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Everything posted by boyst

  1. """"bi-partisan"""""
  2. Uh. Tinder bro. If you get tinder and can't pull 100 matches in 3 days you're fugly. If you get tinder and can't get laid in a day you're just lacking game. This was just a stupid report to begin with and ***** do I miss Tinder.
  3. Got some more chores to do. Weather was too great not to take advantage of getting things done now catching up around the house... Cleaning the shower is next. But I hope to catch some of the end of the 1st quarter and some of the later game. Maybe do some play by play to make Romo look less incredible
  4. Am I missing anything???
  5. I admire your intellectual ability to make these idiots dance. That's the only thing I can come up with because there is no way anyone could be so obtuse and stupid to constantly come back the way you do. It's hilarious that the majority of PPP still fall for drive by trolling. Well done.
  6. They're not true. I'm not a sex offender. Soooo....
  7. Both! I am doing both. You really are dense, though. Try harder. BTW, my fan club will probably PM you. That'll be funny. But, imagine for a minute people so concerned with someone else's life they don't know that they feel important enough to chime in? ?? Yeah, disirregardless, I don't give a *****. Learn to breathe, kiddo.
  8. Come on, we all know the truth... many of you are just thinking he never got the reach-around offered. The truth is he's butthurt because he was not pretty enough
  9. Well, that's awful boring in response. Try humor. It makes a better response.
  10. I've been singing Dorseys praises a long time and his work with the idiot in Carolina was amazing. The guy is a great QB coach and it's a shame that he had such an uncoachable talent down there. He can speak to QB's and understand the defense very well. Very happy for this. Dude will be an OC in 3 or 4 years.
  11. See Levi's response. Don't take a right away from a teacher.
  12. Imsoadvancedidontevenspace,bro Infactimgoingaboveandbeyondthefuture. I'mjustgoingtosmashthekeyboardandletmylettersassumenocharacter. Isjxjxjxjdjekekenennsmkwslsllssppeoepepepepepeepndnskslskzjxjdhhdhdhd! @BeginnersMind=djejekkekekelenddndndjdhhfjfkfkdmekspdlxkndbrbrhdj
  13. Who really gives a ***** about this? Anyone asking him to resign or wanting him to is a vaginal discharge. If all is fair in politics then be will step down. But he shouldn't.
  14. At what point will she be required to ever make an appearance?
  15. That would be a moderate leftist view. I think a more centerist / moderate would view it as the Democrats trying to play by different rules and continuing to shape the narrative of acceptable behavior and "right me, wrong for you" hypocrisy
  16. You do a disservice to intellectuals by using vocabulary words with more than 4 letters. So I'll give you seven: get bent.
  17. His second job was pretty badass. RIP in peace.
  18. If I'm Atlanta I go after him. I'd take a chance on him. As a backup, he may be one of the best because he can improvise a game plan with his legs.
  19. @Deranged Rhino and you both are wasting your time
  20. Oh, trust me I know. It's worse if you're an ifag. Girlfriend and I were talking about pickles and hummus. For a week any add was hummus and even pickles. It was freaking creepy. I now make it a point to mention very inappropriate things near her phone now.
  21. There. I get to see your doggos now
  22. I'll get on Facebook next week and check it. Enjoy the post I make from my linked Instagram of "Who's Bad" the Michael Jackson tribute group tomorrow.
  23. What's funny is I probably have a dozen members of TSW showing up but I'd never know. Not everyone uses their full or real name as the TSW. ?
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