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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Taj Mahal Arctic Monkeys
  2. I live in CT and hate every other AFC east team. Having two teams is polygyny. Go Bills!
  3. I concur 100%. We glorify violence, but freak out over nipplegate. What a nation of prudes. No wonder Americans shoot each other
  4. I ask, which team has better fans then Buffalo? I don't think there is any better!
  5. Dallas and New England as the top two best fans? I stopped reading right there
  6. weird wird/ adjective adjective: weird; comparative adjective: weirder; superlative adjective: weirdest 1. suggesting something supernatural; uncanny. "the weird crying of a seal" synonyms: uncanny, eerie, unnatural, supernatural, unearthly, otherworldly,ghostly, mysterious, strange, abnormal, unusual; More antonyms: normal informal very strange; bizarre. "a weird coincidence" synonyms: bizarre, quirky, outlandish, eccentric, unconventional, unorthodox,idiosyncratic, surreal, crazy, peculiar, odd, strange, queer, freakish,zany, madcap, outré; More antonyms: conventional archaic This is why.
  7. cheers KD and my fellow nutmeggers! Happy fourth everyone!
  8. who gets traded? I have a feeling Murray is going to parlay 2 forwards into a top 4 D
  9. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/06/24/fred-jackson-on-possibly-being-cut-i-compete-for-my-job-every-year/#comments read the comments section. Fred gets respect from all the fans in the NFL. Anyone who thinks they cut Fred for Bryce is a fool
  10. closer IMO. Very similar to my guess. Fairburn and I were thinking alike on LB- he liked Tarpley and I like Steward. Other then that, I have Goodwin over Lewis and the rest is what I call
  11. Almost right. Goodwin over Lewis , Dixon over Bryce, and Steward over Gay. Laddler is my sleeper pick for roster. My guess is Chris Williams and Matt Cassell both get cut, and we free up cash for next year
  12. is this common core math?
  13. I am a chef and french fries bore the hell out of me. To me a good chip is greater then 99% of fries out there. Give me onion rings over fries any day
  14. 7 league sources polled, Bills get 3 votes, Panthers, Ravens, Dolphins each get 1 vote- thats 6 votes out of 7, and 3 are for Bills. How exactly did the Eagles beat our 3 votes?
  15. What a bunch of animals! I have been to spring break many times-lots of ass, beer, hot tubs, good times.....pretty much heaven......and these !@#$s can't hep themselves but fight each other. How do you !@#$up spring break? Hey- I resemble....er I mean resent that!
  16. I myself always walk away. But if I am walking away and struck, its game on
  17. He is addicted to emmentel cheese and got hooked on it when he was in Switzerland. It is a damn good cheese, but he eats copious amounts every day. Truth is stranger then fiction
  18. Bills win division. Pats finish third
  19. what a stupid, naive, whore!
  20. he missed 2005 for bruised buttocks
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