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Delete This Account

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  1. More on David and Fred. ... update has been filed. http://www.greenfiel...-Bills-Injuries jw
  2. insincts and Big Cat, sorry, don't understand. as for your contention in regards to the middle class. i hope you're not suggesting the middle class is passe, or lacks relevance because, well, i hate to admit it but i'm a member. as for your suggestion that we're two people with differing "Paul Ryan" opinions then, well, ok. jw
  3. we? please explain. in regards to "your idiot" i do believe you're taking this a little personal. jw
  4. wow. let's discuss details, since Clinton provided far more details of the Repulican plan than the Republican planners have divulged. but if the Republican planners would consider divulging some numbers, then we'd be all for it. so, should i hold my breath? jw
  5. please explain how this works. tax cuts equal tax savings.
  6. updated version of story, includes comments from Terry Pegula response to his interest in purchasing Bills. "No, I haven't given that any thought," Pegula told the AP. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/nfl/buffalo-bills-owner-ralph-wilson-doing-well-after-returning-home-from-hospital-168630476.html jw
  7. give the emoticon a rest and why not present some sort of argument, in which points are made rather than merely pick and poke with nonsensical one word answers and laughing faces. go ahead, put yourself out there so that we can see what exactly you stand for, and why, rather than leaving us guessing and assuming that you've got a one- or two-button computer and a dial-up connection. too often you come back with this response to arguments posed that i have no other reason but to call you a poser. because for a "worldtraveler" i'd swear you've not left the county. jw
  8. i'm guessing that was before Paul Ryan lied and lied and lied. i have no trouble finishing second, if that's the case. jw and yet, you still can't manage a reply, eh? i put that out there, and you come back with schittt. typical, i guess. sad, too. jw c'mon folks, quit holding your noses and back this ticket cause i sure can't. jw
  9. it would help if you're attempting to make a point in regard to the backup qb that you spelled one of the players' names correctly. i mean, seriously? how tough can it be. Tarvaris. Thigpen. as for your assumption on this, i would stake claim that both are on the roster come the Jets game. jw
  10. well, i really should use an asterisk, because the people at this so-called "Republican"(*) convention aren't all so-called "Republicans"(*) because there appears to be very little room left in the so-called "GOP" (*) for dissent or discussion. the party, to me, has lost its way. -- it says it stands for smaller government, and yet selects Mitt Romney. -- it says it stands for a reduction in spending, and yet the vice presidential candidate voted to expand government spending. -- it says it stands for bringing back a golden century without realizing what contributed to helping make the last golden century actually work ... and in part it were the rules and regulations put into place following the last Great Depression and war that followed. -- it's a party that no longer stands for any type of compromise. -- it is a party that once backed universal health care, but no longer. -- it is a party the once helped own the center of the political spectrum, but has now appeared to have allowed itself to be bullied and hijacked into a one-note ideological corner. -- it was a party that once stood for business, but has now selected three consecutive candidates who's track record in building business (and by that, i don't mean rewarding shareholders) and creating jobs can be easily questioned. i can go on. so i don't need to review or question what the Democrats do or don't do at their convention. in this nation, there is no second choice when it comes to me. and that's changed drastically over the past 30 years. the so-called "Republican" (*) party offers nothing for me to even give it one lick of consideration. it is against abortion, it is against equality, it has no semblance of a health care plan beyond privatizing it, it says one thing and does the other -- yes, much like the Democrats do. the entire political system has been infiltrated by a paralysis of polarization, and it wasn't always this way. and the way the so-called "Republican"(*) Party is structured today, i have the choice but to knock and criticize it, if it means helping start a discussion about where conservatives need to look beyond this election. and some people here -- not you Chef -- certainly have the option to respond by questioning my leanings, attacking what it is that i do, without contributing to the discussion in attempt to extend what's been a maddening status quo. jw
  11. cap number might be correct, but it's greatly based on incentives after McGee restructured his contract in February. the only part of his salary that's guaranteed is the minimum, and i don't have the figures here right in front of me. everything else is bonus and incentive-based. so cutting Terrence wouldn't solve much (many incentives are generally worked into the salary cap number so teams can't get around the rules by offering a minimum salary and then bulking up the back end with easily reached bonuses.) not sure if that answers the questions, but i still think McGee makes the team for a 10th season, barring a major setback (and from what i'm told this wasn't) in his recovery. jw
  12. indeed, we actually hold meetings and send out daily email talking points to see how we can stir up the so-called "Republicans." i'll have to report back to everyone of my success, because there could well be a big bonus for me, as to which i should thank you. jw glad to see facts don't stand in your way. jw
  13. have i not objectively questioned holes in the so-called "Republican" platform? jw
  14. i don't recall the number, but what does that prove, that a news organization was making its best attempt to pore over documents and accurately report on them? i do remember the time when everyone, but the AP, called the 2000 election in George W. Bush's favor on election night. i also remember when the AP accurately reported the Supreme Court ruling on the health care decision, while others initially missed the mark. but really, who's keeping track. jw
  15. nah, i'm pretty sure the folks on the right will tell us what it all means, and how doomed we all are. jw
  16. if you're referring to "true" Americans, who value everything the current so-called "GOP" stands for, God (the Christian one, and especially the Elite Jesus guy who didn't spread the wealth with his loaves, fishes acts of charity, et al) and liberty (except for those who have the gall to criticize and question so-called "Republican" ideals) and are pro-life (with the exception of the death penalty of course), you're absolutely correct. jw
  17. it's somewhat unfortunate that Isaac didn't blow toward Tampa, that way members of the so-called "Republican" delegations could have had a chance to step outside and actually piss in the big wind and pretend the blowback is, in fact, rain. there are no new ideas coming out of this convention, but simply rehashed isms that have become so inbred over time that they now lack any sense of clarity or form. i've no clue what so-called "Republicans" stand for any more, given that they preach smaller government, and yet played a major role in expanding government and its debt over the past decade. and now they're parading out this argument that somehow tax cuts will actually draw down the debt, because that worked so well in previous attempts. and all this talk about "the great generation," as if it was built without government-backed subsidies, be it the GI Bill, farm grants and welfare programs to help those in need get through a difficult period. but what matters history, when there's a flag on hand to wrap oneself around and make claims that those without a flag handy are un-american. i'm starting to understand why so-called "Republicans" have taken to question science and education, because if those are somehow abolished, future generations can be drawn down to far more ignorant levels. thank you, barry goldwater, because it's evident your time is now. jw
  18. and yet it's not possible. jw
  19. and one more thing, before i send you another text or a few dozen more emails, it's gugny not gumby, dammit. jw
  20. that wikipedia entry is incorrect. once a player opens training camp, a team is not allowed to place him on the physically unable to perform list. for example, Mike Caussin opened camp on Active/PUP, which would've put him in a position to be activated at any time. He was then transferred to Reserve/PUP, which allows the Bills to not have to count his roster spot, but prevents Caussin from participating in practice until Week 6. it's no different than what happened with Willis McGahee in his rookie season with the Bills. and this is why Torell Troup was not PUP eligible, because he opened training camp un-PUPed and on the 90-player roster. jw and let me clarify: the wording of the first sentence in the Wikipedia entry is misleading in reference to "preseason." the other entries in regards to the active and reserve PUP lists are accurate. also: i don't believe McGee's setback is serious. and i do get a sense that he will make the 53-player roster once final cuts are made on Friday.
  21. woops, wrong-fingers charlie here accidently killed this post by mistake. ... sorry 'bout that. ... adding it back, though the timeline's now screwed up. sorry. for what it's worth. the Bills are maintaining their faith in Fitzpatrick because he has earned the trust of the coaching staff and the locker room. He is their unquestioned leader, who also has the best grasp of Gailey's offense. and that's something that Young showed he didn't have given the additional responsibilities presented to him in taking over in the second half on Saturday. obviously, this is a step back. Tarvaris will need time to get up to speed with the offense, so it's quite evident that the Bills are going with Fitzpatrick this season win or lose for the most part, early on. and, let me say this, too, Fitzpatrick understands what's at stake, and that it's up to him to prove himself. at he very least he is confident he can do that. jw
  22. the latest story on Bills QB shuffle, just moved on wire. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huff-wires/20120827/fbn-bills-tarvaris-jackson/ jw
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