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Everything posted by SRQ_BillsFan

  1. I found this little quote in a story about the rules change in 2006 that was pushed by Brady and Manning. I kept wondering how PSI could not have come up when that occurred. Although he doesn't specifically say PSI. "The thing is, every quarterback likes it a little bit different," Brady said after addressing the competition committee. "Some like them blown up a little bit more, some like them a little more thin, some like them a little more new, some like them really broken in." http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/2015/01/26/tom-brady-deflategate-peyton-manning-rule-change-nfl/22372835/ I think this was before the Jets game where there is no proof the ball was actually 16 lbs.
  2. but, but, he said he didn't do it. Now everyone will be jumping over each other to point this out. "Well he said under oath her didn't do it. So that means without a doubt he is innocent". I can hear the crap already from reporters to the Patriot sheep.
  3. A big factor here was that these balls reportedly never made it into a game. But I'd be ok with suspending the ball boys for 4 games as well. :-)
  4. I'm not a laywer so this means nothing To me it's NOT an equipment violation. It's doing something illegal to cheat and gain an advantage in an actual game. That would make this unchartered territory. So how could you argue that it is not in line with other penalties. And why would I have to tell someone not to steal balls and cheat. Who doesn't think you could be punished for that. But I understand it's not that simple. What good is any of this if all a player has to do is appeal every ruling to get it tossed or a reduction?
  5. But I do love how they are going to kick everyone's butt with this chip on thier shoulder. Like they weren't trying to win before and will play even harder now.
  6. I agree, that and Brady's lies and destruction of his cell phone. At this point nothing other than the actual phone is believable. He has already proven he is not honest and therefore can not be trusted. My daughter recently switched from a Android phone to an iPhone AND when she did, the iPhone had her text messages from her old phone. However, I can't say that all carriers work this way? Also Ian Rapoport had published weeks prior to the 1st email that "11 of the 12 balls used by the Patriots were under the allowed limit of 12.5 Pounds per Square Inch (PSI) of pressure. However, most of the balls were not nearly as deflated as many originally believed. As far as the 11 footballs that I am told were below the 12.5 PSI, one was about two pounds under," Rapoport said on NFL Network. "Several were about a pound under, and several more were just a tick below 12.5 PSI." So it's not like everyone was running around using the -2lb premise.
  7. How did the patriots even know the 2lb number was bad? If they had the right numbers, why didn't they put them out there themselves. Then again, how did they have the right numbers? Maybe it's because they knew how much they deflated the balls themselves.
  8. I'm not sure it's the giant leap you think it is. There is no one NFL that Indy complained to it was some Sr NFL execs, I'm sure some took it more serious than others. I'm also sure that they get hundreds of nit picky complaints every year. Some they take more serious than others. It's common sense that if the NFL took it as serious as you suggest they would have done more. Again if this game were close, went into overtime and Tom's stats were worse in the 2nd half to borrow from PT just think what that would have done to the integrity of the game. The NFL would pretend not to care but Vegas would be going ballistic. The entire nation would, there is simply no way the NFL would have allowed this to happen. The only logical explanation is that they could not have taken it serious. But then some NFL execs did after being given the ball from Indy. They even became overly paranoid about the whole thing. Should they have taken it more serious, obviously. There is fault here. But it's not a stretch to see that they didn't take it as seriously as they should have. It's easy to dissect what went wrong after the fact or that the ref didn't know exactly who took the balls onto the field. If his 1st thought was they were stolen, he was probably relieved when they showed up on the field and were not out in the parking lot in someone's trunk. "Play ball, I could have lost my job over that one. Uhh Tom, Bill we lost your balls". I'm sure he was thrilled the balls were on the field. My doctor always told me when you hear hoof tracks, think horses, not zebras. But I guess what do I know because I actually think we walked on the moon too.
  9. There is no way that it was a sting. If the game went into overtime this would truly be a bigger deal for the NFL. There is no chance they would ever let that happen. The ref didn't know who took the balls just that they were missing. He went out to the field and they were there. I am sure he expected someone from the NFL took them, not that they were stolen.
  10. What I don't understand about the court part of all of this is that the players agreed to arbitration with an appeals process in the CBA. And this may be where I'm off: my understanding is that the courts don't like to get to involved in arbitration cases because of the fear in opening all arbitration cases (outside of the NFL) back into the court system. Which makes arbitration useless. I have heard they may send something back procedurally that forces a do over of the arbitration. Given that I don't understand how this end up as a new trial in a court and was really confused with the Hardy and GelCap decisions (Vikings). But I am not a lawyer, I do however stay at Holiday Inn Express. Is there a laywer here that can explain how they go to court after agreeing to arbitration for more than a procedural violation in the arbitration process. Or is this simply not binding arbitration, and if not why bother at all?
  11. I saw Kujo on a plane from Atlanta to Tampa last night, shook his hand. I was sittin down and he was walking down the crowded isle, so no pictures. Not sure where he was going in Tampa?
  12. Sarasota, Florida!! Let them train with the heat and humidity.
  13. OJ is top 5 NFL all time. Love me some Thurman, but he's not in the conversation. Anyone that would rank Thurman ahead of OJ was simply to young to watch OJ play. It's that simple. As far as the NFL goes to me it's Jim Brown and OJ everyone else is a step behind. Back then Buffalo had no game other than running, and they still said here we come, try and stop OJ. The first 2,000 was an unbelievable feat. Sure others have beat it, but they had a record to go after. When OJ did it it was beyond belief that a running back met that threshold. Prior to that it was like the 4 minute mile that people went for but could not break. I often wonder if he had today's training methods what he could do today because his speed and vision were unmatched. Many a time the guy was caught and slipped through the smallest of holes. While he didn't have Browns strength to break tackles he had the strength to break many. His best and the most fun to watch was when he would get hemmed in and take it the other way. While I loved Thurman OJ was a pleasure to watch. Just too bad he had to go and screw up his legacy. While I like to pretend he didn't do it, few people believe that to be true. I still remember the cover of SI in. '73. It was "2003 the year of Super Simpson". Had it on my wall for years as a teenager.
  14. I still question as was done up thread how these are even measured? It seems unlikely that people who are in for 50+ snaps would always be in the -4 to +4 range. Either there is a small margin in determining plays that count or people are making many more bad plays than I am seeing. For a lineman just keeping the defender from pressuring the quarterback sound like a positive play to me? Shouldn't their numbers be +15/+20. These stats seem meaningless if there is no process as to how they are handed out. I am not saying they are wrong other numbers I have seen are similar. I just don't get it.
  15. Agree the Bears have many weapons. Not sure Cutler has been known for his accuracy? He is better than many QB's and has the new contract to prove it. I agree both wins were against quality teams.
  16. Florida teams all the way. Was upset when I could not catch the Bills on my tablet Sunday when I needed to pick up my daughter from work. I know why they have the rule, but they need to change it. It's not like I want to watch the game on my phone simply to get different commercials. I want to watch it on my phone only because I can not be in front of my 50 inch flat screen. Since it was on local TV no phone or tablet access just doesn't make sense to me. Simply unavailable technology.
  17. I guess I will feel better after we play a couple of games against real, or better anyway, quarterbacks. The defense has played well but what has been open that we didn't see? Or where would a Manning have taken a chance at a small window? I think these 2 teams and our level of play may have been better than a few of the past quick starts. However we have not come across a "franchise" QB yet. Fans of the Bears and Phins both tore apart their QB's after both our wins. Just as we would have EJ had we lost. I hope the results are the same but this is a key reason for me to quietly enjoy the wins.
  18. Scares me. Bears game could have gone either way after we had a nice lead. Miami game could have been the crowd and atmosphere. I think I will hold out for a few more weeks and quietly enjoy the wins as long as they keep coming. I won't lose hope until they are out in any case as I do every year.
  19. Different sport and more games, I know. But I believe this happens for Leaf games.
  20. Did I miss the News Confrence? It's already 7:30 AM! f5 f5 I hope the announcement comes today, would be a madhouse if announced on Sunday. But I would rather that Sunday be more about celebrating Ralph. Everything that has happened this offseason along with the Bills and Phins wins almost makes this game against Miami seem like the old days. Squish the Fish!!
  21. I'm hoping that is why Tommy G. is hanging around. I hope it's not likely however.
  22. It seemed at times Cutler had all day to throw. A bit more pressure while still maintaining gap and run control would be nice, but that was just week one. Concerned that a more accurate passer would have found more downfield.
  23. I like that quote very much, nice one.
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