The letter stated:
SOPA bill was introduced by Lamar Smith of Texas and targets foreign "rogue" websights that steal American products and would increase penalties for countefeit medicine and military, and increases US IP enforcement agencies power.
Dec 19 began mark-up of H$3261. Committee has only considered 19 of 60 amendments filed.
The letter then states that the threat presented by "rogue" websights is real in terms of copyright infringment and counterfeit goods. But internet providers, users, and innovators have serious concerns about bill. Part of the bill would be for US based domain servers, internet advertisers, search engines, and financial institutions to prevent access or suspend business services to those in question.
It then states that while there is a need to protect intellectual property and counterfeit, we need to address the problem balanced against the need to preserve the openness and accessability of internet. Reducing counterfeit is crucial for health and economic growth, but it is important that they do not disproportionately affectr our nation's business's or law abiding users.
Sounds like political speak for him voting in favor of censorship to me