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Everything posted by boyst

  1. If I wear a Bills hat in Boston am I just asking for it?
  2. That's the logic that will never work. It's the Bush logic. Dumbest president ever but pulled of a massive cover-up for wars and 9/11 to profit. Trump: most corrupt President ever but #orangemanbad something fitting narrative.
  3. God I love 4chan. And anyone ever replying in an article about it taking it serious just likes the marble ***** cake. I'm 37 and get it
  4. That was a wooly baahd joke, my friend
  5. at this rate I'm gonna be a shoe inn for a political position in 10 years. Maybe less!
  6. And like so many have been telling you over and over the new boss is the same as the old boss...nothing changes.
  7. What? Not watching. Just left climbing gym
  8. No it won't. He is now much more different and they know they have a weak spot. They'll just keep it up in a new direction
  9. My money would be on MrAgs vs Gronk. Dude loathes Gronk. @mrags
  10. I'd start a go fund me for anyone willing to kick the ***** out of any Patriot.
  11. Suggest to him to watch this video.
  12. Not kicking him the nuts ... Not at all. I could not care less about him. But, to defend him as someone knew football knowledge is incorrect. He was consistently terrible at his opinions and takes. To defend him as just being a member who isn't here anymore, fair enough. I even said as much of the same up thread. See below. Yes this is partially mocking him, John. But that's a lot to do with how he treated others and ironic because this is similar to what he did to others. So it's all in good fun.
  13. And yet, whaTs sad, is there are once in a blue moon reasons why a late af abortion is an ideal choice. This only does a disservice to women's rights and humanitarian rights.
  14. Your welcome. Now run your ass the hell up out of here. But, with that note, why bother bringing that up? Do you think it's cute or that I care? I'm twice the man you are and have accomplished far more than you'll ever dream of even with the negatives in my life I've done quite well and pretty damn respected in the community. What can you say for yourself, pleb? Further, if you actually listen to his message unfiltered - don't worry, I know you won't, it's too much to ask - you'll see what he's actually saying. So, like I said... Fudge off with your dishonesty. There is a reason 99% of this board ignores you including myself. You're worthless.
  15. Trump to discuss greatness and yet here you are. Trump to discuss the divide and getting over it and you're coming to the table already butthurt. You and your TDS NPC ilk won't hear one word he said, so spare us your blithering rants and go ahead and fudge right off.
  16. Cis stands for something biological and something definitive. I forgot. But it's a valid actual stagtement to say cis.
  17. NC is one. Our Lt gov and attorney general are Republicans. Our POS Gov is Democrat
  18. Come on this is crap. He knew nothing of football, the game or play beyond some history once in a while. His takes and viewpoints were terrible. To claim he added service is overstated - sorry, beyond copy and pasting he didn't.
  19. Funny, I read that same line on your Grindr profile.
  20. That's because Twitter stacks the deck to hide conversations and shaddow bans those discussing such topics. It's bad enough to click on a news Tweet such as the AP and have it warn me that it may be offensive to report that Northam once wore a hood.
  21. Isn't this traditionally the way it goes? Buffalo is top 5 every year?
  22. People don't care about the pats. I watched 2 minutes then went back to family guy.
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