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Everything posted by bklnpete

  1. It's so easy to diss Donte, to compare him to the elite safeties in the league where he (and most every other safety in the league) obviously doesn't measure up. I can't hate the guy, he is what he is and what he lacks in pure football talent he at least attempts to make up for by playing hard on every down. It's not his fault he was drafted in the 8th spot and now has to live up to first-round expectations.
  2. This made me laugh out loud. Enjoy. My link
  3. We need to hold onto him in case J.P. comes back to town.
  4. Gus Johnson is great; Tasker is much less so. Pair Johnson with a capable analyst and you got a dynamic duo.
  5. Nice article about a guy who had a great career and did it quietly. Outside of the flashy suits and newsboy caps he wore to post-game interviews this guy was all business. Now he's in the business, so he says, of becoming an NFL owner within next 5 years...very interesting. Mostly, Martin wants to own an N.F.L. team. He declined to name specific teams, but predicted he would be an owner within the next five years. “Football has been a great platform to reach people,” Martin said. “Ownership is just an extension, a bigger, better way of doing that.” My link
  6. Was this post just meant to get you attention?
  7. Well I guess our ideas about what constitutes a flaming turd may differ and that's another can of worms entirely. Go Bills!
  8. This is entirely my opinion of course. By the way, Disney/ABC/ESPN et al could market a flaming turd and half of America would be really into flaming turds.
  9. This accurately explains "What's up with the media?" ESPN was already on it's way out of being a great sports network over a decade ago. If I want to see 20 minutes (out of a one hour broadcast) devoted to the The Favre Chronicles, or LeBron mania I'll tune in, otherwise it's print/web media for my sports news. Stevie is young. Hopefully he matures both in his faith and on the field.
  10. He's 26 and is a better athlete than any of our current crap, er I mean crop of LB's. Let's not pass on this guy.
  11. That would be a miracle, though not as much a miracle as bringing John Butler back...doh!
  12. While incest, if it is forced and against someone's will, and other crimes sexual in nature are most definitely deplorable, there are factors in this case that make it not so clear-cut. Who knows what the real truth is? Did the cops coax his sister into saying it wasn't consensual? Anyway, didn't this guy pay the criminal price so far? Doesn't he now have to register as a sex-offender wherever he goes for the rest of his life? I guarantee Ben Roethlisberger (a legal adult when his incident occurred), had he not gotten such a sweet deal down in Georgia, would have been convicted of rape and had to carry that same tag. Would that have been any different? Let the guy play ball, for the Bills or anyone else. If he can handle the obvious verbal abuse he'll hear from opponents (and maybe some of his team mates?) then let him play.
  13. Dude, ease up on the hostility, go rub one out or something.
  14. Good post on Levitre seq004, but what's with the pic? Did you mix your TBD and mandate.com profile pics?
  15. Who The F is Bill Williamson...Never heard even a ya!..And who cares. Punch em in the g-damn mouth rockem sockem blue collar hard hitting Buffalo Ball! Win or lose...somebody gonna git HURT! ...Yeah, probably a few of OUR guys!
  16. I come here to get away from petty politics so take your douchebag comments back to a Fox News sponsored message board where I'm sure they'll be well received...retard.
  17. Did Bills get Wood after they took Levitre?
  18. "Never let a team score!! What is the snap on FG was fumbled or kick was missed? There are many other things to complain about. " That's Jauron ball you're advocating.
  19. Esmonde should stick to public-interest stories about little old ladies and cats stuck in trees. He's so obviously not a sports guy.
  20. Dungy is a bug-eyed, skeletor-looking, self-righteous born-again blowhard.
  21. I'd like to see a split between spellers and non-spellers.
  22. Too many precious amino-acids (the building blocks of muscle!) and calcium alkaloids (strong bones anyone?) are being diverted upward to maintain the health of that Fabio-like mane.
  23. Why do you call him "Lil Donte"?
  24. Very nice. Thanks. There's a sports bar a few blocks from me that shows all the games but is usually packed to the gills and hard to negotiate a good site-line to the inevitable smallest TV in the house that Bills are shown on (unless we play Jets of course). Interestingly enough though there is a small crew of local, meaning native to this neighborhood, Bills fans. the leader of which has a pimped-out Lexus with a Bills flag waving proudly on Sundays. My guess is he came of age during early 90's golden years and hopped on the wagon. Poor soul.
  25. I'm in Brooklyn and can usually be found at Bonnie's grill in Park Slope (first in line to get a good counter seat) watching our Bills. I may not be able to make it today and need a contingency plan. Anyone know a site that streams for free? Much obliged. Oh, by the end of last season there were two more Bills bars in Park Slope alone. This is good because there is a strong Buffalo presence down here but bad because all these young and seemingly smart folks are moving out of Buffalo. I was kicked out in 94 so that's my excuse.
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