Did you read the article? Average person surveyed was worth over $3.5 million. And a high percentage said they did not feel rich. That reminds me when Lattrell Sprewell complained about a $15 million contract saying "I need to feed my kids". I don't give a !@#$ about money. It does not impress me. I am much more impressed by a mans character. I got !@#$ed over at my job- and turned down $22,000 severance offer. I cannot be bought off. With what little money I make- I still donated over $1000 to charity last year. Greedy people suck. Don't tell me you are a fan of Madoff, Kenneth Lay, Gary Winnick, Dennis Kozlowski, etc? I could go on and on with scumbag corporate execs. And I could lecture for weeks about how evil companies such as Monsanto, Capital One, and Nestle are. What is not to understand? I reiterate-
!@#$ greedy people, !@#$ selfish people, !@#$ Corporations