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Everything posted by boyst

  1. Honest, ask yourself this: If it's not at Cedar Point, does it really even matter?
  2. It was in the lead up to playing Carolina. Likely venting from all the questions asked about Carolina and the matchup. Newton is polarizing. To solicit a response of strong beliefs is obvious, whether negative or positive. But, honestly, even in my distaste for him, I think it's fair to say no one truly ever praises him fairly. Sure coaches and others will do the warm fuzzies and patronization but you don't ever hear true compliments about him or his Integrity or what he is up to you as a person... Because generally he's regarded as a douche. And that's mostly because the way he buffets off the field as well it's his Antics on the field which do not belong on there. as a football player he's among the top five in the league perhaps, as a quarterback he's barely top 10 if at all.
  3. I get that, I really do. But it's more an indictment of the R&R HOF than anything. They have some odd acts in there. If she gets in than so should someone like Hank Williams, Jr.
  4. RIP to her And Steve? Still never understood why she got in the R&R HOF, though
  5. I remember you being upset and being moved to a different location by security after complaints and being harassed by security.
  6. Surprised by this, considering the rough time you had last year with the arseholes at the game. Was the experience sans opposing fans that good? It looks like a fun venue.
  7. The protesting the rising prices of watermelon and chicken??
  8. If he had any balls he would an hero He would do so in a way that left great mystery and debate. Honestly, he probably could move to a random ass country with tons of wealth and live under a new identity. Do that, while leaving some remains of yours in the middle of no where or something. He could be the biggest martyr an hero, though.
  9. Welp, devolving in to debate on homosexuals is quite ridiculous. Surprised at the stances of those here. Some of you @B-Man are evolved. ?? Seriously, can't believe people still cash
  10. Jesus. Because, the great book of fairy tales foretold about a carpenter sent by the sky fairy that it was bad. Also said gluttony is a sin and so is judgement upon others but who is really keeping track?
  11. I was engineered in a bedroom of two high School boys using a Barbie doll as a human device.
  12. I'm not at all overly dismissive, not so much as I am dismissive of an overreaction. We don't know the long-term ramifications of many things in this world that we are still studying. But football in this case is a choice people are making the play knowing the injuries that can cause. Therefore, I have a hard time caving to the ideas that things must be turned upside down to appease those we should already know better.
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