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Everything posted by bklnpete

  1. Is this the JayBaller I met at Bonnie’s Grill over a decade ago?
  2. I guess I've been hanging around adults who have real things to worry about. Also, you're not funny.
  3. In what country and time period?
  4. Where do you work that this would be offensive?
  5. Game was shut off exactly 1 second after Hopkins catch. Then: Straighten up the house, get ready for the week, stream a couple episodes of the latest true-crime doc to further cleanse my palate of bitter taste, go to bed trying not to obsess about upcoming schedule and win/loss scenarios. Monday morning I hold out as long as I can and then with one eye closed I'll come to TBD. As the day goes on the pain recedes and it's all about moving forward.
  6. This thread could use a brace.
  7. Are you Collinsworth's payroll?? Sheesh.
  8. Don't blame Scotty. Blame Belichek for game-planning perfectly and blame Marv for not adjusting.
  9. Where did I say he was a great guy? His mother is white so the anti-Caucasian thing doesn’t float. You are exactly who I refer to in my post.
  10. Damn, it's been so long I forgot what all the ruckus was about. If I remember correctly he decided to kneel during the anthem to protest the oppression of blacks and people of color in America (this was in a year when there were several high-profile shootings of unarmed black men by police). Then I recall conservative media outlets creating a narrative that he was disrespecting the police and military. Then, like Pavlov after hearing the bell, the good and true patriots of this country clutched their bibles and cried salty tears into their American flag hankies and turned CK into public enemy #1.
  11. What happened to TBD???
  12. That should have been 6'5 Benjamin in that spot to catch that pass. Unfortunately Kelvin took himself off the field before that play.
  13. This is not Bills news...
  14. Amazing how the mere mention of Jerry Sullivan triggers these types who couldn't dare read anything negative about their team. That, I believe, is the definition of "snowflake."
  15. "This thread is ridiculous, I know" Next time you have that thought, stop typing.
  16. Looks like someone who wanted to boycott but just couldn't keep away...
  17. To my neighbors who burned their jerseys last week; Hope you guys caught a lot of fish today! I stayed home and had Falcon for lunch!
  18. “I watched for a couple of minutes. Two guys, just really, beautiful tackle. Boom, 15 yards! The referee gets on television, his wife is sitting at home, she’s so proud of him. They’re running the game! They’re ruining the game. That’s what they want to do. They want to hit. They want to hit! It is hurting the game." I guess those folks stopped watching and now it's just us wimps who would rather not see guys carted of the field.
  19. I just saw an NFL and United Way commercial highlighting the charity efforts of a few players in the league. Two of the guys I know for sure took a knee on Sunday. I'm so confused; are they sons of bitches or good Americans??
  20. I heard it, thought it was mildly funny. If you feel disrespected by that comment you may be in for a long season.
  21. If you "served your country" which I guess means were in the US military or if you're a cop YOU ARE NOT AN AUTHORITY ON THIS ISSUE.
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