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Everything posted by Pete

  1. no ****. Put out our other 3 TEs and see if any show anything
  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/20/world/asia/tianjin-china-explosions.html The mayor of the northern Chinese city where huge explosions killed over 100 people last week took responsibility for the disaster on Wednesday, as the authorities sought to contain growing public anger about the accident. “I bear unshirkable responsibility for this accident as head of the city,” said Huang Xingguo, the mayor and acting Communist Party secretary of the metropolis, Tianjin, in his first news conference since the blasts at a chemical warehouse on Aug. 12. The mayor’s televised mea culpa appeared to signal a shift in the authorities’ response to the political fallout from the disaster. After days of official silence, the government has begun releasing information about the owners of the warehouse company, Rui Hai International Logistics, including their admission of corruption, in an effort to quash public accusations of a cover-up. On Wednesday, China’s state-run Xinhua news agency reported that two major shareholders in Rui Hai had admitted to using their political connections to gain government approvals for the site, despite clear violations of rules prohibiting the storage of hazardous chemicals within 3,200 feet of residential areas. Yu Xuewei, the company chairman, is a former executive at a state-owned chemical company, and Dong Shexuan, the vice chairman, is the son of a former police chief at the Tianjin port. The two executives, who deliberately concealed their ownership stakes behind a murky corporate structure, told Xinhua that they had leveraged their personal relationships with government officials to obtain licenses for the site. Both men have been detained.
  3. Aren't our courts backed up enough with legitimate cases, then burdoning the judicial system with a frivolous, micromanaging, NFL case?
  4. Marjoe blew that lid off in 1972. That documentary I linked is one of the better ones I have ever seen. Check it out
  5. https://archive.org/details/Marjoe.1972.Legendado Marjoe is the story of an abused child preacher who grows up to become an Evangelical con man, living a double life as a dope-smoking, girl-chasing hippie in LA. The documentary went on to win the 1972 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature and earned massive amounts of critical acclaim. But despite the accolades and outrageous story, the film was only played in a handful of theaters on the coasts and was never screened below the Bible Belt. It was eventually forgotten and thought to be lost for good due to the only known copy being badly damaged. However, in 2002, the original negative was rediscovered and the film was released three years later on DVD, introducing Marjoeto a new generation with a greater appetite for films that were critical of religious institutions. http://www.vice.com/read/marjoe-director-sarah-kernochan-talks-about-her-incredible-doc-on-the-evangelical-conman-456
  6. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-33957536
  7. pretty much the only song besides the Zappa tune that belongs in this thread IMO edit- + Dr John
  8. **** music from the guy who tried to steal the Bills from Buffalo
  9. lol keep it real
  10. 1,400 killed? http://en.boxun.com/2015/08/15/tianjin-explosion-at-least-1400-killed-over-700-missing/ Poison rain feared today. 700 tons of sodium cyanide is a **** ton
  11. There are a few web sights if I visit, I am surfing for hours. City Data is one. Archives.org is another Peanut stick doughnuts! I haven't seen those outside Buffalo
  12. In 2014 Clay was ranked 89 on top 100 players in the NFL. He is a mismatch that can line up anywhere
  13. beautiful ladies, ****ty music. But to each their own. I am not going to let bad music ruin the sight of gorgeous women
  14. The site is temporarily unavailable because of traffic exhausted That is the message I get when I visit Ruihai Logistics web page corporate "news" is entertainment. People watch corporate CNN/MSNBC/FOX etc and think they are informed LOL Very true. People can be pretty wonderful sometimes. And they step up in the worst circumstances
  15. I read Karlos hurt himself weightlifting earlier. And later that day he went to the hospital with a pain in his side
  16. http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/af116316-44bd-11e5-af2f-4d6e0e5eda22.html Adding to the speculation, Tianjin’s online corporate registry database was inaccessible for four days after the blasts. When access resumed on Monday, a search for Ruihai Logistics yielded a curious gap. The company was registered in 2012 but its current legal owners only bought their shares in 2013. The historic list of changes that should have reflected the previous owners did not appear. The records reveal that many Ruihai executives are former employees of Sinochem, the giant state-owned chemicals, fertiliser and iron ore trader that owns the largest hazardous warehouse operation in Tianjin. The individuals named in the corporate records were just “ants”, carrying crumbs on behalf of others, Caijing concluded. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/08/17/chinese-paper-promises-there-will-be-no-tianjin-blast-cover-up-why-nobody-believes-them/ BEIJING — Trust nothing. That’s pretty much the mood in Tianjin almost five days after amassive, chemical-fueled explosion rocked the city, turning swathes of the port into an apocalyptic hellscape, and killing more than 100 people, including scores of firefighters sent to fight the flames. From the outset, the government has insisted that everything is under control, that the levels of toxic chemicals in the air and water are normal — despite the fact that there were hundreds of tons of highly toxic sodium cyanide on site. On Sunday, China’s premier, Li Keqiang, showed up to tour the scene, posing for pictures without a mask of any sort, and calling for “transparency” in the investigation. But the visit, and the call, came rather late. And few, it seems, are buying it. Today is supposed to storm in Tianjin. So China is shutting our media out. I would like to see our media report what happened to that large black, chemical cloud. Instead they are covering Kylie Jenners new bunny
  17. What the hell is a participation trophy? This country is !@#$ed!
  18. Goodwin brings something Hogan doesn't. He must be accounted for every play. There is no way we keep more then 6 WRs. And Thompson has been impressive all camp, and when he was with the Ravens. Not to mention he can return kicks and brings more speed. I like Hogan and his special teams play. But he has had the drops all preseason. That doesn't bode well. I hear everyone on Tarpley. Maybe Tarpley over Steward. No way do we keep 4 TEs IMO. We have too deep a squad, and those last few cuts are going to hurt. We can't keep a tomato can over a talented LB or WR. If we had 4 decent TEs, maybe. But we don't have that luxury And we keep 3 QB's. Any could still end up starting on this team. And they all are talented in their own way. Most every team keeps 3 QBs. I love boobie too. But it's a numbers game. Who are you going to cut to make room for boobie? Cuts are going to be tough.
  19. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/16/world/asia/china-tianjin-blasts-chemical-containment.html?hpw&rref=world&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=well-region&region=bottom-well&WT.nav=bottom-well
  20. QB Cassel Tyrod EJ RB McCoy Fred Bryce Karlos FB Felton WR Sammy Woods Harvin Deonte Thompson Goodwin Easley TE Clay Mulligan Gray(or TE not on roster yet) T Cordy Henderson Kujo G Incognito Miller Cyril C Urbik Wood Edge Hughes Mario Randall IK or Buchanan(edge to IK) Lawson DT Dareus Kyle Charles Carrington Byrant LB Bradham Brown Powell Steward CB Leodis Darby Gilmore Robey Butler Brooks S Graham Duke Williams Rambo K Carpenter Gay P Schmidt LS Sanborn practice squad Hogan O Leary Daryl Johnson Alex Kupper Meeks
  21. I agree. Whaley said his phone is always open, and I imagine he is trying to work a deal(offering WR, RB, and QB). My guess is we keep McCoy, Fred, Bryce, and Karlos. We keep Sammy, Woods, Harvin, Easley, Goodwin and Deonte Thompson. And we keep 3 TEs- Clay, Mulligan, +1). http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/12/08/bills-sign-deonte-thompson-off-ravens-practice-squad/#comments check out the comments. Many ravens fans were sad to see him go
  22. he is starting for san fran
  23. My supermarket was out of chipolte and andoullie. There goes the recipe I conjured up
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