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Everything posted by boyst

  1. If ya ever wanted proof that Google filters and blocks content do a rule 34 Alexandra ocasio Cortez on Google vs duck duck
  2. That and it's clear the guy shot was not black or we would be having Jessie, Al, Shaun King, and the likes trying to scream raysis. Anyone seen black lives matter recently?
  3. Without working water a job site is deemed unsafe due to OSHAA,as well. Good luck with having Federal building be condemened and trying to get the ball rolling.
  4. It's like you try to be right but you aren't. It's rather glorious watching you step up to bat and make a big swing and it's going through distance and someone reaches up and grabs you by the kitty every single time. I bet it's soft and moist by now.
  5. What's funny is most people don't watch Fox news and get accused of it.
  6. They were legal immigrants you clown dick.
  7. Sam Elliot could still be in it. And get the Captain America dude to play Patrick swayze. Oh. And the plot?
  8. Then who did? You're bad at answering questions when you know you're backed in to a hole
  9. 0 terrorists. That's a real thing to hang your hat on A terrorist by definition is applicable. But when these mules are bringing in middle eastern drugs, Chinese opiods, sex workers, underage slave labor, more drugs, freeloaders [not Canadian], sick and ill, as well as criminals... Do you support criminals crossing the border? Simple yes or no. I'm.glad I have you on ignore but NPCinPhili quoted you... So... Did you just wake up and start tuning in? #orangemanbad has gone over the needs and locations of walls and improvements to them already. Several times. You're late to the party
  10. 1) so you're wrong and mispoke. Kiss the ring 2) about a month. Wrong again kiss the ring. And let'm die off anyone. Freeloading bastards. 3) yes, they can. Just not where you'd know about it. Either way, most gov projects occuring now are fully funded to contractors so many are still working 4) see above. And they almosr always get back pay to some degree but if they're notnworking why should they get paid? 5) I don't have cable, I don't know anything about Breitbart. I use news.google for my open source news with no filters. I seldom watch TV. Didn't watch last night. Didn't realize Monday was the championship game until Tuesday when I saw Clemson won. I don't keep enough track of current events because most of them are hysterical in nature. If I watch news it's some Japanese channel my girlfriend watches. HK something or other where a few of her friends are the anchors/reporters.
  11. Both of these need to be redone by an all female cast as not to ruin the original My contribution: Road House The Beverly Hillbillies Mr Smith Goes To Washington (would be hysterically funny now) Iron Eagle Over the Top
  12. Who's not getting their pay checks? No one has missed a paycheck yet in the government. Oh *****, you're stupid. You really don't realize that people are still getting food stamps and the IRS is still full go?!? Holy ***** you're a mindless drone. It's like someone took Rachel Maddows *****, put Anderson Cooper's giggle, and then gave it arms and fingers and told it to type.
  13. Those are not fair and worthwhile sources. Just because WaPo put them together in sound bites. Can you try harder?
  14. Me...? Not gang rapes, no. Heavens no. That is too much. A circle jerk isn't in a mouth you idiot. It's on a cracker.
  15. Can you quote and give examples of such instances? Or is it your preferred method to stop by, babble, rabble rouse, then move on from past messages and attachments to them?
  16. John Edit. John McClain Joe hallenbach. Wrong movies Both great.
  17. They weren't man and wife, btw
  18. Except he's not a pedophile and just a creep.
  19. It looks more like an airplane landing with a UFO underneath it. Not an alien ufo but a real UFO. Maybe a drone. Maybe aliens.
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