life's experience. It is their immense knowledge regarding quantum mechanics, particle physics, meteorology, engineering, musical genius, masonry, and general all around polymaths.
I am torn between Alice Roberts and Michelle Beadle. Can I have both?
Tacos and a proper Margaita. I could have tacos 5 times a day and be a happy man. And margaritas are not only delicious, they ward off scurvy.
TV sucks- you can have it. Can I substitute an iPod or kindle? And if I must have TV- it would be tuned to pbs
no way in hell is the that the top 10. I would bet you odds. And the Bills draft pick is especially tough. And perhaps the most difficult Bills selection to guess in all my years following Bills drafts
There is a power line down on the street in front of my place, a huge downed tree blocking street that direction. and about 3 feet of snow on the roads- they have yet to be plowed. There is a top layer of approximately 14 inches powder, then a layer of ice from sleet, then compacted snow. I cannot imagine them plowing for 3-5 days. And we have freezing rain advisory 3 am - 9 am. I am nervous for our roofs
Many of us stated unequivocally Blaine Gabbert sucked and would be a horrendous pick for the Bills. So if anything, we are vindicated. This is a weak year for QB's
sea urchin gonads. Most chefs love it. It is very creamy, and has a nice texture. But it is strong flavored and is ocean flavored. I have tried a dozen times, but still don't care much for it