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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Miss You disco extended version and Shakedown Street are the two best disco songs all time
  2. Korean Wings and food is delicious. So is dry rubbed wings, soy-sesame oil, lemongrass, jerk rubbed wings, Cajun/Creole wings, sous vide wings, honey soy, I’ve even had peanut butter and jelly wings- they too were delicious. Baked, fried, vacuum sealed-chicken wings are delicious! So in summation, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every single sauce, rub, marinade chicken wing except that garbage ranch sauce. any and all marinades, rubs, sauces infinitely > ranch
  3. The live version is under 3 minutes
  4. You beat me to The Minutemen- that’s a no brainer. First song that came to mind was History Lesson. But if I recall right, that song is 2:03- so it didn’t make cut. I love how succinct Punk is. They get right to point, don’t waste words, and don’t fade away.
  5. Rape Me is about getting used and abused by record companies
  6. It took 30 years for me to come to this conclusion. I love them both- but the Beatles can’t rock like Can’t You Hear Me Knocking or Monkey Man or Gimme Shelter. I will up the ante on your unpopular take brother- Exile On Main Street > The White Album
  7. Steaming pile of *****>ranch
  8. No offense taken. I’m about to go medieval on whomever said ranch>blue cheese
  9. Have you ever seen Joe Cribbs play? OJ? Marshawn? Rob Riddick? Thurman? Cookie? the Bills have had plenty of talent holes historically at many positions- RB is not one. I am guessing you are either under 20 or Shady’s cousin
  10. Perhaps you nihilist
  11. Hey Augie, it’s doing much better, thank you for asking. I’ve been diligent about scar tissue massage, hamstring strengthening, and stretching. A couple days ago was the first time I could touch my toes in awhile, I couldn’t even bend at waste for about 5 days. I’m not ready to move on to boring sports yet, so I plan on rehabbing hard and start running again in August. My father is 74 and skis black diamonds all over the world. So I must rehab and recover, I have a lot of living to do. Cheers my friend
  12. Mark- I’ve been having some success treating my hamstring doing that myofascial technique in video. So I applied same massage technique to my tennis elbow which has been in a constant dull pain for decade. I massaged elbow with massage ball. Find a spot that is tender. Work out that spot only- after 10-15 seconds, pain should diminish. Stick with it. I hope it works for you brother. Oh yeah- my tennis elbow pain went away! Hope brother!
  13. Thank you Mark. I'm sorry to hear about your injury. Mine was nowhere near as severe. Still it was very painful. I can only imagine how painful yours was. When a sprinter locks up and grabs the back of their leg-that has to be intense pain. Brother have you tried myofascial massage for your hamstring? It works out scar tissue which is root source of many hamstring injuries. Do you think this might be an ACL?
  14. Lol not my rug. It’s my miss Lebowski’s
  15. I pulled it playing tennis against my girlfriend. I said “a smart person learns from their mistakes, a smarter person learns from other mistakes”. My big mistake was not warming up properly, which I’m usually fanatic about
  16. I’m 51, very active, well I pulled my hamstring playing tennis the other day. Its a nagging injury, but the first time i pulled it. My pull looks connected to my calves. I’ve been trying to massage out scar tissue, icing, strengthening. What’s the recovery time? What rehab should I be doing? When can I run again? I’m trying to post picture of big bruise, but it’s too large a file. Thanks for any advice, cheers!
  17. Great avatar. Ron is one of the funniest characters in TV history Imo
  18. call it schadenfreude, but I love seeing arrogant bullies get a taste of their own medicine. I debated between Oliver-Rogan-Burr-Dore-andy reefer and beer and Kate Upton, Jennifer Lawrence, Gina Gershon, Cindy Crawford, and Gigi Paris champagne and tequilla and reefer My schadenfreude choice of the former should clearly show my abundant disdain for andy doesn't sweat POS
  19. who are you the fascist guy??
  20. We’d be roasting him the whole time . It would be brutal. Bill Burr and John Oliver would rip him apart in hilarious fashion. I would laugh my ***** ass off the whole time. Then after we had enough fun at Andy’s expense- Joe Rogan can kick his ass for the finale. man that would be such a fun night! you do know bill burr and John Oliver? joe rogan and Jimmy dore are also hilarious ballbusters
  21. beer and reefer with: Joe Rogan John Oliver Bill Burr Jimmy Dore Prince Andrew
  22. Most every major brand is mostly corn syrup in the states. Sure there are organic ketchups, but that is a niche market. Heinz ketchup is banned from Whole Foods. Riddle me this Batman. Tell me what that “natural flavor” that is listed on ketchup, and lots of other foods. Natural flavor sounds organic. It’s not, and it’s not usually even food.Lots of times it’s made in a perfume factory. Bon appetit
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