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joe w bags

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Posts posted by joe w bags

  1. Just asking: If the commissioner were to ask you to speak up to save team in Buffalo, in light of area not having corporate $, and fans paying lowest ticket prices in the entire NFL , why should Buffalo have a team. What is in it for the rest of the league. What would you tell him in defense of the area and city to justify having a team .


    Secondarily if a new ownership group purchased team and told you they would need raise ticket 35% that would help them recoup purchase expenses and build new stadium ect. would you be on board. Average ticket prices for Bills games were last in league at 51.24 on average last season, suppose they raised this average to $70.00.

    Fine to hope and ask for others to put money into team, how much is to much for you?

  2. One or two game suspensions are not going to resolve issue. Must adopt a zero tolerance policy on off field behavior , with players understanding they in being a NFL player hold a position of great privilege, first time offenses result in minimum 8 game suspensions , second offenses in full season suspensions, any subsequent in banishment. All suspensions subject to review after term, with player having to show he has done something in terms of restitution and personal improvement.

    I cringe when I see Whitners name in headlines this past weekend and Lynch's previously, my heart as Bills follower hopes they are not and will not get into legal trouble that will effect team adversely ,my head says if NFL wishes to be viewed as a elite entertainment source, those who are involved in it be held to the highest of standards while in its employ, no hand wringing, no excuses made, suspensions must be servere and consistant for all. Amazes me the talk of many of these people as being just kids, 10 year olds rightly can be called children and kids, at 24 its time to be a man and be accountable for ones actions.

  3. Tickets in Toronto reduced 17%


    Bills Toronto Series organizers announced today that the average ticket price for the 2009 NFL regular season game in Toronto has been reduced by 17 per cent.


    The reduction is the result of an overall adjustment that includes a large increase in the number of tickets available for less than $100 – from 4,700 in 2008 to more than 11,000 in 2009. In total, twenty-five per cent of all 2009 regular season game tickets will be available for less than $100.


    “During the offseason we asked our customers for feedback on the Bills Toronto Series. This price adjustment, developed in conjunction with the NFL and the Bills, is a result of that feedback,” said Phil Lind, Vice Chairman, Rogers Communications Inc. “Sports leagues and teams around the world are taking similar steps to make their products more accessible. We are conscious of these challenging economic times and are more committed than ever to providing Toronto sports fans with an outstanding NFL experience.”

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