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Everything posted by boyst

  1. Ummmm. I can't even reply. Yikes. You must be new to the internet
  2. 1. At least spelling is better since my autocorrect is decent. And punctuation is occasional. Or wait. That was part of 6. I guess I will go backwards I don't post articulate thoughts because that's a level of effort I just don't care to give or take time to. And it's also a lot of fun the way I do things - which is amazing because it's not baited anyone else in to this yet. I've not choose my secondary target, though. 5. It was one of many you pointed out thinking it was them. It wasn't. Go up thread and see. The kids were essentially innocent.
  3. So why is this being covered and what's not being covered? There's a whole lot not being mentioned. And why is it ok a man of a separate race attacks a person of another race? Why did a group of one race attack out another race? When attacked the victims chanted their school song and you called them "obnoxious" when they're trying to drown out the hate with good spirit. Shame on you. You're good at being funny but bad at intelligence and humor. Try harder.
  4. As westside points out the inverse of the event is an issue. A separate one, of course, but their actions did trigger the reactions escalating the situation. There are any number of outcomes that could have occurred but that focus is given to the kids at all is silly. Your determination that they're not angelic little kids is fine, what kids are? But, what would 99.9% of kids done in any situation like this? Hypothetical, so you won't need to answer. But now that you're thinking I would like to ask you what evidence do you have that these kids did something egregious or bad? The kid looked at and smiled at a man who started him down? The kid wasn't being disrespectful. Not by any means and your argument that the kid might not have been being respectful could hold weight but it's not relevant. The rest of the kids dancing and such when the drums came over - I'd imagine most were having fun and could not grasp that the indians we're actually protesting and attention whores vs. just banging on a drum for some fun. Most adults don't get attention whores and not ones trolling for social media and news opportunities. Literally, you cannot have a rational braincell working in your head and be upset at the kids for simply being there in this video. The points were laid out: the remark to the girls came from someone else. The most egregious behavior that was gray was others, not the kids. You need to look at the situation outside of a vacuum and look at the domino effect happening. As pointed out in a month or two someone will be able to simply walk up and start yelling at someone they are a racist, sexist, whatever and the bystanders filming it would frame the situation by just overhearing it and posting it.
  5. I was doing voice to text and did not proofread as I was driving but still haven't reread what I wrote because I'm pretty much lazy That being said you are not completely dismissing the way those kids were treated based on their behavior. Truth is boys-will-be-boys and kids will be kids Your nonchalant dismissal of responsibility on the Indian and adults in that situation is completely questionable. Yes the kids could have behaved better, but why are we looking at the kids when the adults need to be the one which dictate the events. Douchebag Indian have no right to do that and he needs to be the one front and center called out and no one is doing that dot-dot-dot I'm also driving again Wait, me having intelligent conversation? How did I stumble across doing that? I'd actually be impressed myself if I had one of those ?
  6. Oprah said so too. Over 9000 penises
  7. So, when teenage kids behave poorly it's alright to condemn them, call them out, and treat them with discipline to Garner respect? That done to a level beneath the level 9000 given by what's happening here, but nonetheless, shame the kids for their decisions?
  8. He's not a real poster. He is a troll. Save your breath. He, @Tiberius, @thebug, and others change names when banned and we generally don't quote them because they only post to incite stupidity and trolling
  9. Offering to make you an avatar is constructive dingbat.
  10. If I came up with an avatar picture for youthats not terrible would you use it? Thinking an old.man from the Simpsons changed up a little to be Billsy if I can. Or just grandpa Simpson
  11. @Jauronimo. You had some strong thoughts to share on this. Maybe your up to articulate your full thoughts here. They will be a hoot to have shared and mocked.
  12. K Congress can override those vetoes. Yes? K. So this analysis shows that it is not just the president that can undo the shutdown, right?
  13. @White Linen and I had one of the better bouts once though?
  14. If you like your bench you can keep your bench
  15. Incorrect. Override of veto. Words matter. Get your facts straight. Words matter. Do better. Words matter.
  16. @Deranged Rhino What's your deep state theory on these judges and grasley going to finance?
  17. You're standing in the middle of the highway with your superiority and virtue getting side swiped by every passing opportunity to make an informed decision. Independents are morons.
  18. You're not even having a conversation with those having a conversation with you. It's hyperbolic. Your own message is a echo chamber of rhetorical nature spinning itself in circles every other reply. That GG, a far greater mind than you and many others here, has taken time to give to you is incredible. His message is much more tactful but he's also a lot nicer and more polite of a person than I am with 10 times the patience.
  19. He does? Why? What changed? You really think the America public is holding a petulant immature braggadocios #orangemanbad for what he runs off at the mouth with for the 1,267,720th time? No, because everyone sees that despite his big mouth he is airing out for all to see the hypocrisy and desire to destroy America by the left. This is why the left is getting their ass kicked every day since 2015. They're too stupid to look at themselves and too busy attacking the other side. Best you can do is go in your closet and get one of your summers eves and send it to your rep so they can begin to fix the Democratic party inside out.
  20. The Constitution provides executives the right to veto and reject. It also provides the opportunity to override a veto. You're arguing in such a circle that you're arguing with yourself in some shittastic opportunity of such ill presented logic that you're not disagreeing with anyone so much as showing yourself to be a fool.
  21. @oldmanfan Also needs to realize: Pelosi had to also change govern to make sure she could not be easily tossed aside when it was realized she was an ineffective leader. Further, the legislature can override Trump on this should they choose. If you passed 3rd grade you'd know this.
  22. So why should she is just one individual representing a very small fraction of this country be able to shut down the entire country? Why should a woman who represents just a trace amount of this country be able to do this to the entire population in all these federal workers who aren't getting paid? Why did she spearhead the vote against paying these workers when it was brought in front of them recently? She could have backed the bill to pay them until the government reopens but instead she wanted to make those families hurt for a political show. if you're going to respond, I do appreciate that you made nice sentences and use all the etiquetteid of proper grammar. But you'd be more impressive to actually display thought intellect and rational logic. Challenge yourself to be more than a retard
  23. It makes it fun for me. and since you're not honest enough to have a conversation with them might as well enjoy myself. It's like the Lakers playing the local community college team I'm dunking all over you and my balls are dancing all over your chin.literally I'm just clowning and making fun of you and you keep replying. I'll let the others make actual efforts, which are wasted because you're too stupid and intellectually dishonest
  24. I stopped reading after you said words matter and over action. This explains a lot of why your side and buddies on the left are losing. The NPC. Words matter. Yep, calling yourself a tranny because you wanna tuck when you got a schlong works for you. Calling yourself an American when you're against free speech works for you, oddly ironic because... Words over action and most importantly words over action. Jesus, it's like you're so unhinged you have no critical thinking ability or insight to look introspectively. Feeble af, brah
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