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Everything posted by GOBILLS!!!!!

  1. The problem that most people aren't seeing is that the only way for the team stay in buffalo is if a new stadium is built in the near future. Two main things that make a franchise viable are a fan base which we have and a newer non outdated stadium. A team could leave with a newer stadium with a small fanbase ala the jaguars and a team could also move even if it has a fanbase but without a stadium. A new owner may want a new stadium and could possibly not care about buffalo if a new one is offered
  2. So Ive have been doing a little bit of reading on the whole situation regarding the new vikings stadium and I saw that the county that the new stadium will be built in is going to increase sales tax by as little as a .5 cent increase in order to pay for about 300 million dollars that will be used in helping to fund the project. My question is this...couldnt erie county do something similar in that sense to increase the sales tax slightly? I doubt many people in buffalo would be opposed to the idea of a very small increase if that means funding for part of a new stadium for our beloved bills. Your thoughts
  3. I know that TV networks bring in the most revenue for the NFL and not just the ticket sales and I know that buffalo is considered a small mart team...but what does that mean for games being broadcasted in the southern ontario area? I would think that bills games are being watched in the toronto area but does tht count as revenue for the team or how does it work? Ifso i think that the bills must bring in plenty of TV revenue for the league
  4. If its a PROVEN NFL city why does san diego often not sell out its home games even though they are good year in and out?
  5. I was only saying that the chargers would make the most sense to leave
  6. Here is the answer to all of everyones problems.....the Chargers should be the only team considered by the NFL (with the exception of maybe Jacksonville) to relocate to Los Angeles. First of all, California does not need 4 NFL teams because 3 is enough and if they could somehow steal the Vikings from Minnesota like they did the Lakers(by the way they should haved changed the name because there is no lake near LA what so ever that)that would just be horrible for that dedicated fanbase. But seriously the Chargers would only be moving a little over 100 miles north where their dedicated fans could still see the games in a brand new stadium. Also by the way, chargers stadium has problems filling up at times even with a playoff caliber team year in and out and PLUS, their stadium was built in the 1960s with no new one thought of being built in sight. But this would be best for everyone in this LA situation especially for keeping our BILLS in Buffalo, except for maybe San Diego.....but screw them anyways because they stole the BRAVES from us!!! But also maybe Jacksonville because Florida doesnt need 3 teams <title edited>
  7. I know and realize that the issue of a new Bills stadium ever getting built has been debated and talked about numerous times and I also know that it may not happen in the near future or even ever for that matter...but think about this for a second...A new stadium from some unknown funding would need to happen but say it does and what if it was decided to be built in Niagara Falls, US overlooking the beautiful Falls sitting right near the casino and hotels. That would be a spectacular site visually and would also make that area more attractive for tourists. Not only is it only like 15 mins from Buffalo but it would be so close to the Canadian border that that would make it even more likely to attract more fans from the north, basically being so close, that we could essentially be canada's team. The toronto series seems to be not going as planned for that city, because it seems to be very neutral, but what it is doing is expanding our fanbase north and that may be the only way to keep our beloved team here in WNY. Regionalizing. I know a downtown stadium is also talked about near the water front but what would be better...being downtown close to nothing but empty warehouses or next to the Falls with a casino and hotels nextdoor? That would probably also be better for attracting FAs as well. But let me know your thoughts if this would be a good spot
  8. ive heard it before but it just makes so much sense
  9. Yes I am starting to love the interior line with Levitre Wood and Ur-D*ck at the beginning of the season next year, with Hanging Low as the primary backup. hopefully our tackles tho will be upgraded or maybe Wang can get larger and stronger next year
  10. you only want to get the QB first if you are not planning on developing them...if u try and bring one along regardless of talent you are not going to go far with no line...but if u bring in a talented vet u can get away with it
  11. there has been a huge debate over the last year or so on which is more important: the oline or qb: and i have the answer for you....it can be both in different situations..... in the process of trent being benched it really got me thinking of this question and what the answer is......the truth is that you should first build the oline to be able to protect your young quarterback so he can learn and be brought up, which is the best thing to do but that isnt always the case. with trent its obvious that he had a "slim" amount of talent but it was basically unobtainable because he couldnt develop behind a bad oline....on the otherhand people believe that with a good quarterback you dont even need a good oline and that is true as well. if you have an already developed quarterback and put him behind a s**tty oline there is a good chance you will still succeed in this league....i.e warner and rapelisberger. to sum it up you need a good oline to develop a qb but if u have an already good qb u do not always need one....it can go both ways
  12. I am a student moving to Buffalo and have barely any money but really want to attend the games...My question is If i go to the Ralph and tailgate with friends can I ALWAYS get some decent tickets for an okay price if i try to scalp them? or are the prices usually higher than normal? I really want to go to the games but may not be able to afford to go to them... go bills!
  13. I was just reading an article that was saying that Meredith has been working out and is looking better than last year according to the writer and may push to start, and it got me thinking....how pissed would Green Bay be if for some reason Brohm pans out and becomes a decent QB and Meredith ends up winning the LT job due to insufficient talent and then they end up making the playoffs for the bills...that would look so horrible for that franchise dropping both of those players on the practice squad...obviously it is very far fetched but it is somewhat possible! If that happened I think that Teddy should be released because he also F.d up with the whole Favre saga. thoughts>
  14. My name is Steve and Ive been watching the bills for years now but have only attended a few games with family and some friends in the past. I am now going to be attending the University at Buffalo this upcoming year and plan on going to most if not all of the games this season because even though the team has sucked recently, I am still excited to be going just for the tailgating alone. My question comes with this: I dont have much money personally since I am a college kid and want to know how easy it is the scalp tickets before game time when you are tailgating? can you get cheaper tickets or are most of them a ripoff and really far crappy seats? I only say this because I want to attend but am pretty broke... GO BUFFALOOO
  15. The only way I see this working out in our favor is if they move to the falls and are still named the BUFFALO BILLS...any variation of Niagara Bills or anything like that would not work at all..If that is the case then it would be a great move because, yes, they are in a different country but are also only a few miles farther away than before. They can remain long term as well as help out Niagara Falls economy, because we all know that they aren't doing particularly great either. They already have the falls, casinos, clubs etc. so it could definitely work.
  16. let me first explain why brohm is the best way to go on this roster....he indeed had a bad first preseaon due to confidence....what you people dont realize is that in his second preseason his production increased significantly....im not sayin hes the next kelly but i am saying that he has improved as well as him having all the tools to succeed in the NFL he should be a decent qb....the packers didnt care that he may have gotten better because they already had rodgers and that in itself would let them look over that fact.... brohm will gain confidence on our team sinvce there is no real starter and i billieve that he will win the job easily
  17. Im so sick of people bringing up the qb rating and ints in that one game....first off TO did not care about that bomb or he wouldve tried to go up and get it...secondly the int on the sideline was a great play by a DB diving in to grab the ball...there are certain things that brohm did in that one start that edwards has never done ever in the NFL
  18. how effective edwards was? he beat the rams raiders and seahawks...doesnt actually show how effective he could be...also hes never had a 300 yard passing game in three years!! the guy sucks and cant throw pass 10 yards especially to the middle of the field to any reciever....
  19. First of all let me say this...most of you believe that trent will start next year over brohm for whatever reason and I dont believe you know what you all are talking about..just because brohm was picked up for nothing people believe he is garbage and will never start in this league....ONE major reason he will/should start next season is that even in his one and only start HE ACTUALLY TARGETS HIS RECIEVERS!! if you could go back to the one game he started, you can tell he threw to his recievers on numerous occasions, I remember Lee had at least 4 receptions...how many passes would trent through to all of them per game, 3 4 times???? Owens reception streaked was broken because trent has no idea whats going on.......hes a complete bum and even if brohm isnt that much better he should be the one to start next season regardless
  20. We very well know that Jason Peters might sit out ..again..until he comes up with big bucks..My idea could very well be what the Bills need to do in this situation..First off we should take the best OT in the first round(Oher,Smith,Monroe)..then we wait until If Peters signs his contract..If he DOES then shove the rookie to LG and have chambers as the swing..IF not..let Peters sit for awile and start the rookie at RT and Walker at LT with Chambers at LG..this will show Peters that the Bills dont F*ck around!!
  21. If it was up to me.. and Brian Orakpo fell to us at 11 (having to go past #5 to clevelend and #10 to sanfran)..I would undoubtedly take him...He is a beast and even though he has some inconsistencies he would definitely help our line quicker than any other DE in the first round..he reminds me of a Justin Tuck kind of guy your thoughts
  22. Even though the economies are the same it could lead the canadian fan base to be more interested in the team because of where theyre playing..idk it could work tho
  23. "The average per game price for a Buffalo Bills season ticket will remain $51.24 " This is by far the lowest price of any NFL team average for tickets by at least about 4$. Why don't the Bills just increase their ticket prices..even if it is slightly.. so they can earn extra money...nowadays the Bills need more cash than ever and I believe that the fans love their team enough to pay up for it!! GO BILLS..
  24. I was just wondering something...If for some reason the bills decide to leave Buffalo on account of the horrible economy and could somehow land in Niagara Falls..could there be any possible way that they keep the name and remain the BUFFALO BILLS? the citys are vertually next to eachother anyway.. and for me I would still be a fan if they moved there and kept the name anyways your thoughts
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