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Everything posted by bklnpete

  1. I think it was 4 plays in a row that hadn't worked all game. 4 straight shots to the end zone when we still could've had another first down at the 5. With our red-zone offense these were low-percentage plays, especially on a day when it was clear that Kyle was a bit off.
  2. It's hard to argue with the "you are what your record says you are" line of thinking but in this division I'm only impressed by Pittsburgh and that's mostly due to Big Ben. Browns, Bengals and Ravens do not impress.
  3. What is this "glass" and "fast glass" you speak of?
  4. Van is just a class act all around. At one point I had some mp3 clips of his classic calls that I'd listen to when I needed motivation (they went the way of my old phone and I can't retrieve them. If anyone has some please share!) I recall listening to his last game broadcast; he was such a funny guy in that classic, old-school way you don't see anymore. I think he may have had a few pops in him as he was hilariously needling Murph the whole game. They were a good pairing as I feel Murph is better in the analyst role than play-by-play man.
  5. Dang, 6 games into the season and the college QB threads are starting...groundhog year.
  6. Great to see you Staba! Glad you're back in the fold!
  7. They're Canadian...
  8. Bruno Mars put on a hell of a show last year. I didn't go into that halftime show a fan of his and thought it was a gamble for the league to have someone without the name recognition of past performers. However, I was thoroughly impressed by his performance; the band was loud and tight, the songs were energetic and catchy and Bruno has got chops as a performer. It was fun, not too serious and it didn't involve geriatric rock stars whose songs I've heard on classic rock radio everyday for the past 40 years. I've seen Katy Perry half a dozen times on the various music awards shows and while she does put on quite a show, and not bad eye candy to boot, I'm not sure she can hold her own...haha, hold her own...I'd like to see that.
  9. There are literally tons of bars in midtown Manhattan that have NFL Game Ticket or whatever Direct TV calls it. If you start at noon and walk up any of the main drags you will likely find a place showing it and be early enough to get a good seat. As mentioned, McFadden's is the "official" Bills Backers Bar but only go if you want a raucous game experience. You could also hop on the F-train (or take a taxi) downtown to 2nd Ave and walk a few blocks to The Immigrant at 341 East 9th St. It's run by a Bills fan from Cortland, NY and there you will find a nice spread of Buffalo specialities in a mostly mellow atmosphere with plenty of TV's and seats. Go Bills!
  10. Ron Jaworski lead off his Sunday wrap-up by saying that while many believed Miami's win was the big upset of the day he felt it was the Bills that had the bigger upset. I'll go with what he said; he's on TV, that's way better than radio!
  11. I may show up. I haven't had a go-to spot for a few years now. My last regular Sunday Bills bar was Bonnie's where I was a regular from 2003-2007 and an occasional patron after that. Bonnie's is an ok spot with a mellow Brooklyn crowd (by way of Buffalo of course) but the nice folks and great food (best wings in Brooklyn and Beef on Weck!) can't make up for the limited seating and only two small TV's. I do recall you posted about this a while back and I think you said something to the effect of it needing to be a quiet atmosphere as to not bother customers who aren't there for the game. Is that still the situation?
  12. http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/small-sacrifices-bring-great-rewards-for-buffalo-bills-player/
  13. Or the Triple Lutz!
  14. It's been 20 years since I stopped whining about the officiating in Super Bowl 26 and you had to remind me...thanks.
  15. Seymour Knox wore a bow-tie and he gave us the Sabres!
  16. The hate-on-teachers thing is pure jack-assery. If you think they have it so easy then go get yourself a master's degree, try finding a job in a decent district in today's market, put up with kids all day who are parented by people like "Gordio", work from home on evenings and/or weekends because that's what every teacher I know has to do to get grades, lesson plans completed, then go through the frustration of not being able to teach a proper curriculum to kids but rather be forced to prepare kids specifically for the statewide exams that schools are now judged by if they want to receive funding... yeah man, a really fu#@ing breeze of a job. What a bunch of loafers.
  17. This is a jackass thread and that leads to jackass posts...from jackasses (see above.)
  18. And why is this a demotion? Explain.
  19. Can women be douches?
  20. Ok, so the bounty story is old-hat in our 24-hour news-cycle world. However, I came across this video and thought I'd share it. At the very least it's entertaining. For Hardy's sake let's hope Roger Goodell doesn't see this; he may try to levy a fine on him. Enjoy. My link
  21. Gee thanks Ward Cleaver.
  22. I liked how Lewis peppered his speech with phrases such as "knifing through the opponent" and "slash and run!" A class act to be sure.
  23. WTF happened to thread I started this morning; "Nickname for Bills D-Line?"!!! Seriously, it disappeared and I see this instead. Also seriously; The Bill Curtain??? WTF??? Mods, help me out here.
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