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Everything posted by SRQ_BillsFan

  1. I like him and hope he continues to do well. I cringe watching him just waiting for the flag when he jumps in front of receivers. I'm always looking for his other arm hoping it isn't around the receiver. He may have gotten away with a few, so hard to tell. In the past it always seemed like he didn't get the benefit of the doubt all of the time, those are just hard to tell as they happen. However it was usually the long ones that got him when he wouldn't look back for the ball and he was in great position. Hope those are all behind him from now on and he keeps playing lights out. Go Bills!
  2. Even if he sits out the entire year if the Bills let him walk he'll get top dollar$. He may have to play to get it. It will have incentives and he may not get as much up front just for signing. But someone will still give it to him.
  3. So give us your answers Obi Wan your our only hope. What should we have done, or do... oh great and powerful Oz?
  4. This over and over. What about better execution by Pats. ... and especially Brady able to thread the needle on several passes when the game was on the line.
  5. I do remember the Pats punting from the Buffalo 46/47, but think they were up 10-0 at the time. No reason to go for it.
  6. Jumped in at the bottom have not read any of the others yet... Buffalo 27. F New England 24. OT Big games from Freddy, CJ and Mario. !!!
  7. I don't know if all cases are the same but my wife had surgery for this a few years ago. The surgery didn't remove all of her pain but a large majority of it. She was back to work in 6 weeks, but is in no way an athlete. I do not think it is a guaranteed surgery but also assume the Bills have better doctors.
  8. I want EJ to go his whole long BBills career without ever tasting defeat.!
  9. Why is it these guys never complain when a player, coach or celebrity asks them how they are doing? Then they just kiss ass.
  10. I thought there was a rule that kickers could only be drafted in the 3rd round and always had to wear the number 3. when I see a 3, I still think kicker. Kickers wearing 12, QB's wearing 3, Dogs and cats living in sin....
  11. The NFL is a business and this one incident won't stop him from being drafted and probably wouldn't affect his position much, but a team would surely use it against him. They may try to add something extra into his contract that would not normally be there relating to conduct and they may also try to use it when determining how and when to hand out guaranteed money and Bonuses. Some teams will try to save every dime they can once he is their property.
  12. I went with 7-9, thinking 7 showing improvement. What the rest of the NFL will see as 7 ugly wins, we will see as 7 wins with 9 exciting losses. Moving to a fast pace offense scares me like Chan's no huddle 0 for start a few years ago.
  13. PSL' s will go through the roof!
  14. Could they hold him on contempt charges if they have sworn testimony from the civil trial and he refuses to cooperate? Never mind. After reading the last few posts, doesn't matter.
  15. I agree with this 100%. Yes as PC people pointed out, things change. Other than in an old movie I have never heard anyone use the name "Redskins" in a derogatory way. Maybe in a 50's movie. If anything the team name has changed the perception in a positive way.
  16. Which one is Brad Pitt can't make him out?
  17. If Ralph died it would take two to three years before the team would be sold. It would likely operate as is for that timeframe or relatively close. That 7 year lease would be closer to coming into play, but the current team and coach would most likely not be in jeopardy immediately.
  18. It could be done with the two bye weeks and have you stay over there on a road trip to play 3-5 or however many games there are each week. Might take some coordination. But should not be too difficult.
  19. The team moved to Fenway Park (home of the Boston Red Sox) the next year, and Marshall changed the name to the "Redskins" apparently in honor of then-coach Lone Star Dietz, a Native American (he claimed to be part Sioux, but his actual ancestry has been challenged. The original name was Boston Braves. Quite a jump from Braves to Redskins, obviously it was meant to offend. Doesn't sound to me like they chose the name to mock or make fun of Indians. I highly doubt they were concerned about large amounts of drunken Indians fighting Cowboys fans in the crowd while shooting at the Buffalo players with arrows and aligning with the Chiefs and other Indian sports fans. Why would anyone choose to alianate a portion of potential paying fans. The name has been taken out of context, others have tried to get their name in the paper and then we have the political PC people jumping onto the band wagon as well as anyone who was ever bullied as a kid. Actually even the different Indian tribes fought each other for land and I am sure they had derogatory names for each other as well as complimentary names. Maybe they were even the same name depending on the context? Everyone has paid far too much attention putting their own spin on a name that was meant as a compliment. There is no logical reason for it to have been meant as anything else. Why don't we simply remove every derogatory word from the English language? Changing the name does nothing to limit the use of the word. Hell I don't even like the word blender because it sounds like bender and that's not fair to the alcoholics. We can go back to finger painting on walls, wait we can't do that either cause the cave men might have been Indians.
  20. They don't even need to do that, throw some feathers in, a turkey on the table for thanksgiving dinner and we are good.
  21. While the word Redskins can be meant in it's negative context, one can't argue that it can also be seen in it's positive form. In the context of this thread most people choose to see the negative in it. I assume most of the US population does. As stated numerous times the N-word is also often used in a positive context. Usually, but not always, within a specific race. Who knows what they were thinking when they chose the name? It may be correctly documented somewhere. However I do not think that when the name was chosen it was meant in a negative context. Most sports teams choose a name that depicts strength and they would like their team to be percived from this standpoint. If one chooses to place a derogatory meaning to the name that was their choice, not the intended vision. Almost anything can appear to be inflammatory in some sense if you allow yourself to go there. I do not think that was the intended vision of the team when the name was chosen and I think it should be taken as it was intended. Even if you do not agree you must be able to see where it could be taken as a positive image of the American Indian. To turn that into a negative is the personal choice of those who percive it that way. I think Washington's logo is professional and I do not believe I have seen the team show it in the negative way it has been portrayed here.
  22. Nice! Can we do this ^^^
  23. My concern is our own "Up tempo" or " No huttle" . Three and outs late in the game will be a killer.
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