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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. there's a trend? jw (thanks.)
  2. someone calls a respected colleague of mine "a scumbag" and i'm not allowed to respond? jw
  3. was thinking of quitting, but then decided against it. that would be too easy, and i wouldn't want to give you folks the satisfaction. and i think rfeynman has been mailing it in, and should really change his name back to what it was, because it's far too pedestrian as far as i'm concerned. and this whole talk of just jack's victory, well that's just wrong. i won this sucker some 50 pages ago, and it was verified. so all the funny and grumpy and sunglassed and devil and head-banging-againstp-wall emoticons can't change that. and it's also been established that any bans against me do not apply. so live with it people. i'm here to stay. jw
  4. heck, who'd want to hang out with you given the worry that anything they said would wind up being published? so i can see how you're familiar with the word scumbag. jw
  5. so, let's get this straight. Aaron Schobel understood that you were a member of the media, or that you made it clear before this conversation began that you were going to publish what was said, and he agreed to that, thus making this, as we in the business put it, "on the record." if that was the case, then you were perfectly in the right to publish what you got. at the very least, you have to understand how our business works. me, Jerry, Mark Gaughan, Leo Roth are identifiable members of the media and any conversations we have are generally understood to be "on the record," even when someone calls out some of us to be "liars." aside from that, i've had numerous conversations with players in several bars, all of which i have never shared with the public because i regarded them to be off the record. but i guess you got "the scoop," while at the same time neglecting any real trust you might have engendered with such person. if that is in fact the case, then that's quite callous and opportunistic on your part and truly deserve to wear this scumbag crown that you like to hand out willy nilly. jw
  6. and you both were drinking, right? jw
  7. so you evidently quoted Aaron, too, while proportedly drinking. wouldn't that make you a bigger scumbag, Hossage? jw
  8. baseless? as for not being in a position to not agree with you ... um, either we've spent time speaking to the same person or not. so which is it? i've reported what i know. ok, answer this: if in fact in this alleged diatribe Aaron gave you, did he really call out Chris Kelsay? jw
  9. having spent the past 9 days in rochester and seen the Buffalo News sporadically, i think this was a solid and bang on assessment of Aaron Schobel's nine seasons with the Bills. i resubmit my earlier question as to why we have to resort to "scumbag," or was that someone simply flexing his/her intraweb muskles in the expedient shadow of anonymity? jw
  10. in fact, i'm getting the sense, Hossage, you really don't know Aaron at all. jw
  11. so why did Aaron talk to Jerry if he didn't want to talk to him. and if Aaron did talk to Jerry, was he misquoted, thus making Jerry a liar? or are you against Jerry because he proved he wasn't a liar. i don't get this ... somone did their job by quoting someone and is somehow faulted for it? and did this happen before or after Aaron, while injured, sat between Jerry and I in the press box for a quarter of a game, during which we all had a pleasant chat? you can see how your theories here are beginning to unravel, right? jw
  12. what's curious is that Jerry and I have generally had the same ideas as to what story-lines to pursue during the Bills season. he, however, has the leeway to write his opinion whereas i have to play it a little more straight. here's the thing, there's plenty of people on this board who dispute the Bills way of operating. and yet when Jerry provides his thoughts, suddenly, he's regarded as "a hater." hey, i'm not going to speak for him. but it would be interesting for someone to go back and see how many positive and negative pieces he's written about the Bills. and let's remember, too, that the team has no provided much positive to write about of late. i do understand your point of view, PTR. and you've explained yourself very well and with respect. what i take exception to is someone who pretends to have had third-hand conversations with Aaron Schobel and reports them on this board and then refers to someone whom i respect as a "scumbag." jw
  13. why? my wife and i are having dinner with him Saturday night, so please forward the reasons behind why you think so and i'll see if i can't straighten him out for you. jw
  14. Gailey didn't think it was serious, but said Williams hand was still being examined. Williams didn't look to be in pain on the field as he walked past us and to the trainer. but there was certainly something tender that the trainers were looking at on the inside of his hand. and it was extensively wrapped when left the field and taken to locker room. jw
  15. of all the wang jokes -- and many of them are dull, boring and tiresome -- this one was funny (and a little weird given the topic). jw
  16. oh yeah, WR David Nelson out for a while, pulled something in his leg (likely hamstring). jw
  17. 2 things that came out of practice today. story to follow. jw
  18. this is not news. the AP has reported that at least once. on June 10 AP reported: ¶ In his last talks with the team, Schobel had expressed hope to work out a deal that would allow him to get certain days off to travel home to be with his family. ¶ "There would be a couple of things to change my mind," Schobel said. "It ain't over yet, but we'll see what happens." and this in AP piece on Schobel that moved last week: ¶ Also factoring into Schobel's decision is whether he has enough time to move his family back to Buffalo and able to get his children into the school they've attended. ¶ That's a switch after Schobel, in March, said he was open to the possibility of living alone in Buffalo and traveling to Texas to be with his family on off days. He's now realized that the travel would wear him out. jw
  19. i would rather gouge my eyes out with rusty thumbtacks than to spend the hours it would take to respond and correct what's been written above. see, there's this thing, called the interweb or something, which you might want to refer to in your research. though i'd suggest you don't rely solely on what's been written on this board. jw
  20. thanks for asking. really been given that thought some serious consideration given the amount of hatred, fact-less foolishness being spewed on this board. jw
  21. thanks for proving my original point. or should i simply reply with another one of these? because that's a lot simpler than merely rehashing much that's come out of the Buffalo-area media on this topic. but why let facts get in the way of a good old-fashioned lynching. jw
  22. yeah, this is really not much fun any more. just people piling on with their imaginative whims and grudges. jw
  23. this board's gone nutty with it's inability to get its facts straight. just sayin' jw
  24. i've read through this several times. and the only thing about it that's in any way accurate is that Jason Peters is an LT (that is if you are referring to left tackle) and the Bills have an FO (front office). other than spelling, nothing else is correct in this far-fetched and ultra-speculative post as far as what i know, have reported and others have reported. jw
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