ?? There was a constant light flow of drunkenness that weekend.
  11. You're friendly not drunk ??‍♂️ No wait, edit... The time we met I'm fairly certain we were drunk the entire time. So you maybe right. ??‍♂️
  12. I know your age, doofus. I don't know LABillsies. I'd have thought maybe 40's but now I'd guess 60's.
  13. I prefer the treatment from.baby it's cold outside.
  14. It's cute youre like this but if i was anywhere around and you started to walk the wrong way toward him you'd probably decide you should turn around and go the other way in a few minutes. You need to chill bro, talk some ***** out if need be but don't try to be some macho douchebag then talk about having to get a gun to prove it. That's the mark of a *****, as in I'd reach down and grab you by your ***** if you actually did touch anyone here or elsewhere to harm them
  15. Gun rack It's a Garth Brooks song. Ask Gugny. He has to know it.
  16. What ball park age are you? Snowflake faggots making it unbearable. ***** yeah, faggots is still good. ???. Bundles of wood still get their due!
  17. I know that but that's the hoity toity fake North Carolina where the classy people drive the Kia's and shop at Target. That ain't the guy rack, aching back, overtaxed, flag wavin', fun lovin' crowd that I love. Which part of Concord, btw? Some good land there.
  18. You ever see that Wendy's Twitter B word slay someone? Id never want to ***** with her.
  19. There will be a shooting in the next 48 hours. Get ready. Dear FBI/CIA/NSA/USDA/Wendy's... I'm not making a threat just a prediction based on stupid people doing stupid *****. I am far too lazy and stupid to carry out any type of ***** which would hurt someone.
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