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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. with all due respect, i was responding to the one poster who wrote that they're not going to feel sorry for me. fine. i'm not asking for sympathy. i also question the one poster's tone to Bill/NYC, who suggested he has bigger issues if he can't get through three hours without having a fix. why? we are the new lepers. a dwindling minority. fine. but there are too many hints of the tsk-tskers that have come aboard on this thread, much like we smokers encounter occasionally outside the bars and buildings where we smoke that provide us evil-eye looks. uhhh, what do you want us to do. you've kicked us out of the bar and out of the buildings, and now you're wondering what we're doing out here. well, smoking. that's what in fact we are doing. as for rights, i do have the right to smoke in a legally designated space. and when that right is taken away, then we all know, the terrorists will have won, no. jw ha, ha bbb.
  2. you don't much about smoking, do you. do the math. a pack-a-day smoker goes through say 20 cigarettes in a day. there's say 16 waking hours per day. that means, a smoker generally has one every 45 minutes or so on average. the beauty of when you're having a beer or two, is to sit back and enjoy a cigarette. this is why it's a bit of a big deal when involving bars and clubs. a good long puff on a cigarette is invigorating. and it's an itch that likes to be scratched, especially after a long flight or with your first coffee in the morning, or after a great meal or alone with a glass of good irish whiskey or at half-time. it's no more of a right as salt and sugar is, or twitter for that matter. and buying cigarettes and smoking them in some places are in fact still legal. as for those posters who suggest we smokers are seeking sympathy, well, no. we do, in fact, have a right to voice our opinions. and we're a thick-skinned bunch, too. it's the self-righteous non-smokers and ex-smokers, who kind of bug us with their holier than thou sermonizing, demonizing and tisk-tisking. for those who don't smoke, good for you. for those who are trying to quit, good luck. for those of you smokers reading this, and having the itch to light one up, please do so. after i finishing writing this, i plan to walk down three flights of stairs and have a smoke, and i intend to enjoy it. jw
  3. to be fair, SDS is arguing against the argument not entirely the habit. jw
  4. now if only they could ban losing, no? jw
  5. that or, say, Title IX, no? jw
  6. it's easy to favor a ban against something that's entirely legal when it's something that does not affect you, personally. ... ah, but when someone suggests something that you might enjoy, well ... as a smoker, there, i said it, i'll get by on this. always have. trouble is, i guess i wear today's "leper" label a little awkwardly and have difficulty understanding all this logic. they push us out of buildings, leaving us to the streets. then they start complaining about us smoking on the streets. so they attempt to ban that, too. ... why not just stop selling the damn things? well, that would be going to far. and what about Prohibition, eh? oh, so you can't ban them, but you can essentially attempt to ban the action, creating a Catch 22 that would make good ol' Joe Heller blush. but wait, once they're done with us smokers, they'll have all this time on their hands to noodle in on the fun you might be having. and when that happens, good luck with that, cause it'll be too late. and don't say it won't happen. the no-fun police are emboldened the the inroads already made. farting, just might well, be next. jw
  7. That would hurt concessions. Concessions do not sell cigarettes, ergo ... jw
  8. just got back from a smoke break ... what happened, now? jw
  9. from what i'm hearing, i'd be cautiously encouraged about the prospects of a deal getting done within 2-3 weeks. jw Updated AP story
  10. AP reporting framework for new CBA could be in place in week. Link to Updated AP story jw
  11. now if only the Mavs could figure out a way to trap DWade for four quarters. sheesh! jw
  12. well, you're a Bills fan, for one. need i continue ... jw
  13. friggin optimist. ... jw
  14. all indications are that Poz is in the Bills plans. he wants to re-sign, and the coaching staff is very open to having him back. jw
  15. i'm a sports writer. we in the business don't win lotteries. it's part of that deal we struck with the devil to be so fortunate. so i'm sorry, it'll be byob. jw
  16. yes, the bills should move. you should stop watching the nfl. i hear cricket is big in some parts. the leaders of the players union have no fault in this, it is squarely upon the owners. and it's well known that no one but Ralph Wilson is screwing NY and Erie County taxpayers. because all the other businesses and all the politicians are handling things above board, without want or desire. if only we could work our way out of the grips of this one team so that the deficit would be unheaved, and the burdensome yoak of work unhinged, so that manna would fall from the skies, and we would all be driving Escalades and Jaguars and drinking expensive Irish whiskey, and burning Benjamins in our well-adorned fireplaces, while holding exotic dinner parties, in which we've had flamingos shipped from the Caribbean and wild boar slow-cooked over open fires in the backyard, as the surviving members of the Rolling Stones perform on a stage built of emeralds and rubies, while Scarlett Johannson prances and preens on the dance floor, and night would never fall, and angels would weep golden tears out of pure and unadulterated envy. if only the Bills would leave or something ... jw
  17. i like the one where the two women get into a fight and then splash into the outdoor fountain. i don't know what the beer is they're advertising, but there's something mesmerizing about the commercial. i think there was a sequel in which the two women then get into a pillow fight. as for all these silly gimmicks, give me a break. as for which one's the most insipid, it's a tie between: -- the cold and extremely cold label bottles. ... uh, i don't need a label to tell me if a beer's cold. -- the light beer versus miller light commercials. "would you like a light beer or one that tastes great?" ... and the doofus picks "whatever," when in fact the answer is C: "here's no such thing as great-tasting light beer. i'll then have a Labatt Blue, thank you." sheesh, morons. good poll though. jw
  18. i was going to click on the link, then i thought about it and stopped. so what's it all about, DC? ... jw
  19. not much of a rant. a mini-rant, perhaps, which i guess makes it a runt? jw
  20. has anyone mentioned de niro teaming up with sean penn and demi moore for 'we're no angels.' so many stars. such a bad script. jw
  21. um, after failing to read any of the links you've provided, or muster the energy to acknowledge anything you might or might not have posted, because, really, who has the time to read all of this stuff, i've come to the conclusion that the only response i can provide in this vast and speculative thread -- filled with one report after another, which apparently are supposed to tie all of this together in one neat bow in which the answer is apparently apparent -- is: so? jw
  22. was another thread warranted? who is pagula? who doesn't like winning? jw
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