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Everything posted by boyst

  1. How many inches was she?
  2. You know, for all these young women I must profess and I am actually part Hungarian I am more than up for the task
  3. But, at least I taught you one thing: the word ***** is blocked.
  4. Did I make the cut? ??‍♂️
  5. How's the weather out there for y'all? It's over 50 today, feels nice! Suns out, too!
  6. Uh. There is more than Cheese Pizza embedded in YouTube there are tens of thousands of videos of blatant in your face pthc... Read an amazing story on it on 4chan of places 5 years ago. There was screen caps of links and basically it was a how to guide to finding it that someone posted. Quite jaw dropping - YouTube doesn't do much to police it but if you post something about Trump being good you're *****.
  7. That's too much for me to read
  8. C'mon. You antagonize and know it. You can't say thanks for that and throw a rock back at them. That's bull####. I'm just defending that you're a better person than to just be flat out called a bad person. There are some like BeginnersMind and 34 that are just mental midgets with the douchebag persona of the guy who wants to hang out at Panera after going to Starbucks in his Nissan Leaf before he goes home to make signs for his next protest hoping this time he will get a side hug from some chick who leaves that event to ride some dude on Tinder.
  9. Each their own but if you're going to be judging morals and statements... Eh, boss, I'm pretty reprehensible. And I've got some ***** to back that up. EII may just be different but he's not bad.
  10. eii is not a bad person. He may be stupid, irrational and many things you don't care for but he's not a bad person. And yes, I've met him.
  11. Well she pissed off the cattle industry who contribute 1.8% of the emissions ... the emails have been coming in fast & furious
  12. Different organizations. Girlfriend sjowed me some articles to give a different view. I disagree with her on this, needless to say.
  13. There are plenty of doctors who speak out about needing late term abortions to save a mother's life. Less than 1% of them, however
  14. I've never heard that song in my life. I listened to a few clips. I hope to never hear it again. What a ***** joke to call himself an artist. He should be an hero to us all.
  15. she was in the movie the girl next to her, about the pornstar... But I watched thinking maybe would get some titty... Nothing
  16. We have to investigate to find out
  17. It'd be incivility to arise. However, the current desire of the left having their positions - one is the abolishment of SCOTUS.
  18. File a lawsuit charging validation of the claim. Trust me. Whatever ruling comes next, if it is 5-4, will be primed for this debate. I'm betting every ruling to come will be 6-3 or greater. I'm betting every ruling will be this so they can protect themselves. That is until the gig will be up
  19. There is no blue checkmark on this
  20. Sherror Brown needs a hell of a lot of steam real quick and has skeletons in his closet from what I remember from my Ohio life and connections. Beto is a joke but that's the Trump factor/Obama puppet type that could get the nomination from the Dems. Ryan is the perfect example of the old Democrat because he's a man Sanders or Biden need to get the nod and Sanders time expired last election Trump would embarrass him in debate Edit: you're a good poster on PPP. Thanks for sticking around with contrary opinions to the masses What's this code saying?
  21. I was thinking wrestling. ??‍♂️
  22. Ok if I wear a pink t-shirt that says " sensitive woman" with a ***** hat in the south to a whiskey bar in the country... Am I asking for a hard time?
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