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Everything posted by boyst

  1. The entire Iowa wrestling team from 97 and 98. Dan Gable on lots of *****
  2. In North Carolina we just call that a Saturday night with no safe word.
  3. Where can I get my hands on some HGH? My girlfriend won't give me winstrol, so that's out.
  4. Don't know how to steal it but there is a memo. Facebook that's Brian Williams live with shots fired at nakatomi towers
  5. Merry Christmas Canadian.
  6. ***** off
  7. To show their dominance and flaunt their power.
  8. @TakeYouToTasker knows that ring and always let's him in the backdoor.
  9. It ain't empowerment, nah. It's making sure her man has a Manhattan and a steak when he gets home. She ain't got no time for no nonsense. And she gotta do all that barefoot.
  10. And she could just hit him with a frying pan or use her apron to strangle him.
  11. I don't know many random acts like that happen in the kitchen, though.
  12. So the difference between that and Fox News is Trump, pharmaceutical commercials, Trump, Roseland financial selling gold and silver, Trump, commercials for NBC News, Trump, more Trump, and "but Obama!"
  13. That is all that will happen, nothing. what this will do is allow the government to say we need to have more laws to protect this from happening again. The government will use this to extend its reach and invade our lives under the guise of protection from foreign interests and our own.
  14. There is no way that Hillary does not have a Fall Guy
  15. Your grammar and spelling leave something to be desired
  16. That "logic" is incredibly bereft of...yano...actual logic. I expect better of you but...yano...I don't. Any further repudiation would not be constructive as it is just something you'd not comprehend...yano...logic.
  17. My God look at all these faggots LAMPing.
  18. sheep can't drive cars, dumbass
  19. in related news, i'm buying sheep tomorrow.io
  20. I wanted a tin foil answer. Yano, the deep state, the roethchilds, the Roethlisbergers, the bilderburg group, the buildabear group, the CF...
  21. Well, it makes me happy seeing Jacksonville suck. Duuuuuuuvalllllllllllllllolololololol
  22. I wanted to as a senior prank. But in my town it was hard af to get ahold of one. I lived in them suburbs of Toledo where despite the country and farms being 5 minutes away it might as well be 3 hours. Pretentious ***** town full of ***** that had no grasp of reality and lived comfortably smug in their Midwestern bubble of upper middle class life.
  23. For a second I thought that girl was holding that black kid in her arms. Christmas pictures can be the creepiest things, though.
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