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Everything posted by boyst

  1. That's cute Nope. Ignore him for now, as I do. Unless he goes to the next level of starting a million threads constantly and bumping old posts it's easy to ignore him Besides he'd just be back as someone else like the rest of the trolls. I myself used to go by the moniker "ajzepp"
  2. Whats so great about a farmer? They're out standing in their fields. 209/3=69.6667. or if you're dishonest like tom you don't round up and stick with .6666666
  3. It's a Cadillac. It's an XLR! http://lmgtfy.com/?q=209%2F3 It's not, though. It'd be 69.66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666669666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666667!
  4. Whatever clown. I'm right. You're wrong. Do I need to show my work on math? This isn't elementary school, you can't cheat off me.
  5. Fine 70. But ok, if it was 70 it's not be 69 which takes away the humor cuz it's a gay joke. When it's a 70 it's a gay 69 because there is always an extra unit involved.
  6. Whatever you say. Just disprove me. 209/3= 69. You can't. Because it's fact.
  7. 209/3 = 69 Dumbass 69 is 828 months. 828/3 = 276. I like having fun. I'm about meeting girls. I'm about meeting guys. I'm scoresman. I got a tattoo.
  8. I thought you knew Howard Stern? Either way, the 209th trimester would be 69 years old in 2/3
  9. I love askingg these women if they've ever had consensual sex. They get triggered. Powder got a sex change.
  10. If I had a billion cattle. I'd be rich.
  11. Why can't one be the result of the other. First I get the 3sums. Then I get the cattle. Or better yet... First I get the cattle. Then I get the 3sums. Cattle r power.
  12. The law only states that it is impacting the mental health of a woman. That to me is quite scary because look at all these damn kids on my lawn these days. Emotionally we are a ***** weak socity.
  13. 1) you're wrong. Doctors are not going to be performing or supervising this action. It's up to health care workers. And to find a familial need is simply to say a 16 yr old gets knocked up and doesn't want to tell her parents. Bing bang boom! abortion city! A 25 year old reckless woman gets knocked up and doesn't want her bf to know she cheated - blam, abortion city! A 37 yr old gets a FWB that's 19 yrs old to make her feel young and gets the flesh rod injection raw. Kerpow! Abortion city! A woman gets raped while drunk, 22 and doesn't remember. Goes to a store to get the old next day fixer upper and whamo! Abortion.... city! All of those are cases I know. All of those are birth control measures post coitis. A "doctor" supervised 2. 1 because the girl was young and didn't want it and her mom did find out as it was about to go down. The other was a woman not wanting to raise the thing by herself and ***** the dad's life up. So in all of those cases if the women waited until just the day before to say "meh, not feeling it." ... Wowza, blam! Abortion city! 2) hard to have accurate stats on abortions. From plan b pills to women getting the old vacuum cleaner suction treatment - hard data is not out there that shows a consensus that I have seen, at least. Either way, I'm not anti abortion. I'm anti stupid and would definitely say I am probably abortion. I want more. I want millions more.
  14. $5b is what you're worried about when it's literally nothing in the budget. That so much more is wasted and this is your focus because... Wait for it... #orangemanbad. And because it's common knowledge. And it's laughable. There are PM's about it frequently among the gossip groups here. It's a sign of immaturity. I don't judge myself or care about the viewpoints of others who wish to judge me, more importantly. Why should I? I'm better than that ... And them. Guggies is one of those I'm better than. And, trust me, the schtick I'm superior is just for ***** and giggles. Anyway, your feelings are what you focus on... So to your fact statement It will make many agencies hurt. I don't remember your article. Meaning I never saw it or it was a moot point of information that isn't anything more than propoganda. If we are relying on federal workers to get the job done and they're not I say we go private. Let them get real world jobs. Let them not take advantage of tax payer waste and I bet that $5b would come back quick. I don't insult anyone. I provide colorful verbage in response to inadequate commotion. You, several others lack any objectional basis to actually provide insight because you despise Trump and are emboldened in your beliefs. It's sad. And when the shoutbox is littered with "waawaa Trump did bad things" all day it's only fun and fair to poke back. Guess y'all can't take it??‍♂️
  15. Bullet points make it fun. I don't go to Breitbart. In fact, the first time I've know myself to go there was yesterday when news.google had an article I thought was interesting and lead me there. I of course approach this with confidence - like I do anything. And the shoutbox is full of idiots who really just spout off at the mouth with no intellectual premise or anything beyond emotions. Shady, Mike, flaz, many are of this ilk. Their low denominator conversations are of rhetoric that is #orangemanbad and NPC filters that do not actually have resonance beyond the already obvious #orangemanbad and saying mean and stupid things. It's immature. No one has made an effort to actually pose an argument. Hopeful attempted and was as intellectually dishonest as it can be with strawmen and red herring arguments that were absurd. Whoever "we" is can say all they want as I deal with responsibilities that take me away from my mobile to resolve issues at work, go about my life, and do things which better myself to be the better person than you and the shoutbox denizens of low merit. And, you'd have a point that I Google things but, as I am sure youre thinking after I read this: I don't cite *****. In fact - I tell others to and no one does. And my leaving "drop the mic" ***** is just to get under your skin and others and it works. It's usually when I leave to go home from work, I'm at the gym for a few hours, banging my girlfriend, or going to sleep... Or any number of interests which disengage me from the internets. Now, I'll drop the mic and ask you to state your case on why I was wrong about this horrible law your ***** state passed to kill people.
  16. @Gugnyclass will begin in a few hours. Read up so you can account for your belief this is a good thing and understand this is part of the American genocide of the lower class and minorities.
  17. I'm not registered, idiot. Get yourself up to speed. You'd be amazed at how actually ***** perfect I am. But, avoid the actual article. Avoid learning and intelligence. Continue on NPCGugny. Your overlords Gov Coumo and Schumer love you.
  18. Cuomo wants to go even further, saying earlier this month that abortion rights should be added to the state constitution. The new law will allow a licensed "health-care practitioner" acting under their scope of practice to perform an abortion when: So the measure will make late-term abortions legal at the discretion of a health-care practitioner based on the viability of the fetus or if the woman's life or health is in jeopardy. And the act will codify Roe v. Wade protections into state law if the case were to be overturned by the Supreme Court, which Cuomo cited as the main reason for needing the new state law. "That's why we had to pass this law, to protect our state," Cuomo said at his bill signing. "And that's why I believe we have to go even a step further and do a constitutional amendment." Prior state law only allowed physicians to perform abortions. https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/politics/albany/2019/01/22/abortion-laws-new-york-how-they-change-immediately/2643065002/ @Gugny. Try reading this. We can go back to class tomorrow, I'll let you know what time it'll begin. We can only hope you learn something from the better man (me). Glad you missed the gleeful shoutbox lowIQ crowd this evening.
  19. @Jauronimo this seems like something worth pointing out??? Source, btw, Tommy?
  20. It's an old internet joke, my bad.
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