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Everything posted by bklnpete

  1. Not me. And I would bet dollars to donuts (mmmmmm, donuts) that you won't stop supporting this team. If you do quit the Bills over this, don't expect a seat on the bandwagon when you inevitably come back. Super Bowl bound 2019!!!
  2. Me too. The trolls are out of the chat forums and comments sections and emboldened enough to state their hate in public. For many, and no doubt many here on TBD, black people are ok when they're scoring points on the field but damn them when they don't "behave."
  3. I also hate the negatively always. I'll be skipping over your posts from now on.
  4. Ugh, I said I'll just watch the first few...that was an hour ago. Kudos to the creator of that.
  5. Damn, so sorry. Prayers for you and your family. It's not a choice, nor is it a moral failing. I hope more people can come to accept and respond with compassion rather than judgement. I spent all four of our Super Bowls in the grips of addiction. I was sleeping off a 3-day binge during the Comeback over the Oilers (game was blacked-out from TV and my brother cranked the radio as loud as he could to try and keep me awake for it, and because he was angry he couldn't enjoy the game with me) I got out of my first detox, Sister's Hospital, on the day of our first SB vs Cowboys. Needless to say, I wasn't ready to quit and went right out and used, missing the game. I was/is die-hard fan and that's why I can remember clearly when I missed, or wasn't totally "there" for Bills games. I left Buffalo, moved across the state, in the Spring of '94 in order to seek treatment away from my hometown. I didn't "get it" right away but ultimately was able to stay clean with help from others and have been clean since early '95. I don't take it for granted. I spend a good portion of my time helping addicts. What I know is that I didn't do anything special, nothing more than other people do who try to stay clean...I don't know why I'm still here and others aren't. I don't take it for granted. If anyone has issues with drugs/alcohol and wants to talk feel free to DM me.
  6. Pegula overseeing (and making millions on) a dumpster fire is nothing new considering his former company Fracked the hell out of large swaths of Pennsylvania. That's where the curse is coming from.
  7. It's pretty ridiculous for the sake of being ridiculous...which can be fun. However, it's also bizarre and feels like the playing out of a fetish in public which after the umpteenth time becomes sad and pathetic.
  8. That's cute, however, Frank Reich will not coach here.
  9. Whaley in his presser on Tyrod decison: "You got to understand it’s going to be a decision by myself and ownership along with the new head coach, so we have to finalize that part of the script before we can write the end of it," Whaley said. "So it’s going to be part of the evaluation process along with everybody else on the team. Our new coaching staff’s going to come in and evaluate every single player on this roster." TBN just a couple hours ago: "Buffalo is instead planning to move on from Taylor, despite the fact that their scoring has increased dramatically since he arrived," Schefter wrote on ESPN.com. The Bills would also be doing this despite Whaley saying on Monday the Bills wouldn't make a decision on Taylor's future without the input of their new coach. Damn Buffalo media...always focusing on the negative! They have a vendetta against One Bills Drive!
  10. What a joke! No, seriously, I thought this whole thread was a a goof, an ironic take on some poor fools who would actually defend One Bills Drive and blame "The Media" for all the problems surrounding the Bills. Yeah, it's Jerry Sullivan and Tim Graham's fault the Bills are approaching two decades of futility. Gimme a break All these "media" bashers are the same ones who who'll go weak in the knees when the next con-man rides into town promising to 'Make Buffalo Great Again." Yeah, those elitist media types have lost touch with the regular guy...better to listen to the millionaires and their cronies. Sounds familiar.
  11. A lot of the Sully haters here were over the moon when Rex was hired. I thought I was in an alternate universe at that time when I saw all the love Rex was getting on this board. I still find it hard to fathom that we hired a newly fired coach coming off consecutive losing seasons with a team the Bills beat the crap out of in the their recent meetings. And people here were excited about it! It's not Sully you should direct your anger at.
  12. I couldn't help but think that PI call against Robey was part of a fix job to keep the game close, give the "international" audience a more exciting product. However, that is neither here nor there because as terrible as that call was it was more likely our 5 turnovers that cost us the game.
  13. Is there another channel for Buffalo sports news?
  14. How does this get on the front page? Mods? Anyone?
  15. Yawn...slow news day
  16. There was a documentary made about the Enron scandal titled, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room. That's all.
  17. Hopping aboard the Cleveland bashing train! These would be funnier if they didn't remind me so much of Buffalo
  18. The "eye" formation? Really? That's when I stopped reading.
  19. Aww, did your feelings get hurt? How about; "At least he waited until after he was off the team to blow him up?"
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