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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. well, isn't that where KC plays? be strange to see Bills play KC in Idaho, no? jw
  2. sorry. had to try it just once. that said, in all seriousness, there is no official or unoffical word to confirm speculative reports that Terrence McGee has been released. jw
  3. well, check this out. jw
  4. funny, me, too. and i never realize this was a question. jw
  5. i was terribly disappointed by the secret sisters album. what i hoped to be an opportunity to put a new spin on and old style, turned out to be a karaoke fest through much of that album. hadn't checked the list, but i would certainly hope Raphael Saadiq's "Stone Rollin" is on there. jw ADD: finally got through the list after having initial difficulty. it's a lot of generally predictable stuff and sadly bereft of much relevance. how Saadiq didn't make it and Yuck did (i've got both albums) is strange.
  6. right, "last week." after "last night," the fickle fandom's back on the bandwagon. doom's out of fashion for now. super bowl talk now de rigueur. jw
  7. booo-ring. nothing "bodacious" here. i thought there'd be dancin' girls or something. just a thing about bars. big whup. i hope the mods change the title, as it provides false advertising. jw
  8. oh, i get all that. i was merely saying that the post in which you referenced that put you off to coming to games here in OPark was rather mild, and really didn't appear to be a dig at Canadians. if that put you over the top, then i'm worried my people have become far more sensitive since i left. jw
  9. you doth protest a little too much. though i agree there is a hamhanded and questionable anti-canadian undercurrent among a few thick yahoos on this board, the post in question was fair. the rogers centre is a bad facility for football. fans at Bills-in-Toronto games have had a habit of sitting on their hands, and rooting for the opposing team. it's a sterile, lifeless environment that is nothing like the atmosphere at Ralph WIlson Stadium. c'mon, you say you've attended games here, you have to admit that there's a vast difference between the two sites. and you don't think Western New Yorkers won't be upset if the Bills relocate. look, i'm not sure about rioting, but things won't be pretty. as you can't resist from taking a shot in regards to pro lacrosse, i'll provide my own retort in regards to professional hockey. the Maple Leafs haven't been and still aren't very good. so, good luck with that, eh? jw
  10. free health care ... jw
  11. whatever my galdurned short-falling might be, and i got plenty of 'em, just don't be expectin' no 600-word quasi apology from me, buster. at least the AP got the Merriman story right. and if you're looking for it, good luck finding it. jw
  12. drugs, lots and lots of drugs, and liquor, topped with more drugs, and lavish parties with lots of drugs and women and liquor, and corporate jets ... have you not watched Entourage? ... and high-priced agents, with lawyers and drug suppliers and pimps and hangers-on, who require more drugs and have bad ideas, but no one realizes they're bad ideas, because they're very high on drugs, until finally somoene sobers up one late morning and says, "jeesuz, Lone Ranger and werewolfs, that's just plain dumb. ... hey, what about Flipper and werewolves?" rinse, wash and repeat. jw
  13. this response if pure baloney. wrong on couldn't care less about the region. wrong about his heirs not wanting the team (it's a little more complicated). wrong about moving the team, because he's had offers to move. ... sure, the first choice among AFL founders was to put a team in Miami. that wasn't entirely Mr. Wilson's choice, so let's be clear on that. after being turned down in Miami, he went ahead and founded the team here in Buffalo, and has stuck with it. as Kelly has noted, there are many things this organization can be faulted for, but i accuse you of playing a fast and loose game of twisting the facts to fit your own ideas. ... it's not as black and white as you make it sound. my intention here, as it's been in numerous threads such as this over the years, is to merely provide perspective. and yet, i'd be surprised if this sinks in as those who have had their minds made up on this subject have proven to be stubborn nuts to crack. jw
  14. no worries. jw
  15. couldn't resist. -- didn't realize my flair was ever-disappearing. i don't write in invisible ink. -- had you read the piece, the offense made modest gains, not Evans. -- there was no suggestion the Bills would give Lee a new contract, was there? why include that when the Bills are on record in stating they sign players to contracts they believe to be realistic and those which they are confident a player can complete? jw
  16. what i wrote is what i wrote. sorry, but staying out of this discussion. jw
  17. yes, i wholeheartedly agree with this part. jw
  18. no, no, and no. the standards aren't looser in what many might now refer to as the "old" media, where publications and outlets have established their reputations -- good and bad -- over decades. the trick in today's "modern" media is to judge someone -- a blogger, a twitterer, a poster -- on the basis of a much smaller track record. if it's difficult for some to determine the difference between new and old media, and lump both together, well, sure things are generally faster and looser. and yet, with the AP and as with many publications, the standards haven't changed. the goal is to be first and to be accurate. not one or the other. and i'd rather be beat than be wrong. jw
  19. because ... there are troubles in the business, but that doesn't mean there aren't good journalists out there. in fact there are some very good journalists out there whom i deal with and read on a regular basis. good stories are still being published, it's just a matter of finding them. there are some very good bloggers out there. unfortunately, not everyone is good at reporting or at blogging. and reputations can be easily blemished. i recently recall someone who absolutely guaranteed Clabo was going to sign with the Bills. and then, without shame, reported why that didn't in fact happen. if you're wrong on a story, fess up and apologize. if you're right, stand by it. and if you've done your investigative work and uncover nothing that at this moment you find newsworthy, then you leave it at that. jw
  20. interesting submissions. and no answer is wrong, unless it's the beeber (and hey, are his 15 minutes finally up?) like the AC/DC mention, though for me, i prefer "Beating Around the Bush." it's an under-rated song because it didn't get a whole bunch of airplay, and gets my head a'banging every time i hear it. as for the Clash, it's a bit of a tie for me: "Clampdown" and "Death or Glory." again, i'm not putting down your preferences, just thought i'd further the discussion. jw
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