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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. ... yes, with a friend, who happens to be an attractive fashion model, who recently graced the cover of Sports Illustrated (no names, please). and then ... jw figured by the time OP gets to second base, we can all make up a story, with marriage, kids and death before nightfall, eh?
  2. well, most here are thoughtful and responsible. me, being one who has an occasional want to tilt at windmills, i like to do my part in calling out the yahoos. that said, i don't know if the Dodgers sale makes a difference. it could up the price of the Bills slightly, but the dynamics -- from what i can see -- are very different. 1) the Dodgers have a TV deal in which the new owners can recoup a large chunk of their money quickly. 2) the Dodgers are one of North American sports most iconic franchises and a large and vibrant city that, last time i was there, and it was a while ago seems to back baseball. 3) if i read this correctly, part of the deal included land around the stadium, which is open to be developed, once again allowing the new owners to begin recouping their money. $2.1 million is a lot of money, and i don't know many franchises that can attract that type of coin. my thoughts. jw here's another f word for you: Fraud. jw
  3. lightweight with a keyboard. 'lots of F's in the chamber.' wow, who you trying to impress? heck, with a retort such as this, i'm surprised you even got to F. and then to further prove yourself to be an internet "tough guy," you proceed to go after another poster by suggesting he was on the wrong side of a fist. ... goodness me, how utterly laughable. wishing or not wishing success is your prerogative, but must you filthy up this thread with such blabber exposing yourself as something beyond a fan, and instead a blind fanatic? jw
  4. i don't like the tagging thing. ... Bell was too injury prone in my opinion to go that far. Bills made him an offer. he looked around and found a better deal. losing him, in the big picture, is not a considerable loss given the state of his body this past season. ... to me, he never measured out to be Jason Peters. and the Bills got him with a seventh-round pick. ... i don't know. here's a better question, why do you reserve your letter solely to Bell and not also include the team? jw well, that's an utter copout. when holes are poked in your argument, you revert to this comment. that's silly. jw
  5. and yet, it could work out for both, too, no? can't Bell have success with the Eagles, and the Bills find a left tackle who can start on a long-term basis? stuff happens, don't know why anyone has to make it personal. jw
  6. why? is there something he owes you? and if everything is meant to be, as you put it, why do you in the next breath come out and do a complete 180? odd. jw
  7. not sure if this person's been included, but might be worth a peek (no Melissa Rauch, but ... ) Rosie Roff or this one jw
  8. still no. ... maybe we need to find a picture of back of her head. jw
  9. my fear is cameron's ego bursting under pressure, thus causing an enormous environmental hazard. only hope is he took all available versions of avatar down with him. jw
  10. i had my eye-doctor appointment this morning, and given all the tests they put me through, with my glasses on and off, staring into machines and everything else, i could not see this. jw
  11. i'm terribly shocked this happened in a gate-closed suburb, because no one would ever believe it happening in an actual urban environment. jw
  12. very aptly put. it wasn't hours after Mario Williams signed, when someone asked me what i thought about some player, and whether the Bills would draft him. people, that was March 15th or something. i couldn't project what i'd be doing in three days never mind what was going to happen six weeks from then. still don't. the lists don't get finalized for another 3 weeks or so. and schools are still having their pro days. there's still a lot to digest. so, everything beyond picks 1-2 and likely 3, is mostly speculation at this point, so i think it's a little premature to start moving Craig Urbik to center. jw
  13. i expect the study to be done soon. they're not putting out the projected costs because they generally don't negotiate this through the media. the Bills are doing the study, because they're the ones who understand the needs, technical, structural and profit-generating because they're the ones who use the stadium on an exclusive basis. they do control the stadium under the terms of the lease. the Toronto series does very little to undercut the county and state's contributions. under NY State tax laws, the state generates much of the money due to the fact that Bills play here, and where their salaries are taxed. one game makes a small dent in tax money generated out of concessions, hotel rooms, etc. jw
  14. it's not that the question was asked. it's just that the question wasn't answered. heck, we wouldn't have known how much the entire deal was worth if not for the Rogers year-end report. jw
  15. what kinda operation you folks running here where we, the people, have to take responsibility. it's bad enough we're all paying dues to be members here, and that price has now gone up with Williams' signing, that some moderator can't do all this work for us? what are we paying you for!! personally, i'm considering putting a hold on sending you my next payment. and i'm asking all posters here to do the same. to be fair, i'll begin setting up an escrow account, which was one of the reasons behind my reason visit to the Cayman Islands. (and lord knows, someone's gotta help me pay that bar tab.) so, for those members intending to join me, they can forward me their money -- check or cash is fine, i'm not picky -- and we'll get this all straightened out. jw (ok, this is odd. i went to check my settings, and the DST thingy was already clicked. why did it take this long for the thing to correct itself? ... which leads me to wonder: what kind of operation you folks running here ... )
  16. all i can say is that neither side has said whether Rogers was reimbursed or not for giving up that game. the educated assumption is since there's a signed deal in place, and Rogers prompted the giveback, that Rogers is not in a position to request reimbursement. that said, it's possible that the Bills could have -- and this is mere speculation, nothing at all concrete -- thrown some money back in a good-faith move to further the next round of talks in regards to extending the deal beyond this year. again, this is all guesswork, as no one has said one way or another, and both sides have been particularly mum on how this deal works ever since Rogers posted the numbers in its annual report some five years ago. jw
  17. oh, thanks. this week has been a fog, between two Sabres games, two Bona tournament berths, and the Bills taking two days to sign some guy some 12 stories later, and one quick stop at the drinking place, i was trying to pinpoint what happened at 3:29 -- oh, sorry, 4:29 because no one's changed the freakin' time on this board yet -- yesterday. thanks. jw
  18. yes? and quit shouting. what's this all about? jw
  19. for clarification, i have no vote in the All-Pro team or any other end of year NFL awards. The Associated Press runs the vote, but us AP writers do not take part. the votes are cast by a select number members of the media -- not AP writers -- around the country, who cover the NFL. jw
  20. in my the "Stuckey Bowl" travel mug that my wife got me for Christmas a very long time ago. good show. jw
  21. nah, that's the latest coffee run for us late-to-bed-early-risers. they're bringing the beans in crates, i'm told by "sources," though it appears i'll have to have to intake mine intravenously. jw
  22. 5,268 pages! give or take. jw can report the FedEx truck just arrived at 1BillsDrive, though, i'm sure that happens every morning around this time. and it looks like rain with ominous storm clouds looming over Lake Erie. so there ya go.
  23. no one needs message boards and posters either. you can sit behind your own little computer hammering out self-satisfying inanities about some doctoral baloney and whatever. good for you. have fun with that. don't know what self-righteous attitude you're accusing me of having. i was simply defending a profession that, at it's best, has some nobility to it, and, also at it's best, makes an attempt to strive for the truth. that's a little pie-in-the-sky stuff, but there are some of us in this profession who have established hard-earned reputations for providing information in an accurate, responsible and efficient manner, and have been in this business long enough to have earned at the very least a thimble of respect, no, than to put up with kneejerk musings by someone who evidently thinks they can impress someone with some doctoral exam baloney. dear god. a doctoral exam. proctology i bet. jw well, i was working. now i'm not. so sorry for the chatter. i'm going to the drinking place. you can join me if you like. jw
  24. speaking of soapboxes, glad you have a forum here to make sweeping generalizations about something either you know very little about or suffer greatly from envy. either way, believe whatever hell you want and leave us professionals to attempt to break actual news so jeremy 2020 can either refute or agree, but definitely read about it. ironic, no. how much you need journalists, and how much you question our ethics. jw
  25. i'm busy calling my reporter friends to quote them as sources ... but seriously, all's quiet and trying to track Mario's movements while now working from the Sabres press box. the PFT report is interesting. can't confirm he is or is not leaving town, howeverm, the longer this goes on, the more it feels like he may want a second look elsewhere. Bills did all they could in wining and dining and touring him around town. it's on him to make the ultimate decision. jw
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