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Everything posted by boyst

  1. He didn't get it for stealing the candy bar you hair licked amoeba sucking buffoon
  2. Hw would have deserved it. Life choices have consequences.
  3. You're like the retard brother of the retard who was dog90210 who's more aggressive/unbalanced/angry.
  4. I don't at all see what the big deal was. Kid got what he deserved and was lucky he didn't get more. He was being a clown.
  5. A 24 lbs cannon with no aim is rarely a dangerous weapon. Edit. I hate when people argue comebacks are a quarterback stat. They're more Defense IMO. I can argue that if you'd like but I will probably be too lazy to articulate to the degree of obliteration Oh missed last paragraph. The selflessness needs to be on your rookie/cheap RB's instead of your star QB who needs to pass, not run. And few teams have a McCoy on their team. And he's not worth his $$$
  6. I've seen more of Newton than any other QB in the NFL. It's all they show here. He's never been a good QB. Never will be. I've seen more of him this year than Allen, in fact. I tried for years to like him and find something he does right but I can't find anything at the QB position he does successfully with consistency. He overthrows, he throws off his back foot or off balance every other throw, he misses wide open targets, he can't place a ball to save his life. He gets lucky, that's it. He needs Wes Welker and Steve Smith types who can track and the ball in their routes. Say what you want about just calling me a Newton Hater that's fine but I've watched more games of his than probably most any other Bills fan. He can do some amazing things but he isn't consistent and they're more by chance than opportunities he made when throwing. Running wise he is reckless and sacrificed his body at the most important position on the field while the Panthers have not given him any true RB. Artis Payne was gonna be good and CMC is more of a catcher than runner. Edit. Hot take. Newton will never play more than 14 games in a regular season the rest of his career. I'd say as little as 12.
  7. There is an awesome one of a helicopter using a 50cal on a pirate boat where everything just ends up shredded and then a pool of water is on fire. I love these and sniper videos and watch them when I need a pick me up. I also like little baby animal vids and Jenna marbles.
  8. What a low class attention *****. I used chew them up and spit them out... Left a bad taste in my mouth. Trash.
  9. Is it, though? His shoulder has been inconsistent. He has chucked the ball up consistently and llet it fly everywhere but has some mystery injury. Panthers fans have seen it and have made it known: newton has been a headcase this year and has no focus. This is a guy who cares more about his promotion and schtick than he does his team. This is a guy who throws himself around the field too stupid to protect himself and slings the ball so much and so hard that it's a matter of time (this year or next) that he is done. I don't think Newton will be doing much of anything by 2020. I've said it for 3 years. This is the decline. He had a good run at being above average but never even touched being a good QB, though he was borderline elite at football. The dudes a joke and his head is his biggest obstacle. Their defense was terrible that year, yep. And he threw it how many times to get those numbers? Dudes been blown up at the QB position more than anyone in the last 5 years except Andrew luck.
  10. I wasn't getting bent about the flag just pointing out a silly observation I stopped when my troop disbanded. I had only needed to do my civil service project which I had plans for and maybe a few more merit badges. I was 14 and would have had it by 15. I think I was order of the arrow and a few other things that looking back on were just stupid.
  11. Yes I was damn near an eagle. And he folded it stars first
  12. For for legalizatoon but I'm for honesty. Admit you just want weed to get high and I'm ok. Throwing it in my face that you want it to fix your back ache or headache or other ridiculous ***** is stupid. Telling people you give your 6 years old canibis oil to help them relax at bed time and it's all natural is even more stupid. People are stupid it my point. Gun owners generally don't lie, that argument isn't even worth bringing up. Gun owners want guns for whatever right they want and it's a right protected by the Constitution.
  13. But @Turbosrrgood and @Gugny said in the shoutbox kiddy pool it was the Democrats dividing us?
  14. @Turbosrrgoodhere ya go *****. Bring your Trump butthurt feelings here. I'll engage you after my workout and climbing lster. @Gugnytoo ***** to ever try his ***** here too.
  15. Inb4 dev brings up Demolition Man
  16. I know this is not directed at me, and I am using voice to text... So bear with me for a minute. But I have thought about this, too. I believe the only answer for that is Mike sympathetical. That if they were to assassinate him or immobilize him then it would galvanize the conservative Hayes and motivate those in the middle. However, if this deep state is is far down as they're saying I couldn't see why they would not take some whack-job and frame him as a solid GOP type who went too far. I'll be curious to see what tranny Greg says
  17. Only if you're French. And you look like a coward. So you're also French, you idôit
  18. It'd have been fun seeing him coach with Reich as our staff brought together some great talent. I could see Bruce coming in at times too...
  19. Politfact. Yep. Wikipedia says they're legit and Snopes shows they're Accurate We need someone with enough free time and is lonely enough to respond who has a borderline drinking problem and no women in his life to set you straight. That narrows it down: @Teddy KGB, @TakeYouToTasker or @Deranged Rhino. ??????????????????? Thanks for proving my above post. Loser
  20. You're beyond wrong on this and even typing this out isn't worth my time so I'll stop right he Can you show proof he was working for the white house when this happened please? You, matter of fact, cannot. He wasn't. The only thing you. Have learned is when they rectally inserted talking points in to you #NPC. Go play in traffic. Humanity needs this from you.
  21. So... Boyst 1 DC dumbass 0 And you call yourself samrt. ?. Idiot.
  22. Changing this to a classic country music thread.
  23. Good thing France has a well armed militia to protect their rights!
  24. I feel this pain. It was @Sig1Hunter I think a few years ago I was crushing in a semi final. I had lost like 2 games all year. He had Brees come in and score an Godlike amount, 60-70 pts and win by barely a point. The next week in consolation I had the best week of the year. It was brutal but not half as bad as being takeyoutotasker, because he thinks golf is a sport.
  25. Didn't get the chance to reply to this yesterday with the adequate time I wanted but I am very happy for you! I'll text you later for a few other notes of more personal attention. This is great, though! I had been curious how the whole job situation was going considering the stress you'd recently been under and that you had quite a bit of ***** going on with the now-ex! In other news, Jennifer (girlfriend) has been trying to get me to go visit New Orleans for a few months. She used to go there a lot while she was getting her doctorate at MSU. It's where she met the NBA player she dated for a while - and I don't see how he looks like me disirregardless of you thinking so.
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