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Everything posted by boyst

  1. of course of a rook is going to say that with regard to a seasoned veteran making a play against him. He doesn't want to expose himself as a soft target. It's quotes like this that hookah bar Lower for the entire league
  2. No, no they didn't And, how is that beneficial? As a veteran Vietnam officer during the conflict and also having the dude as a source do you not understand it's a bad idea to do this?
  3. Either you are as Progressive in your thoughts and understanding of all sorts of things to the point of likely being in a ******* relationship and having NO understandings of worldly possessions because you're also a hippie or... You're just drastically confused Edit: your rhetoric Rivals Jaden Smith. That is nothing to be proud of
  4. So if is Epona Indians who frequently travel my lands back three or four hundred years ago had to send it to come up on my land and begin taking my crops, taking my resources of land, and other such things they'll be well within their rights to do so? That is the argument here being made by some? The same saponi Indians migrated to New York to join with the Iroquois before being pushed out even further. As such, what happens if the sapona then start playing football in the bills parking lot? Do they on the bills at that point? Would it reverse the course and we win a Superbowl? If so I will give up my land and all things worldly possession... But many of you, including paulus are still greatly at a mental disadvantage of this whole concept
  5. Is this much different than any other politician in the past? Bush jr. With terrorism Obama with the rights of trannies, gays, tolerance, others that he proselytized Clinton when describing those not paying their fair share even as the economy boomed ....
  6. Gug is not the reason duckdog is gone. Duckdog is gone because he personally attacked me in the same way gug just did and that combined with his past BS was enough to sunset him with the permaban. His attacks didn't bother me but moderation thought different. Same.thing happened to Birddog, I think it was. Etc. It's a funny and sad thing that personal attacks are what this board comes to when the emotionally weak feel compelled to do so in a losing argument that generally they started. Everyone here has a life off of this board. Some do not hide behind anonymity. I don't. And I'd be a fool to think I don't expose myself to such things. I've had the sheriff called on me because of this board for Christ sakes. I do like Gug. As I've said before. Probably one of the kindest men I've ever met. He has a good heart and means the best in every action he has because he truly does have a great deal of empathy and care for all of those in his life - it's commendable.
  7. He needs to be drained from the swamp. NC just can't field a good enough GOP candidate to replace him and losing to a Democrat of worthy challenge is terrifying Burr will be re-elected if he doesn't step down, as he should step down.
  8. Re the first part. It's not an accusation. It's gug white knighting and making a personal attack. It is a display of an immature individual. It is that of someone who holds a threshold of belief that they are holier than thou despite not one person being perfect. He also fails to mention, as someone i have known a long while, that such nuances of an acquaintanceship can dice both ways when it comes to personal attacks. Yet, I let him go on his little personal attacks and never bother campaigning for such things despite those who have chosen personal attacks against others be removed. In this case, I still Respect Gug. He's a good dude, heart of gold and probably one of the kindest men I've ever met - he's just an idiot some times who gets upset too easily. While he is upset I just smile and keep whistling Dixie as I walk down the street And the back of the bus is not a term of racist implication. Those that infer it to be such are wrong. The adults and those of esteem sit in the front or find a seat with someone willing to allow them to sit take a seat up front. Forrest Gug has not found a seat at the front of the bus; seats are taken. Go to the back of the bus with Jenny. Not everything is racist unless you view it thru the lens of racism. Then it is racist. Maybe there is, and I do realize that now, a history of the whole back of the bus issue. I have heard the Outkast song so I get it but one song should not have the ability to re-write history.
  9. Curious your take if we simply removed the spotlight from such folks and provided them no platform of attention for such actions? Examples, to be more thorough: - don't provide coverage to supremacists events - anti fa gets no attention - churches and religious leaders decrying attacks on their faith get nada. - those who cry false flags, victimhood and are actual victims also receive no attention for being a victim until such a time that charges levy their actual status. Thus, those who proclaim accusations of assault do not get attention. Examples: stormy Daniels, Corey Feldman, etc
  10. Stay classy gug. Love that you can't resist in your rage to go there. I own you.
  11. Umm. Jesus Christ you're over the !@#$ing top. Back of the bus is a short bus reference about retards. Not racist. The same disease comment shows you're personally upset or at least making this person. That... Is classy, gug. I could bury you in personal attacks and have only done so once and wish I'd have saved the PM which you said you'd never let your son talk like a "nigger" and explained to me the difference in how blacks raise their kids vs "niggers.". Yeah, projection is a B word, Mr racist. You didn't have a fact. You provided no source material in those threads either. This is essentially what you'll offer: https://tinyurl.com/ydxt5ubj I definitely consider Gawker, Marie Claire, Forward.com, et Al to be considerably accurate sources. Further, they don't displae the full context of each quote... But, I doubt you'll engage or attempt to discuss this and instead choose to live in the echo chamber you find solace in while deciding that those who disagree with you should be present in your company and perhaps even accosted at public events; it's not be surprising. Especially, not in my case: there are literally threats against me shall I attend another opener tailgate. I find it laughable. You and your girl group coming down here reporting messages you disagree with that display opinions you don't like is exactly the reason why you're a joke. Thanks for constantly reporting me, for your group messages to get me removed. Your support means a lot and speaks to your character that when you go with personal attacks you get upset when it's turned around on you.
  12. One would think a retard would understand the basis of hyperbole, especially when espousing lies and blantant lies. You chimed in with bull **** and were called on it. Go to the back of the bus until you're ready to have a discussion. It saves for those willing to engage in a conversation. Then don't reply. Don't use the buddy system to prop up the fellow dotards too dense and dishonest to actually have an argument with merit due to their lying ways and dishonesty. It's disgusting.
  13. I do not take your common sense as a source. And no, I don't know what you're talking about. He has called his daughter beautiful, said he'd date her (iirc), but that is not at all as wildly dramatic as you want it to be. Your bias is showing. The whole I'm with her thing took your balls off. Either way, no source ....You lose.
  14. He's not attacking the Free press. Show me evidence of him saying he is against free press? It's clear you're dishonest or having issues with where you get your sources... I'll believe the latter I'll await your source along with gugnys... Funny, drive by posters are rarely honest.
  15. No. It doesn't make it any more clear without believing and understanding your responses to be emotionally based and devoid of actual intellectual merit. PS. Billions of people have daughters. Including Trump. So, that doesn't just mean you have an authority to answer on this unless you are virtue signaling. *High five*
  16. Not by your responses. I figured it made more sense for that to be the case than it did to believe you don't spend a lot of time fraternizing and listening to how most men talk. The average man is cro mag level brutal in his approach to women. Millennials, though, they're like chicks in the 90s. They're little bitches.
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