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Everything posted by SRQ_BillsFan

  1. would they play him the next two games if the intent is to try to stash him on the practice squad. Seems like we lost a few of these guys last year to other teams?
  2. No you can only watch on one device and it will kick you out of the other. I have used the ticket U for the last 3 years.
  3. the fighting hasn’t started yet, it’s coming.
  4. If he’s on the roster day 1 as a veteran his contract for the year is guaranteed.
  5. MVP is a season long award that does not take playoffs into account. (Or that was what I understood)
  6. A college student can get Directv stream for about $100 fortunately I have daughters in college. Do not have to be a Directv subscriber.
  7. With this schedule if the Bills can win 11-12 games or more there is no reason to think that they couldn’t win it all. We would have played the best teams in the league already. Confidence should be high for this team. For that to happen even we should feel confident. Who said “16-0 Baby”? I’m with them!!
  8. But will 8-9 sneak in when the 17 game season starts?
  9. If you know or have a college student you can get SundayTicket U for around $120 a year. I started this several years ago and switched to a much cheaper cable package. It’s a streaming package, you have to watch it on the mobile app, but there’s an app on appleTV and other devices to watch it easily on my TV without tying up my phone. My last daughter is a junior, so I have a few more years. Hopefully there will be better options by then. But said that years ago. I had the SundayTicket for over 15 years starting with year one. I just got tired of fighting with them. you used to just go to DIRECTV website and there would be a link from the main page. Just had to log in first.
  10. If you only wanted to take the Confrence champions the teams would have to only play games within their Confrence. But if that happened it would be difficult to rate teams and Confrence's since there would be no games to use for comparison. If you take just the champions, you are ignoring roughly 25% of the schedule. Even the NFL doesn't simply ignore non Confrence games.
  11. It wouldn't make sense to fire everyone during the season there is only so much you can do. The offense has stunk both games. I never liked romans style. We have playmakers we rarely use. I watch other teams move down the field. In Buffalo I'm just hoping we can get a 1st down. But I agree the whole thing is pitiful and am glad they are trying to do something. Even if it has low odds of payoff this season.
  12. Wish I had your optimism.
  13. Was visiting a friend in Dallas, wore my new Trent jersey for the opening Monday night game. We lost. Left it behind, never to be seen again.
  14. Nope looks the same to me.
  15. See I disagree. If a coach gets the right people he can do well with him. I was 100% against the Marv Levy hiring, he had done nothing as a coach and had even tried the 3 running backs in the backfield while in KC. I mean this is what we did in peewee football. However he then took them to 4 Superbowls. Many people will say he was outcoached and that's why we lost, but that's another topic. While we have Rex, hate him or like him, I will root for him to turn this around. It's quicker than a rebuild
  16. With the wide receivers we have on this team Sammy should be TT's 2nd read at a minimum each time he throws the ball. Doesn't have to throw it, but at least look for him. He should know where Sammy is going every play, how hard can it be?
  17. If they keep playing with two wide receivers, why not stack the line. It's like an invitation.
  18. Mario is a quitter who will play strong for less than the 1st half of the 1st game. Once he has a few drives in the Miami Heat he'll start mailing it in. He is who he is. He's older, not younger. Actually they open in Seattle. He could have a decent 1/2 of the 1st game.
  19. I really liked this at 1st, put it on the NFLPA then there could be no excuses. Then I started to wonder when close to CBA time if anyone these players would be held out as bargaining chips. Guess I don't trust either side.
  20. Others will follow, it's just a matter of time before people stand with him. Depending on how it is perceived it could become a huge issue with half the players sitting in protest. Maybe this is a good thing, who am I to say. I have my opinion and he wouldn't like it. Having said that the NFL decided it would play the national anthem, so what will they do if a large portion of the players chooses not to stand? Speaking of the NFL it is not innocent in the racism department. At least not 100%, although much of it is old there is still racism in the NFL. Maybe this is where he should take his stand and choose not to play? I saw the picture of his car, is not standing his only way of helping to resolve this issue or is he more involved? I honestly don't know. Seems like other actions he is doing would be included if this stand is so important to him. And no a few social media posts do not count as helping the situation, what else is he doing? Once we know, then we can determine if he is being genuine or not.
  21. After last year I am sure the Bills considered any potential injury situation and STILL did not want him. The Bills knew he wouldn't count for the first four games and STILL did not want him. You may think they are dumb and made a bad move, but I think it speaks volumes about how they viewed Karlos. They had way more input than we did. They did not want him around, simple.
  22. I'm actually hoping we bring in an ILB from the last group of cuts that can cover a WR or RB in the middle of the field. But I guess that makes no sense now and is not worth the effort if it will take them 2 years to learn the system. So why even try. In all seriousness, I do think they will pick up someone closer to the start of the season that is currently not available. This could be a rookie, young LB or a $$ fiendly vet.
  23. Thought that was what the new MSG package was about morel local sports coverage? If the scrimmage isn't newsworthy what is? Bummer. Need to move back home. Job market any better than it was in 1979 when I left?
  24. Now we know how it happened. Hit and Run!!
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