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Delete This Account

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  1. any relation to them? hmmmm? jw
  2. feh. au pair. update us when it becomes a threesome. jw
  3. yeah, probably could've used a better word than "serious." my point is, here was a chance for her to have a breakout role in a big-budget film with a marquee actress and well put-together cast, and was able to provide a performance that wasn't lost among the rest. how's "big-break" role, sound. as for "Rachel Getting Married," good god was that a well-made movie all-around. jw oh, and since we're talking movies, Melissa Leo hands-down earned that Golden Globes for her work in The Fighter.
  4. i disagree. take away the pop stuff she's done with way too-sugary director Garry Marshall, and look at what Hathaway did in two more serious roles: -- She was solid in holding her own against Meryl Streep in the Devil Wears Prada, which is not an easy thing to do. -- And her leading role in Rachel Getting Married was absolutely phenomenal. Showed what she could do with a true director in Jon Demme. jw
  5. every year, without relent, my friend len lent me lentils for lent. jw
  6. so, you're suggesting the bills shouldn't have cut Trent Edwards? or Pete Gonzalez for that matter. jw
  7. both? who taught you how to count? jw
  8. two things: -- many of the canadians i saw couldn't handle their beer. for shame. -- secondly, it's not entirely fair to make comparisons between Buffalo WJC and 2002 Salt Lake City Games hockey attendence levels. The two venues in Utah had a much smaller combined capacity than the two in Buffalo and Lewiston. jw
  9. !@#$ al of you. jw
  10. call this a smeer job,but lou reed is incontinent. oh, sorry, inconsistent. jw
  11. let this, then, be my last post. jw
  12. some things are relatively obvious: -- the Bills need a quarterback. -- what Buddy might have to say about this is uncertain. he's on the road. -- i think i answered your next question. the Bills need a quarterback. this is not ground-breaking, though it's notable in the fact that the team has acknowledged this, as opposed to how they went about keeping things a mystery last year. -- note: Buddy is scouting quarterbacks. that doesn't mean he'll like them. that's why he's going out to scout them. -- as for Luck, who is to say he'll fall in the Bills lap in two years? or, are you saying, you would hold the Bills blame-free if they tanked next season in order to get Luck high in the draft (c'mon, you really can't have it both ways, can you?) -- and i'm a bit confused about this "why is Buddy going out scouting" line of questioning for several reasons: 1) if he didn't go out and get a chance to see these guys in game action, wouldn't he be accused of not being familiar with the players he might be drafting? 2) if you're going to use a first-round pick -- and potentially a top-3 one at that -- on a QB, wouldn't you want to have as many eyes watching the crop of prospects as possible? 3) Buddy doesn't have to be in the building, does he? if something comes up, they have these things called "telephones," which he can use to communicate. -- as for Modrak's role. he's also out scouting. it's been noted in previous stories in which Mr. Wilson has expressed his support for Modrak. jw
  13. busy day. hopefully, i can get to putting together a response some time in the nexts week. hope you understand.


  14. note, i did say "region," and included Toronto in that. but, i'm not that smart of a person when i put a guess on the team staying at 60-65, 30-35. how 60 and 30 add up to 100, don't know. in all seriousness, i think the chances are a little better than 50-50, but the landscape is still not clear. jw
  15. um, pretty sure i'd still be a writer. it's what i do. and having always banked on myself, i think i'd be pretty successful at other things, too. heck, they made a movie out of a professional drunk like Buchowski, but i digress. you miss my point in your overall sweeping generalization of what and who fans are. in my book, a fan is not someone who roots for someone to die. i'm not accusing you of that, but it's the over the top belligerence of yahoos, who lack shame and perspective, whom i open up to question. bills fans have a right to be passionate and critical. this has been a terrible decade. but please spare me the high-and-mighty attitude in your awkward response. i never chided fans for being passionate. i chided the knuckleheads who seem to write (if you want to call it that) without thinking, and believing they can be shielded from criticism because of their anonymity and because they consider themselves "fans." jw
  16. not true. let me check my notes, but i'm pretty sure Mr. Wilson said he was laughing at you, Mr. Happy. ... oh, yes, here it is, mentioned your name twice, and chuckled. jw
  17. coupla' things. i have difficulty holding a serious discussion with someone who comes across with a belligerent tone and with an over-inflated self-proclaimed handle such as "internet tough guy," who appears hellbent on living up to such a reputation, which leads me to believe he/she might well be over-compensating for something lacking in other areas. why i'm required to take heat, i don't know. but i refuse to be bullied by a "tough guy." found the comment curious, myself. i've written here or maybe thought that there's a less likelihood that the franchise's leaving than previously thought. i understand that and don't entirely dispute it. however, Mr. Wilson has on numerous occasions in the past said for a team to be successful, it needs a leader, and by that he has always been referring to a franchise QB. as for another question raised here: -- i neglected to ask about Kelsay because Buddy Nix had cleared up that question in my mind last week. he referred to him as "a good player" who has proven he can lead by example in the locker room. say what you will about Kelsay's play on the field, he has value in that locker room as an even-keel, hard-working guy, who has earned plenty of respect from his teammates. jw
  18. JohnC, I truly and sincerely apologize if that's what you inferred from my post (and i can see how that might have happened). i did not mean for it to come out that way. mine, on that subject, was more of a general response to some others here. again, my apologies. as for your other point, he is, in fact, acknowledging that he hired the people who failed him and the team's fans. he accepts that blame, and says it's on him. it's not much in some ways, but it's telling that Mr. Wilson is capable of seeing his shortcomings. how is that wrong? jw
  19. it's something that, i might point out, also goes against this conspiracy theory that runs rampant on this board that people believe Mr. Wilson has his fingers in every decision. once again, that is not true. as he's done in the past, he's entrusting the running of this franchise to the plan Buddy Nix and Chan Gailey have laid out in front of him. he took the blame because he hired people who, as it turned out, failed to do their jobs. will Nix and Gailey succeed? well, who knows. but he's giving them their shot and, based on his comment, backing the plan they've come up with. jw
  20. it is sad. and it's also sad that a person who got into the AFL because he was a fan of football, and wound up making something of it to the point where he is enshrined in Canton, can't make this thing work. i've written it once and i'll write it again, there are people here who mistake Mr. Wilson for someone who doesn't care. i truly believe he does. and what's sad is that he's provided 51 years of entertainment in Buffalo and gets rightly and wrongly criticized for it to the point where there are people who openly and sadly and insensitively root for his demise. last i checked, the sun did go up this morning, and my car was still damaged from the yahoo, who sideswiped it and took off this past weekend. to me, that's a big worry and perhaps more disturbing than maybe a football team getting off to an 0-5 start. but then again, i'm not a fan. and given some of the ongoing posts on this board in regards to Mr. Wilson's health, i'd rather maintain my objectivity than sink into the mud of some people here. but of course, this will be misconstrued as a post blindly favoring Mr. Wilson and the job he's done, with some responding about Polian this and Jauron that. there have been screwups. major screwups, which is why this team is where it is. is it wrong for Mr. Wilson to come clean and accept that blame, saying he's at fault for the decisions that were made. might be wrong if he hadn't, too. jw
  21. but thanks for reading. jw
  22. And here it is. full story jw
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