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Everything posted by boyst

  1. Katie was the 2017 tailgate. A OBGYN.
  2. ^^^ And this is what Clarence Thomas wants to address. A district judge holding the entire country hostage over their snowflake bull####. Only a retard would agree with the judge that the question shouldn't be asked.
  3. Hey tranny. Is that Bruce or Nellie that you reference?
  4. Happy birthday, or in your native tongue 생일 축하
  5. Dukies are still superior. *Yawn
  6. It looks like she just farted but realized it wasn't a fart
  7. Who's the best d in the final 4? Rams? I have no idea.
  8. Does no one over the age of 30nunderstand filters??????
  9. I never did anything immoral or illegal as a kid. Promise.
  10. Overrated. Over celebrated. 100% personality. His getting out of Compton schtick is fun and all, I didn't listen this time but he went to Columbia. That's saying something. And there is a system for guys like him. An old boss told me about it. In the hood there were kids everyone knew were going somewhere and those kids were essentially protected, left alone and promoted all the same. He took the most of what was govern and made his way but as a player he was 100% about his marketing of himself.
  11. A thimble is too high capacity for you, bud.
  12. Get your black ass back here and post more often Not only that, Levi and I are still most disappoint about you not saying anything about getting together for Baltimore in the early part of the season! Good luck tomorrow
  13. Please put that in another thread. This thread does it no service other than keep the idiots name popping up
  14. I've missed juror. He engages and actually makes it funny and fun. I think in his absence, however, he has missed a lot of what has been said and that TrannyGreg is not a Trump supporter.
  15. Thurmal get a new screen name????
  16. And those Lil boy MrAgs trucks only are made for consideration of occasional hauling. Not as a workhorse. Heaven forbid a tiny Fergy truck get sucked in to having to do work, it'd break down and wait for a Chevy
  17. And in any stop and go traffic in these neighborhoods and small towns you'll need start and go power. My f350 has tow mode which allows it to basically make a engine brake.
  18. A Cummins mechanical before it went all fancy or an 80s diesel would just be so much fun. You have to cover the tailpipe to get enough of a vacuum, let it turn over for an hour before it starts, hope it's not too cold and keep kerosene in the fuel ... But, boy they're reliable
  19. Lifted trucks can't pull *****. And you need to have a good enough trailer to have it drop enough to pull efficiently. Gas motors are not as good as diesel obviously. But, if you're going to get a gas motor make sure you find one that's not been toyed up or tricked out. Just means Joe Dirt drove it around until repo'd or already been down to the Walmart burning out tires to impress Brenda May SueEllen his girlfriend (and sister). The towing package is a must, imo. It takes the burden off turning off overdrive.
  20. And the left have to stand there in the positions as the right digs in every day for a new attack. And, while I hope I'm wrong, another crime by an illegal that makes national news is going to be another round of ammunition. And so on and so on. It's just such a powerful stance and so well played politically. What the GOP needs to do, IMO, is not line up shots at the left. Just wait patiently and stop talking to the press and media. Instead they need to focus on opportunities to talk directly to their constituents on the left and break them up and ask what they'd like in an effort to actually...yano...govern.
  21. Funny. You come in casting doubt. Asking all these questions. Calling shenanigans. But can't and won't answer anything for yourself
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