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Everything posted by boyst

  1. For a second I thought that girl was holding that black kid in her arms. Christmas pictures can be the creepiest things, though.
  2. One thing I've learned from my nieces and nephews is that they're tough as *****. I've seen them get obliterated and just shake it off. I think because they're so light they bounce better???
  3. He was neglected his first season and misused his second 2 seasons
  4. The rule has some grounds to it. There are a lot of ways to cheat with hair and dangera coming with long hair. I've seen hair caught in headgear get ripped out or tangled many times. Once severely. It does seem like an abuse of power but I am concerned that safety is going to be neglected in the sport which already sees a lot of danger from cutting weight to checking someone's oil all the way to the butt drag. I have horor stories from wrestling that to me are just part of the sport. A few of my favorites are a fight with another wresler in the showers when I nearly broke his nose with a head butt followed by a fight as we were both naked, dropping 14 lbs in 2 days and keeping it off for an entire weekend (did 9 lbs in one day of mostly water weight, too), and gaining 11 lbs in one day (lots of cake, salt, water). And lots of Iowa stories: the brands brothers are *****.
  5. I was thinking this was a hot for teacher thread. Those kids seem lucky Mybad.
  6. I'm confused. That's with those teams winning today? What happens if we win? If we win to the AFC spectrum Re: spoilers.
  7. I remember when. I was the 5th grade and all my friends still believed but some older friends of mine I grew up told me the truth. I had just got my license that summer and was driving my sister and I to school - it was show and tell day for her in the 2nd grade and my big science fair for all the elementary classes was coming up the next day so I'll never forget - but anyway, it was tough to tell her the truth. I was drinking my morning coffee before class contemplating life and relieved it was Thursday so I had two recesses to cope with this new realization.
  8. It makes for a good story to piss people off as it is one of a silly natural that is polarizing. That's the only oddity to this story for me - which makes me think there is more to it. I also remember issues where kids used products I their hair that made them more slick to grab. One trick several used was to out Vaseline on ourselves and go outside so it was less warm and tacky then use a water based lotion over it so it was more like natural sweat until we heated up. Some would so this to their scalp, too. Wrestlers are crazy.
  9. come to the TBDAHOT. she licks board members nipples.
  10. can we start a gofundme to send me to DC for the womens march in my "nasty woman" tee shirt? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease? i'm sure tammy will put me up.
  11. i'm currently dating and likely going to settle down with a woman who has broke my record for monogamy (which was 3 1/2 months) to be together almost 7 months. she's blond, mountain climber, DVM, ultra-marathoner and hung like a horse. i hit the jackpot.
  12. the only ones who say that are the ones who don't get good *****. dude, that's just pathetic.
  13. should i be triggered by this or not?
  14. you need to roll with me a little while some time. you need to learn some *****.
  15. i don't bang fat chicks. i did once when i was bored and wanted to see if they were any better. it was in the front seat of my chevy cavalier. she was easily 280. this was 2004. so, unless you get a wide angle to show you with fat chicks or you and your butt buddies tom and 3rd...........
  16. i'm tired of being teased by this! show us the money shot...
  17. he could not even get in to Univ. of Miami with that score.
  18. I'm guessing this as in Texas, but perhaps Ohio. In Ohio during my tenure wrestling there was strict rules about wrestling; must be clean shaven or a long beard was one of the biggest issues. Many had to shave their face before a match because too much stubble. Others had to wear hair covers, especially the girls (who at the time wrestled boys). Having long hair must be done up in a bun or other type of fashion during this time unless the ref was being lazy. Ohio is one of the top 3 states traditionally for wrestling in the country and they take i serious along with Pennsylvania and Iowa. New Jersey was also usually good. just because the kid was black, by the looks of things, racism will be decried - even though rules are rules and they had prior warning #snowflakes will be butthurt. girls still have to either cut their hair short, do corn rows with it not too long or wear a head covering sufficient to protect them. i have seen someone not have hair covering in practice and had a patch of hair ripped out accidentally, it drew blood.
  19. How long in total was the airport down?
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