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Everything posted by boyst

  1. I don't really request anyone on there or pay attention. I just use Facebook to remind people I lead a better life than them because I don't have kids. Concerts, sports, nightlife, women... I just looked. My suggested friends is littered with women I have dated or known. I guess it's impossible to have a one night stand anymore. ?
  2. I never even noticed. What's funny is I will get a message asking if it it is me....? Who else would it be. It's also scary that Facebook knows so damn much based on just this damn site. I have maybe 20 members from this site on my FB. And another 20 or 30 I know show up. Thanks for ignoring me??‍♂️
  3. I'd love to see the information that falls out of the cracks if Oprah did ever run for office. She is too wise to make that mistake and will instead play the behind the scenes games she does now.
  4. Can't be sure, but not all of them. Just the Rex boys.
  5. Why doesn't someone who uses their real name deserve privacy? This is the stupidest thing you've said in 12 hours. You know how many people I've made attempts to find on Facebook, MySpace, etc? 0.0. You know why? I don't need to. If they pop up as a suggestion ok, cool but I generally don't even request their acquaintance in that case because I don't know them. Did you ever think that those you don't know... Never mind you don't think. Oops
  6. By show of hands who is going to believe that article without actual full proper quotes of both Trump and the others? Welcome to today's world where everything can be misquoted. And even with video to prove it, it doesn't matter. Until the video or quotes are given in full then this is just another bit of what's now called "fake news" Edit. To clarify. Yes. There is all of this information available but 1) no one cares. 2) no one cares because #orangemanbad. 3) no one cares because they're already bias. 4). The media has painted such a broad stroke with every story that people just don't care like they used to. 5) no one believes anything anymore. This whole system of reporting has failed. Your reporting on reporting is just a further step down the rabbit hole. And it's unavoidable. And sad. And continues to divide. Rhetoric like you espouse on this, proclaiming the question how can this be good? That you're so concerned about something like this shows a lack of cognitive behhavior to not understand the flaws in your viewpoint. In the first breath you bash Trump and all of his power. In the second breath you hang on to his every word to find fault. And in the end you finally cry out he has too much power simply because of his words. If one man has so much power then don't you think it needs to be mitigated? That's not how our Republic works, at least not by the design by our forefathers. Your frustration and anguish lies with the lack of responsibility placed in the Senate. The House is full of lackeys who do nothing and don't serve a purpose anymore. The president has been a puppet for over a decade. The Senate is what needs to begin to work in order to even begin to fix the problems you're seeing but you're so blinded by partisanship that #orangemanbad is responsible for everything. It must be joyful to live with blinders on and such vitriol and hate.
  7. This happens a lot.
  8. Can't give that up. He's 100% inside realiable and you'd know their name. Just trust me on this one. ?
  9. I am not revealing the source who told me this...but take that to the bank.
  10. The coaches would get drunk at the facility nearly every night and the night before the game
  11. She doesn't find the time to do all of this, it just is who he is You got some sort of forum tourette's
  12. What kind of lonely desperate attention or would go to such lengths?
  13. Yep. All 3 of them that started threads. I'm assuming me again? I'm ***** famous. ???? sDS brought this up at a tailgate. Each new member that's approved has their IP address shown and when it's shown it automatically shows any former handles they have had iirc
  14. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed
  15. Your proclaiming that shall = must. That means when something says something must not be interfered with you literally mean it cannot, in your interpretation...?
  16. I got him, bro. @Royale with Cheese "I'm cultured and only use proper nouns when discussing myself. I'm a ***** delight. Also, if it's important: father of 2, divorced, former Guess Jeans model, college educated, 5'10⅜", not funny, seldom interesting, can hold my breath for over 67 seconds." With the current filters in place? No. -------- INTJ - Master race But I can be extroverted and own the room if I'd like, just think people are stupid and boorish usually.
  17. So, when it says thatbsomething shall not be infringed. What's your take?
  18. Be awesome if during the speech he recognized her, asks her to stand and then has her arrested. Oh, the lulz.
  19. The did they file a police report? Because if so this guy needs to be fired from his job charged with a crime
  20. I maybe a bit pretentious but I don't find what he does all that amazing. The plays he does call are mostly no brainers and easily seen when looking at the full field. It's hard to do on a television but in a booth it's very easy. Wonder if he will be tired to coach, though. These QB's never get much shot at defensive coaching.
  21. Yano, I'm athiest, have zero empathy, damn near sociopathic and a tremendous ####### who has the moral fiber likened to that of Al dente spaghetti, think only idiots proclaim you don't understand because you don't have children and has killed about 21 animals this year - a few predator birds, two cattle euthanized, 9 to harvest, a few dogs, and a bunch of vermin... And I can't understand how anyone can justify killing a sustainable lifeform. I never feel satisfied or find full justification to remove an animal from existence unless it was euthanasia. Basically, I have no soul and think this is a gross violation of ethics that our species must sustain. I mean, think about it - what species out there actively jjust kills their offspring because they don't need it/want it?
  22. If Josh Allen is in bed with his girlfriend... Is he an Allen screw? If he leaves quick is he an Allen bolt? If he is very fast is he usain bolt?
  23. Just ***** off already you insufficient feeble mind Go post your poetry slam on OTW.
  24. Ruth bader Ginsburg is alive and well, vacationing in Florida these last few weeks to get away from the stress of the job. Due yo the personal and family reason she's been unavailablee, and she looks forward to being able to touch base with the community
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