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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. oh, since i'm off the hook then, 0-16. jw
  2. fine. count me at 5.5-10.5 right now. don't know if that's negative or positive. from my point of you, it's my perspective. don't know if it needs to be laughed at. jw
  3. bored as hell. jw
  4. sheesh. forced might be the wrong word, however, let you be the one to tell me how to do my job. but given that this was the last day of camp, and players generally are eager to get going, i had to stop a player for a story i was working on (the wildcat, which moved today). at that point, Gailey made himself available, and it was important to talk to him, given what had happened. but obviously, you were there and were aware of who was on the other side of that camera that got the shot of him waving. there were two Bills p.r. officials and one security person. what also pokes a hole in your argument is -- and had you been there, you'd know -- there were far more cameras behind him and to the right of him than there were those in the direction he was waving to. it's my opinion, as i was there, that he didn't wave to the camera, he was waving at (security/p.r. staff) to ensure nothing happened. but yes, mr. unhappy, you as usual have a tin-ear on this and a nose for negativity, always seeking some type of nefarious agenda. what's your stance on Christmas by the way? jw
  5. thanks, mr. unhappy. to be fair, Gailey wasn't waiving over the cameras, as you put it. i believe, he was waving to either a security official or a bills official. no reporter to my knowledge, and i was standing on the sideline, was alerted or provide any sort of a heads up that this was about to occur. jw
  6. it's unusual for a coach to do this, thus making it news. heck, even our national sports columnist, the very good and respected Jim Litke, wrote about it today: Bills coach to hecklers: 'No autographs for you.' jw
  7. i was hoping to talk to one of the youngsters afterward, but was forced to talk to coach and other players about what happened. by the time i had a free moment, it was impossible to find the them in the crowd. jw
  8. i understand. it's a polarizing issue. apology accepted. jw
  9. fine. that's your opinion. why is it your intention to drag me into some sort of agreement with you, and then do so by saying if i don't, you'll accuse me of having low standards? i'm not getting dragged into this discussion or share with you the way i see it because it's not my place. my intention -- for the third time in this thread -- (and i'll type slowly so you can keep up) was to simply point out that a poster had a fact wrong and that his other point lacked a certain sense of logic. people are entitled to their opinions. in the case of this topic, too often, people go off half-cocked by basing their opinions on loose facts and logic. you, rather, would prefer to make it personal by taking a potshot at me by questioning my standards. jw
  10. if that is the case, then i do sincerely apologize. my mistake. jw
  11. don't try to tell me what my standards are. that's cheap and insincere because you are mischaracterizing what i posted: you are clearly attempting to read inbetween the lines of my intentions here, which were: 1) to point out that it was not Russ Brandon who brought in T.O. 2) to question the logic of a poorly thought-out argument. simple as that. and limited to that. but you can't stop there. no. rather, using an overcreative imagination and an overblown sense of entititlement, you manage to cull something out of this that somehow entitles you to question my standards. puh-leaze. jw
  12. so, you're point is, they shouldn't have even approached Shanahan or Cowher? then, that would prove the point that they are cheap, right? as for the other thing, don't give me this high-and-mighty baloney that i'm pulling rank here because of my position as a sports writer. why don't you do your homework and check your own sources by simply doing a google search for my name, Canton, Terrell Owens and Ralph Wilson, to see what I reported last year to get an idea of how it all went down. jw
  13. i'm aware of that, but thought it important to allow a certain actual fact and a logically reasoned point get in the way of this latest lynch-mob stampede. jw
  14. Russ Brandon did not bring T.O. in. He acted upon the orders of Ralph Wilson. also, why would it be smart P.R. to send out signals that the Bills are interested in Shanahan and Cowher if, in the end, the team has no interest in either. wouldn't that be bad P.R. when neither are signed. perhaps, the reality of it was that the Bills were, in fact, interested in both. jw
  15. i like that member, title about tomorrow being fresh. there's a je nes se quois nobility and innocence to it. stay young.


  16. whatareya blind. this one. jw
  17. brown-nosing will get you nowhere. i do like the board much better now that i'm back in last place here. jw
  18. waitasec ... since when did you have friends in the first place? jw
  19. i hate change. jw
  20. That's not SI reporting it. That's an Associated Press story on the SI website. jw
  21. when you look at it that way, the Last Post thread might have been the inspiration for twitter. jw
  22. thanks Howard. jw
  23. B word and complain. whine and moan. oh, it's too hot. oh, it's too cold. oh, i have a garage. oh, i have to do the laundry. look at me, i can use exclamation marks. geez. and there's the other yahoos: -- what's your name? -- why don't you change your name. -- have i won yet? -- look, i can find neat little videos on the intrawebs. -- oh, i'm above all of this last post wins, crap. get over it people. i cover the bills. have been for 11 years now. i believe i have some right to complain, don't ya think? (have i won yet?) jw
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