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  1. i mean, i just think it's worth it because who you quoted. it may take him a while to reply because he's probably huffing some lawnmower fumes but it'll be funny when he does.
  2. just pretending i didn't know you know the take on the train whistle.... most people including Bills fans, hate it.
  3. this is great rage b8
  4. i'd argue that no one ties a noose because no one really knows how to tie a noose. if it's just a slipknot it does not count as a noose because it is just the easiest knot to tighten around something. how else would you suspend the doll? i didn't get a close look at it but it was hanging over the CBS set - it looked like the string came from the head. in short: if its not that knot then we cannot know the knot was not used maliciously.
  5. right? it's a weird dynamic. you can have 51.2% of population not even know who you are, 43.9% of the population hate you, while 4.9% of the population loves you and make millions. It's all about finding your niche and catering to them in todays world. My hats off to anyone who can find a way to use their celebrity for millions. That Hawk Tua girl really is a shining example of this. well put. i think both of these can be true. the camera always on him for his abilities developed his personality to be the main character guy is my bet. and now he just knows as a celebrity he can get away with whatever he wants because he is a sportsballman celeb.
  6. There is no uproar. Just like a few weeks ago when Simon shut that thread down. I personally saw this thing. It wasn't hanging hanging was tied up to hang from a stick. The reaction to this is people are upset that someone said someone was upset. The outlets are social media tools trying to get attention and click bait journalists and scum like Steven a Smith and his ilk No one is upset about this. I promise.
  7. To this point I think Kelce is a pick me guy with main character syndrome. Who thinks he's always on camera, always performing. If you ever watch him or see him in the background he's always doing something.
  8. Happy birthday
  9. cold roll steel. the best steel
  10. 100% agree. The only rationale I have on this one is that Bryan Cox was the heel. He was supposed to be the bad guy, relished in it, and was an absolute jerk. Kelce tries to be the cool Chad and is forced into the homes of ours in commercials, etc. The only sportsman who plays a roll in my life is Josh. I make my wife call me Josh. I also call her Josh. Everything is Josh.
  11. that's kelce on his sales and marketing schtick. dude has to act like that. you want the real kelce it is him roided up and raged gigachad that we see in his behavior. his act is manufactured like any other host of a podcast or show.
  12. yeah, the guy who shoved his coach because he couldn't get his number called, the guy who was kicked off of his college team, the guy who personifies a jock douche Chad, yeah.... he was giving the opponent who beat him respect. better rethink that. travis is a gigachad.
  13. nothing. he is insignificant in my life. he and the entire kelce family is one big goofball script. travis is worse than his brother, however - but there is nothing i find enjoyable about either. too manufactured and cornball.
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