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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Menage a 'trois
  2. I am a Tyrod fan. Regardless is you think he needs to be replaced next year, the Bills are in the playoff hunt, and Tyrod gives them the best chance to win. How can you not cheer for the man?
  3. I do realize artist get screwed(to put it politely). But I encourage Bon Jovi to pull his music off our airwaves
  4. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-11-22/your-favorite-radio-hits-may-go-silent
  5. You are welcome! Dark ****, isn't it?
  6. real cranberry sauce all day. This to me is like asking what is better- canned tomatoes or heirloom tomatoes?
  7. Got To Get You Into My Life is all about weed. Paul is a big time stoner. Years ago a girl I knew had a college assignment to interpret Norwegian Wood and another Beatles song(I am trying to remember what other song)- and she asked my interpretation. I sang along all those years, and it wasn't until then I realized what a messed up song it was. https://www.beatlesbible.com/songs/norwegian-wood-this-bird-has-flown/ I came in and he had this first stanza, which was brilliant: 'I once had a girl, or should I say, she once had me.' That was all he had, no title, no nothing. I said, 'Oh yes, well, ha, we're there.' And it wrote itself. Once you've got the great idea, they do tend to write themselves, providing you know how to write songs. So I picked it up at the second verse, it's a story. It's him trying to pull a bird, it was about an affair. John told Playboy that he hadn't the faintest idea where the title came from but I do. Peter Asher had his room done out in wood, a lot of people were decorating their places in wood. Norwegian wood. It was pine really, cheap pine. But it's not as good a title, Cheap Pine, baby... So she makes him sleep in the bath and then finally in the last verse I had this idea to set the Norwegian wood on fire as revenge, so we did it very tongue in cheek. She led him on, then said, 'You'd better sleep in the bath'. In our world the guy had to have some sort of revenge. It could have meant I lit a fire to keep myself warm, and wasn't the decor of her house wonderful? But it didn't, it meant I burned the !@#$ing place down as an act of revenge, and then we left it there and went into the instrumental. Us Bills fans would rather talk about Charles Manson then our Bills
  8. the truth hurts. And then Deion got his panties in a wad and bashed Rome. "You are not a real man Deon, I will say that"
  9. The Beatles were a dark band. "Watch it burn, ain't it good norwegian wood" . "I used to beat my women" . "Well, I'd rather see you dead, little girl Than to be with another man You better keep your head, little girl Or you won't know where I am You better run for your life if you can, little girl Hide your head in the sand, little girl Catch you with another man That's the end'a little girl Well, you know that I'm a wicked guy And I was born with a jealous mind And I can't spend my whole life Trying just to make you toe the line" They might sound all lovey dovey when you hear them, but if you listen to the lyrics, they were dark
  10. Didn't asshat Deion Sanders once proclaim this is the house deiion built?
  11. I have a friend who is hot, but she has the loudest, most annoying, longest laugh I have ever heard. There will be a group of us out having a great laugh, and then silence as us and onlookers stare in amazement. Judging by this chart https://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Technical/Sounds/Decibles.htm I am guessing 100 decibels of annoyingness. She is a good girl, hot, but that laugh is a deal breaker.
  12. cut them. We need all the draft picks we can get. Too bad we can't get 48 picks in the first 3 rounds if we missed the deadline we really !@#$ed up
  13. Helter Skelter is a great read. I am amazed at the power Manson had over his disciples. He had to have some kind of charisma. Leslie Van Houten was homecoming queen and became one of his willing participants
  14. I think its a better question who is worth keeping and building around? There is little talent on this old team. What parts are worth saving and throw the rest in the trash heap. I distrust the process
  15. twist my arm now you did it
  16. sunshine, sunflowers, kitty, weed, good friends and family, dogs, a great meal....
  17. 2018 Toyota Tacoma diesel standard of course. I like simple pleasures,, and practicality. If I were to be self indulgent and frivolous, 1965 Shelby Cobra please https://www.google.com/search?q=shelby+cobra+1965&client=opera&hs=EvN&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi4mvufsLzXAhXr8YMKHZxbAk4Q_AUICigB&biw=1024&bih=572#imgrc=yLO43WGlhZ6VVM:
  18. giants lost to SF
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