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Everything posted by Pete

  1. I like! Sign Levitre and Bird, and devote rest of draft and free agency to D
  2. life's experience. It is their immense knowledge regarding quantum mechanics, particle physics, meteorology, engineering, musical genius, masonry, and general all around polymaths.
  3. The smartest people I know smoke weed, and there seems to be a correlation- the more weed they smoke, the smarter they are. I am just saying
  4. its better to have you drive and her on top
  5. I am torn between Alice Roberts and Michelle Beadle. Can I have both? Tacos and a proper Margaita. I could have tacos 5 times a day and be a happy man. And margaritas are not only delicious, they ward off scurvy. TV sucks- you can have it. Can I substitute an iPod or kindle? And if I must have TV- it would be tuned to pbs
  6. Unlike humans, zombies are not consumer driven sheep that max out their credit lines to purchase useless gadgets such as the perfect pancake
  7. 9 out of 10 zombies surveyed preferred a skillet
  8. no way in hell is the that the top 10. I would bet you odds. And the Bills draft pick is especially tough. And perhaps the most difficult Bills selection to guess in all my years following Bills drafts
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R76a8mffg2M
  10. hollywood is dead
  11. Barton Fink was awesome. And better the second time viewing. There is some hilarious dark humor in it that I didn't catch the first time
  12. damn near perfect
  13. how exactly do you reuse Keurig cups?
  14. it looks like Buffalo
  15. Losing Levitre would be the worst FA loss since we lost Pat Williams. That would be !@#$ing horrible
  16. There is a power line down on the street in front of my place, a huge downed tree blocking street that direction. and about 3 feet of snow on the roads- they have yet to be plowed. There is a top layer of approximately 14 inches powder, then a layer of ice from sleet, then compacted snow. I cannot imagine them plowing for 3-5 days. And we have freezing rain advisory 3 am - 9 am. I am nervous for our roofs
  17. Byrd, Levitre, and Hartline
  18. Many of us stated unequivocally Blaine Gabbert sucked and would be a horrendous pick for the Bills. So if anything, we are vindicated. This is a weak year for QB's
  19. 34" last I checked. This is biggest snowfall I have seen in Connecticut
  20. sea urchin gonads. Most chefs love it. It is very creamy, and has a nice texture. But it is strong flavored and is ocean flavored. I have tried a dozen times, but still don't care much for it
  21. I like all foods. If I had to pick one thing I didn't love, it would be uni
  22. I didn't realize my garage switch was connected to the Superdome. Sorry everyone
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